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A hatch ( klep ) of the Russian AN-26-100 plane flying to Magadan opened right in the sky.
25 people were on board.
The pilots began landing right away.

A new name of Russian roulette - "Russian plane"?

video 0:43 minuut

Kadyrov ( Leider van Tsjetsjenië ) tries to calm his audience down about Western supplies of weapons and equipment to Ukraine. He says due to corruption only 15% of allocated money and equipment will actually reach Ukraine.

video 1:12 minuut Engels ondertiteld


luchtschip schreef op 9 januari 2023 13:59:

Kadyrov ( Leider van Tsjetsjenië ) tries to calm his audience down about Western supplies of weapons and equipment to Ukraine. He says due to corruption only 15% of allocated money and equipment will actually reach Ukraine.

video 1:12 minuut Engels ondertiteld

inmiddels ruim 110000 doden aan die kant. nee hoor ze hebben niks te vrezen.
Schrijnend verslag van de aantallen bij Wagner gemobiliseerde ex-gevangenen, waarvan slechts 15 tot 20 % het overleeft
PMC betekent huurlingen leger

"Survival rate for ex-convicts fighting in Wagner group is about 15-20%. Most who survive have been badly wounded.
Those who try to escape or surrender into captivity are shot"

video 2:17 minuut Engels ondertiteld

Russische vliegtuigen worden slechts onderhouden omdat door de sancties reserve onderdelen opraken
Zowel de burgerluchtvaart als de militaire

An An-2 plane with passengers fell in Nenets region, Russia. Two people dead by preliminary information.

Flying in Russia is really becoming a Russian roulette.


Een neergestort vliegtuig betekent niet alleen veel slachtoffers
Er is dan weer een vliegtuig minder beschikbaar en tevens 1 of 2 piloten minder
Ook kunnen piloten vrezen om met niet goed onderhouden toestellen te vliegen en misschien weigeren de lucht in te gaan
Het zal in Rusland alleen wel iets moeilijker zijn voor een piloot om te weigeren te vliegen

Russische passagiers zullen zich ook wel bedenken om te gaan vliegen

Een vliegtuig heeft toch wel ieder half jaar een onderhoud nodig
En de sancties duren al 10 maanden

Er zullen steeds meer berichten komen over vliegtuigongelukken in Rusland of het vliegverkeer zal steeds meer stilvallen

luchtschip schreef op 9 januari 2023 13:59:

Kadyrov ( Leider van Tsjetsjenië ) tries to calm his audience down about Western supplies of weapons and equipment to Ukraine. He says due to corruption only 15% of allocated money and equipment will actually reach Ukraine.

video 1:12 minuut Engels ondertiteld

Hij is niet anders gewend......!!!!
Sky News: UK is considering supplying Ukraine with tanks
9, 2023 5:32 pm

The British government is considering supplying Ukraine with Challenger 2 main battle tanks, Sky News reports.

According to Sky News, the discussion on the delivery of the British-made Challenger 2 battle tanks has been taking place for a “couple of weeks.” Britain might offer around 10 Challenger 2 tanks which will be “enough to equip a squadron,” Sky News writes, citing a source.

The provision of such tanks will not change the course of war significantly, but it would break the barrier and encourage other nations, in particular Germany, to follow suit, Sky News said. 

On Jan. 20, the Contact Group consisting of 50 nations, including the U.S. and the U.K., is due to have a meeting regarding the delivery of additional military support to Ukraine. The announcement may coincide with the gathering. 

Last week, French President Emmanuel Macron pledged to supply Ukraine with light tanks. This will be the first time a European country provided Ukraine with a Western-made fighting vehicle, the AMX-10 RC, and the Bastion armored personnel carrier.

A day later, Germany said it will provide Ukraine with 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles, according to Nils Schmid, a foreign policy spokesman for the Social Democratic Party.

"We are far from tired of supporting Ukraine," he said.

On the same day, the U.S. announced that it would provide its own Bradley-type IFVs to Ukraine.

Of all combat vehicle types that Ukraine needs, IFVs are near the top, experts told the Kyiv Independent in September.

Russia Fears Frozen River Could Hand Ukraine Major Opportunity—Report

krainian troops could take advantage of a sharp dip in the Dnieper River's water levels to cross the current front line at Zaporizhzhia and "start action anywhere" on this southern line of fighting, an official in the Russian-backed administration of the Ukrainian region has said.

