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Al Kipone schreef op 4 december 2019 15:29:

Gisteravond, MSNBC

Rep Swalwell asked by Brian Williams if Rep Devin Nunes should recuse himself as Top R on Intel Cmte: "He's so insignificant I don't think it's worth talking about."

:-) :-)
Al Kipone
trump zou vandaag een persconferentie houden, maar ziet daar bij nader inzien van af

:-) :-)

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 4 december 2019 15:20:

Henk38 komt uit Den Haag, dus het lijkt me sterk dat hij in Amsterdam woont.

Een Hagenees wil nog niet dood gevonden worden in Amsterdam.
En dat willen ze in Amsterdam al helemaal niet !! We zijn verdorie geen dependance van Duindorp :)

Devin Nunes zegt dat hij CNN gaat aanklagen wegens laster en eist $ 435 miljoen smartengeld.

Devin Nunes is ranking member en leider van de Republikeinse leden in het House Intelligence Committee
Tijdens de hoorzittingen vorige week werd een artikel van CNN aan de bewijsstukken toegevoegd.
In dit artikel schrijft CNN dat Devin Nunes telefonisch contact had met Lev Parnas, in de periode dat de oerainse president onder druk werd gezet.
Dit zou Devin Nunes als medeplichtige bestempelen.

Nunes neemt het. CNN kwalijk dat het informatie van Lev Parnas vertrouwt. Lev Parnas wordt namelijk aangeklaagd in een rechtszaak.
Nunes zegt dat de info over telefonische contacten met Parnas niet waar is.

Vervolgens vraagt Sean Hannity (Fox News) : did you ever talk to this guy Lev Parnas?
Nunes antwoordt : You know it is possible but I haven't gone through all my phone records. I don't recall that name.


In de aanklacht van impeachment staan vermeldingen van telefoon gesprekken tussen Devin Nunes en Lev Parnas
12 4 2019 3 gesprekken tussen Lev Parnas en Devin Nunes volgens opgaaf telefoon mij AT&T

Het zal wel bluf zijn voor de Fox kijkers, maar zo'n rechtszaak heeft geen kans van slagen.

MAGA Devin Nunes zit in de problemen

Al Kipone
61 not-very-positive things foreign leaders have said about Donald Trump
July 19, 2016 at 6:13 p.m. EDT

Generally, foreign leaders don't criticize other nation's electoral candidates. The logic is simple: This person might win and you don't want your witty insult from a year prior hanging over you if you have to work together. This tradition hasn't continued with Donald Trump. A range of foreign leaders past and present have publicly expressed doubts about Trump and his proposals; others have spoken off the record to more candidly explain their angst at the thought of a President Donald Trump.

