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De hele groupiewereld heeft nooit bestaan: allemaal fake.
De Gooise matras: allemaal borrelpraat.
Nog nooit is een vrouw/man vrijwillig met een regisseur in bed gestapt, teneinde een rol te krijgen.
Allemaal fake: al die artiesten, regisseurs, voetballers, kunstenaars en wat dies meer zij kletsten maar wat: lekker opscheppen tegen hun collega's.

Sterker nog: over 50 jaar krijgen vrouwen geen kinderen meer, want dáárvoor zijn ze niet geboren.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 4 oktober 2018 08:46:

Chiddix, het is wel duidelijk dat jij nog nooit zwijggeld gekregen hebt....!!!

Klopt. Ik was wel getuige dat mijn maat een jonge vrouw de bosjes induwde en......Dat was in de jaren zestig. Zo gek heeft Trump het niet gemaakt.
Al Kipone
Al Kipone
These liberal women are angry, engaged and ready to vote

Midlothian, Virginia (CNN)There is a lesbian lawyer, a dentist from Pakistan and a white Christian married to a Muslim. There are first-time Democrats in designer blouses and grandmothers in hand-knit blue wave hats (pussy ears are so 2017) and a soccer mom in chemotherapy at the helm.

Together, this improvised persisterhood is known as The Liberal Women of Chesterfield County and Beyond.

From knitting "blue wave" hats to writing campaign postcards, the Liberal Women of Chesterfield County are out to influence their neighbors.
They are another sign of this year of the political woman, when record numbers of female candidates are standing for election. They are a sign of the need to be heard and to achieve results for women on the left, who took to the streets in protest after Donald Trump's inauguration.
Their anger is being stoked by the rancorous Supreme Court nomination hearings of Judge Brett Kavanaugh as accusations from decades ago mount against him.
But instead of the feelings of helplessness and confusion that reigned two years ago after Trump beat Hillary Clinton, they know now what to do.

Al Kipone

Michael Lewis’s new book is a love letter to federal workers -- and a dig at Trump’s ‘willful ignorance’

As required by law, every outgoing administration helps the new crew prepare to take over the countless departments, agencies and functions of government. So Obama officials spent much of 2016 preparing detailed briefing books and presentations for their successors, whomever they would turn out to be. After the election, they were ready for members of the Trump transition operation to come by.

But Trump hadn’t cared to spend much time or money on preparing to serve as president. As a candidate, he was irate when he learned that his transition planners were raising funds to pay for staff, according to Lewis. “You’re stealing my money! You’re stealing my f---ing money!” Trump screamed. (He considered any money donated to the campaign or transition to be, in effect, his own, Lewis writes.) Moreover, he didn’t seem to think such planning was even necessary. “You and I are so smart we can leave the victory party two hours early and do the transition ourselves,” he told former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, who was in charge of the nominal transition effort. Maybe Christie should have taken that offer, because he was fired shortly after the election.

So what about all that work by Obama officials hoping to brief the Trump team? “We had tried desperately to prepare them,” a former top official in the Energy Department told Lewis. “But that required them to show up. And bring qualified people. But they didn’t.”


Laura Ingraham: War on Kavanaugh might prove to be a gift for Republicans

As ugly and vicious as the war on Brett Kavanaugh has been, it might actually prove to be a gift for Republicans, as fair-minded Americans grow weary - and angry - over Democrats' perpetual intimidation tactics and stalling game.

People are beginning to see the smear campaign for what it is. As a result, the GOP is more energized than it has been since right after the 2016 election. Conservative voters want Republicans to stick together on Capitol Hill, not back down in the face of a leftist mob, and they want them to fight for what's right, which is what the president did this week in Mississippi with a mock colloquy with Kavanaugh accuser Christine Ford.

"How did you get home?" Trump said. "I don't remember. How did you get there? I don't remember. Where is the place? I don't remember. How many years ago was it? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know!

What neighborhood was it? I don't know. Where is the house? I don't know. Upstairs, downstairs, where was it? I don't know, but I had one beer. That's the only thing I remember."

Trump was simply calling into question the credibility of a person whose uncorroborated, 36-year-old charges threatened to ruin the life of a respected husband, father and federal judge. Of course, he nailed it, but then the left came slashing back.

"The president went to a new low yesterday even for him in mocking Dr. Ford," said Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Haw."

I can't think of anything more -- inappropriate is not -- it doesn't -- it's not descriptive enough," added Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif. It's mean. It's mean."

"Not only a slap in the face to Dr. Ford, but to all survivors and women in general," said New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.

Actually, President Trump was making a series of common-sense conclusions about Ford's very shaky claims and shifting accounts that were based on an uncorroborated memory. Remember, last week, he said she came off as quite credible.

But after the report by former sex crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell, who Republicans brought in to question Ford, came out, we began to weigh what Ford said initially against what she said before the committee. And it was a whole different story. President Trump is speaking straight to the American people and he's reflecting their feelings, their frustrations about this whole thing.

After two bruising and very nasty weeks, I actually see some good emerging. The Kavanaugh battle has pulled the curtain back on just how unprincipled and radical the Democrats have become.

A midterm that was once all about Mueller's Russia probe has now become a referendum on the politics of personal destruction, on due process, and on the presumption on innocence. Amid the battle, President Trump's fighting spirit has become contagious. Key Republicans are stepping up.

"It's time to put this embarrassing spectacle behind us," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said. "The American people are sick of the display that's been put on here in the United States Senate."

"Whether you are a Trump Republican, a Bush Republican, a McCain Republican, a libertarian or a vegetarian, you are pissed," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., added. "I've never seen the Republican Party so unified as I do right now."