Russia needs "to be prepared" for Kyiv's forces to advance if the surface of the river freezes, as it has done in the past and may likely do again in the coming days, Vladimir Rogov, the head of the pro-Moscow We Stand With Russia movement, said on Monday, according Kremlin-controlled news agency Tass.

Rogov told russian state TV that Kyiv's forces had engineered the drop in water levels through the closing of hydraulic locks at various points along the Dnieper River.

He pinpointed the Dnipro Hydroelectric Station in Zaporizhzhia, the Middle Hydroelectric Station to the north of Zaporizhzhia and the Kremenchuk Hydroelectric Power Plant, between the central cities of Dnipro and Cherkasy.
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The Zaporizhzhia front line has long been the target of intensive shelling, notably raising alarm bells when explosions have been reported at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Enerhodar, to the south of the city.

Russia occupies the power plant and the southern part of the Zaporizhzhia region while Ukrainian forces control the city of the same name and the northern area of the region.

Manipulating the water levels of the Dnieper River is not an idea unfamiliar to both sides. Major General Andriy Kovalchuk, who was tasked with leading the Ukrainian counteroffensive in Kherson in the fall, confirmed to The Washington Post that he contemplated flooding the river as Kyiv's forces retook the key Black Sea city.

In November 2022, Ukrainian troops reclaimed the city of Kherson and pushed back Russian forces to the east bank of the Dnieper River. But Moscow's retreat to the opposing bank provided the Kremlin's troops with a natural defensive barrier in the Dnieper.

Mike Martin, of the War Studies Department at King's College London, suggested on Twitter following the Russian retreat to the east bank that an attack from the Zaporizhzhia region would be a wiser move from the Ukrainian forces.

Russian lendlease .. This time they contributed a 2S5 Giatsint-S 152mm Self-propelled howitzer .. awesome bit of kit . thankyou.

Ooit was er een betekenisloos referendum over Ukraine
En masse werd tegen dat verdrag gestemd
Jan Roos was de grote initiator.

Maar nu het oorlog is heeft Rutte besloten dat Oekraine die moet winnen van Rusland.
Hij heeft nog net niet de oorlog verklaard aan Rusland naar veel scheelt het niet.

Hij zegt het niet hardop maar als historicus denk hij vast dat Nederland tijdens de Eerste wereldoorlog toen Nederland zich onafhankelijk verklaarde op de verkeerde weg was.
In a Ukraine Workshop, the Quest to Build the Perfect Grenade

The New York Times

A Ukrainian unit is tinkering with tape, a scale, a 3-D printer and other items to turn a fragmentation grenade into a tank-killer. It’s a steep and risky challenge.

SLOVIANSK, Ukraine — An array of mostly unremarkable items stretched across two wooden tables on the far side of a cramped workshop in eastern Ukraine: double-sided tape, gloves, Allen wrenches, a soldering iron, 3-D printed plastic, ball bearings, a digital scale. Next to them was a German DM51 fragmentation grenade.

They were all important ingredients for Ukrainian troops trying to piece together a puzzle: How do you create a grenade that weighs next to nothing but can be dropped from a drone and destroy a roughly 40-ton Russian tank?

“War is an economy. It’s money,” said Graf, a stout, bearded Ukrainian soldier in charge of his unit’s drone team. “And if you have a drone for $3,000 and a grenade for $200, and you destroy a tank that costs $3 million, it’s very interesting.”

Since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine nearly a year ago, technological advancements on the battlefield have mostly centered on both countries’ increased use of small, remotely operated drones and their growing importance in almost every aspect of the war — including reconnaissance, correcting artillery fire and so-called kamikaze attacks.

Now Graf and his team, who have become experts at killing Russian troops with munitions dropped from the air, are trying to raise the drones’ effectiveness to the next level: by using them to deliver what they consider the perfect grenade.

The challenge is building that grenade.


Lees verder:
Ukrainian military receives first ACSV armored vehicles

Canada reportedly had successfully delivered the first brand-new Armored Combat Support Vehicles (ACSV) to Ukraine.