The realization that even a moderate Bush Republican like Brett Kavanaugh can be treated this way has awakened the Republican base, and not a moment too soon. Those fair-minded voters, people who are not obsessed with politics every day, but have a pretty good barometer on what's right and wrong, are thinking, "If the Democrats can poison the confirmation of a qualified judge with a clean record, an exemplary judicial record like a Kavanaugh's?"

Brett Kavanaugh is not just someone I've known for 28 years, he's someone that I know deserves a seat on the Supreme Court. I can't think of many people who deserve it more, as a matter of fact. But no matter what happens next, the Democrats have revealed themselves and their slimeball tactics to the American people.

In the upcoming midterms, millions of Americans will have a stark choice. Do they want to greenlight more of the Democrat's shameless scorched-earth politics of resistance, or do they want to vote for candidates who stand for results and something better?

Like decency and due process.


Wat is FOX toch een verademing vergeleken met die pulp zenders CNN en MSNBC en die rioolblaadjes WAPO en NYT.

wat een verademing, die die-hard trump fans.
alles wat FOX publiceert is tenslotte waarheidsgetrouw en van hoge kwaliteit.
America first en vooral trump first en hoe die rijkdom van trump tot stand kwam maakt natuurlijk niet uit want hoe rijker hoe machtiger en hoe meer status, dat is het enige wat telt daar aan de overkant.
Potus-petje af voor trump en zijn entourage en voor alles en iedereen die hij benoemt....ook al worden die soms ook in no-time weer ontslagen
want trump weet alles beter en neemt alleen maar de goede
beslissingen, wat een verademing voor de US.
Bij sommige democraten begint het kwartje te vallen:

Beto O'Rourke: 'Don't think we're interested' in an Obama endorsement


henk38 schreef op 5 oktober 2018 08:41:

En overal waar hij komt staan er duizenden mensen voor hem in in de rij.
Bij Hitler stonden er nog veel meer mensen in de rij en bij Justin Bieber nog meer.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 5 oktober 2018 08:52:

Bij Hitler stonden er nog veel meer mensen in de rij.
Ja Hitler was populair bij links!!

henk38 schreef op 5 oktober 2018 08:56:


Ja Hitler was populair bij links!!
Komt vreemd over, dat de partij van Hitler heette de NSDAP, een nationalische socialistische partij voor de arbeiders. Nu bestond er daarnaast nog een socialistische partij maar die werd uit de weg geruimd. Net als 21 andere partijen waaronder de communisten. De democratie kreeg de doodsteek onder Hitler.

Chiddix schreef op 5 oktober 2018 11:31:

[...]Komt vreemd over, dat de partij van Hitler heette de NSDAP, een nationalische socialistische partij voor de arbeiders. Nu bestond er daarnaast nog een socialistische partij maar die werd uit de weg geruimd. Net als 21 andere partijen waaronder de communisten. De democratie kreeg de doodsteek onder Hitler.
Hitler en Trump hebben 2 dingen gemeen: ze hadden 'het gewone volk' nodig om aan de macht te komen en ze behoren (samen met Poetin) tot de 3 grootste leugenaars aller tijden.

josti5 schreef op 4 oktober 2018 09:17:

De hele groupiewereld heeft nooit bestaan: allemaal fake.
De Gooise matras: allemaal borrelpraat.
Nog nooit is een vrouw/man vrijwillig met een regisseur in bed gestapt, teneinde een rol te krijgen.
Allemaal fake: al die artiesten, regisseurs, voetballers, kunstenaars en wat dies meer zij kletsten maar wat: lekker opscheppen tegen hun collega's.

Sterker nog: over 50 jaar krijgen vrouwen geen kinderen meer, want dáárvoor zijn ze niet geboren.

Gelukkig bepalen nu de vrouwen zelf hoe ze in het leven willen staan.
Wil jij blijkbaar niet aan wennen.
Ik weet niet of "groupies" de juiste benaming is voor de females die met Harvey Weinstein te maken hadden..

asti schreef op 5 oktober 2018 12:16:

Ik weet niet of "groupies" de juiste benaming is voor de females die met Harvey Weinstein te maken hadden..
Jobhopper mischien?

asti schreef op 5 oktober 2018 12:05:


"President Trump Says Saudi King Wouldn't Survive 'Two Weeks' Without U.S. Backing"
Ik denk niet dat Trump nog dure cadeautjes krijgt van deze koning......
Al Kipone

enwatnu schreef op 4 oktober 2018 22:27:

Laura Ingraham: War on Kavanaugh might prove to be a gift for Republicans


Like decency and due process.


Wat is FOX toch een verademing vergeleken met die pulp zenders CNN en MSNBC en die rioolblaadjes WAPO en NYT.

Laura Ingraham heeft het over 'decency'?

Al Kipone

enwatnu schreef op 5 oktober 2018 08:49:

Bij sommige democraten begint het kwartje te vallen:

Beto O'Rourke: 'Don't think we're interested' in an Obama endorsement

Zo gezegd lijtk eht net alsof dBeto iets tegen Obama heeft.


O’Rourke: “I don’t think we’re interested. I am so grateful to him for his service, he’s going to go down as one of the greatest presidents. And yet, this is on Texas.”

O’Rourke cited his successful 2012 campaign to unseat former U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes, in which Reyes received endorsements from Obama and former president Bill Clinton. O’Rourke noted that those endorsements didn’t work. He added, “Bill Clinton fills up the county coliseum and a screaming El Paso Times front page headline (said), 'President urges El Paso to stick with Reyes.' And we won. And what that drove home for me is that someone else’s popularity is not transferable to a given candidate.”

Ondertussen leidt O'Rourke in de polls. Een democraat. In Texas......
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