Footages of the Canadian-made armored vehicles began emerging on social media on December 2022, and showed ACSV in Troop Cargo Vehicle (TCV) configuration.

The ACSV is a wheeled armored personnel carrier developed by General Dynamics Land Systems. It is based on the LAV 6.0 platform and will integrate with and support the existing LAV 6.0 platform, an improved version of the LAV III 8×8 armored vehicle with an inherent Double-V hull.

The ACSV is powered by a Caterpillar C9 engine developing 450 hp. coupled to a ZF transmission with 7 forward and 1 reverse speed. The vehicle can run at a maximum speed of 100 km/h with a maximum cruising range of 600 km.

Oekraïne verwacht dat gevechten na nepwapenstilstand nu snel verergeren

De door Rusland geopperde wapenstilstand, waar de Russen zich zelf niet aan hielden en die Oekraïne als "pure propaganda" bestempelde, is officieel ten einde gekomen. Bij een nieuw nachtelijk Russisch bombardement is zondag zeker één dode gevallen. De komende periode worden de gevechten volgens Oekraïne snel heviger.

Die verwachting sprak gouverneur Serhiy Haidai van de regio Luhansk zondag uit. Hij wees daarbij op de weersvoorspelling: de komende nachten vriest het 15 tot 17 graden in Oekraïne.

Daardoor vallen er naar verwachting meer doden. Allereerst doordat de Russen de energievoorzieningen in Oekraïne structureel kapotschieten. Veel Oekraïners beschikken daardoor lang niet altijd over gas om hun huis te verwarmen.

Maar Haidai verwacht dat vooral meer soldaten de dood vinden. Door de sterke vriestemperaturen verandert drassige grond in een harde ondergrond. Daardoor kunnen beide partijen makkelijker zwaarder militair materieel inzetten, met bloedigere gevechten tot gevolg.

In Luhansk hebben de Russen volgens Haidai nieuwe bataljons met zwaar militair materieel ingezet. Toch is het Oekraïense leger erin geslaagd de Russen tot een kleine terugtrekking te dwingen, zegt de gouverneur. Externe partijen zoals persbureau Reuters hebben die bewering niet kunnen bevestigen.

Mayor: Russian ammunition warehouse destroyed in occupied Melitopol

On the night of Jan. 8, a Russian ammunition warehouse was destroyed in Melitopol, the city Mayor Ivan Fedorov told Ukrinform. 

The warehouse was located in the city center on the territory of the state enterprise “Hydromash.”

According to him, it took two attempts to completely destroy the warehouse. 

As a result of the fire, locals have been banned from moving between Melitopol and other occupied cities, Fedorov added.

Pakistan set to dispatch 159 containers of ammunition to Ukraine

Pakistan is planning to dispatch 159 containers of ammunition including projectiles and primers to Ukraine via a port in Poland this month, according to people aware of the matter.

A Pakistani shipping and brokerage firm, Project Shipping, is planning to ship 159 containers of ammunition meant for Ukraine from the Karachi Port to Gdansk Port in Poland in the second half of January, said the people.

A vessel named BBC Vesuvius will carry 155 mm projectiles, M4A2 propelling bag charges, M82 primers and PDM fuses, said the people. Earlier, Pakistan played a critical role in transfer of arms on behalf of the UK to Ukraine.

Defence firms located in some eastern European states bordering Ukraine have also emerged as a gateway for transferring Pakistan-manufactured military equipment, ET had earlier reported.

In return, Pakistan may receive Ukrainian assistance to upgrade its Mi-17 helicopters. A Ukrainian firm engaged in manufacturing aircraft engines as well as industrial marine gas turbines is reportedly assisting in upgradation of Pakistan helicopters, according to people familiar with the matter, ET had earlier reported.

Islamabad-based arms supplier DMI Associates is working in collaboration with defence firms in eastern Europe for transferring orders placed by the Ukrainian military.

Ukraine and Pakistan share close military and industrial ties. Pakistan had purchased more than 320 Ukrainian T-80UD tanks in service with a fully formed ecosystem for their upkeep, use, ammunition and spare parts.

Between 1991 and 2020, Ukraine concluded arms contracts worth nearly $1.6 billion with Pakistan. Islamabad has reportedly clinched a deal with Kyiv for the repair of its T-80UD fleet at a cost of $85.6 million.


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