Al Kipone
"Mr Trump is so stupid, my God!" Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo.
“Divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong.” Former British prime minister David Cameron on Trump's proposed Muslim travel ban.
“He changes opinions like the rest of us change underwear." Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen.
“His discourse is so dumb, so basic." Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa.
“That’s the way Mussolini arrived and the way Hitler arrived.” Mexican President Enrique Peña on Trump's rhetoric.
"Trump is an irrational type." Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei.
"Yes [the election of Donald Trump would be dangerous]. [It] would complicate relations between Europe and the United States." French President Francois Hollande.
"You [Trump] are a disgrace not only to the GOP but to all America. Withdraw from the U.S. presidential race as you will never win." Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Alsaud.
"I can only hope that the election campaign in the USA does not lack the perception of reality." Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Trump's use of the "America first" slogan.
“Mr. Trump’s statement only serves to show not only his insensitivity, but also his ignorance about Pakistan.” Pakistani Interior Minister Chaudry Nisar Ali Khan after Trump demanded the release of a doctor who helped the CIA hunt down Osama bin Laden in 2011.
“For the life of me, I cannot believe that a country like the United States can afford to have someone as president who simply says, ‘These people are not going to be allowed to come to the United States.' " Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former ambassador to the U.S., on Trump's proposed Muslim ban.
“Let's be clear, Donald Trump is an idiot. I have tried to find different, perhaps more parliamentary adjectives to describe him but none was clear enough. He is an idiot." Gavin Newlands, a British MP with the Scottish National Party.
“Scary. That’s how we view Trump [...] Could we depend on the United States? We don’t know. I can’t tell you how the unpredictability we are seeing scares us.” An unnamed ambassador whose country has a close relationship with Washington.
“If he becomes president it would be a catastrophe. He’s an avowed admirer of Vladimir Putin and it would be a disaster for international politics if Trump gets anywhere near the nuclear button." Søren Espersen, a foreign affairs spokesperson for the far right Danish People's Party.
“When an apple’s red, it is red. When you say ignorant things, you’re ignorant." Mexico’s top diplomat, Foreign Affairs Secretary Claudia Ruiz Massieu.
"I consider Donald Trump a man who invests a lot in a policy of fear." Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
"I think the Donald Trump phenomenon is a real problem for the United States, making their democracy look kind of weird." Christopher Pyne, minister for industry, innovation and science in the Australian government.
"Whether Donald Trump, Marine le Pen or Geert Wilders — all these right-wing populists are not only a threat to peace and social cohesion, but also to economic development." Germany's Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel.
"Seriously, have you ever heard me say something like that?" French far right politician Marine Le Pen on Trump's proposal to ban foreign Muslims from entry to the United States.
“Given his positions, do we even want to have anything to do with this guy?” An unnamed European ambassador.
“If he becomes president, it will be a disaster.” Former Danish foreign minister Martin Lidegaard.
"[Trump has] no regard for alliances at all." Former Australian ambassador to the U.S. Kim Beazley.
"You listen to him at the debates and what he says is unsettling — he is promising to change things from one day to the next. A lot of us thought he couldn’t possibly be the nominee [...] The uncertainty is very, very scary.” An unnamed European ambassador.
"Donald Trump's ignorant view of Islam could make both our countries less safe: It risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of the extremists." London Mayor Sadiq Khan.
"Donald Trump's remarks are totally absurd and illogical." Ri Jong Ryul, deputy-director general of the Institute of International Studies in North Korea, after Trump suggested that Japan and South Korea arm themselves with nuclear weapons.
"He is very good at making speeches, but as a politician and a world leader? No, I don’t think that’s a very good idea.” Jimmie Akesson, leader of the far right Sweden Democrats.
“Some of the claims made during the campaign have been empty or just wrong." Peter Westmacott, former British ambassador to the United States.
“A person who thinks only about building walls — wherever they may be — and not building bridges, is not Christian." Pope Francis.
“The orange prince of American self-publicity.” Marcus Fysh, British MP with the Conservative Party.
“If Trump beats Hillary, that means that the scenario of the clash of civilizations created by Samuel will come to light at the hands of the candidate and [Islamic State leader] al-Baghdadi.” Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan bin Tamim, head of general security for the Emirate of Dubai.
Al Kipone
"So Donald Trump … is ambitious but not exactly a very well-informed man, I don't want to say ignorant, but he is not very well informed." Former Mexican president Felipe Calderon
"The comments made are unacceptable.” Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny on Trump's Muslim travel ban.
"If he met one or two of my constituents in one of the many excellent pubs in my constituency, they may well tell him he is a wazzock." Victoria Atkins, British MP with the Conservative Party.
“In the past when candidates said extreme things, there always has been some seasoned, experienced adviser you could talk to, or who would speak out to soften what was said. This is not the case with Trump.” Unnamed ambassador from South America.
"The person you are dealing with may be a successful businessman, but he's also a buffoon." Gavin Robinson, a British MP from Northern Ireland who represents the Democratic Unionist Party.
“Trump’s remarks do not show a sense of introspection on what their results would bring about; he does not know the gravity of what he says.” South Korea's vice foreign minister Choi Young-jin.
"[A Trump presidency would be] a disaster for E.U.-U.S. ties." An unnamed senior E.U. official.
"If Donald Trump was to end up as president of the United States, I think we better head for the bunkers." Carl Bildt, former foreign minister of Sweden.
“[The anti-Islam rhetoric of] Donald Trump and others in Europe are really the shame of our civilization.” Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama.
“A successful politician would not make such statement, as there are millions of Muslims living in the U.S.” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Trump's proposed ban on Muslim arrivals.
“The opportunism, unreliability and amorality that we have seen during the [Trump] campaign would be damaging for the world in general and hurt Europe in particular." Ana Palacio, former Spanish foreign minister.
"Trump, like others, stokes hatred and conflations." Manuel Valls, prime minister of France, on the proposed Muslim travel ban.
"This nation [the U.S.] is going to fail if it goes into the hands of a crazy guy." Former Mexican president Vicente Fox.
“We had such appreciation for your system when Barack Hussein Obama was elected [...] Hussein was his middle name. Hussein! He was black. We so admired that America could do something like that. Now you have a candidates who doesn’t want Muslims.” An unnamed ambassador from the Middle East.
"Vulture." Gerard Araud, French ambassador to the U.S., in response to a Donald Trump tweet about gun control in France (Araud later deleted this tweet).
“Trump solutions for me are false solutions, but they’re not original. They’re things that we have heard in Europe from extremist sections,” Sandro Gozi, undersecretary for European affairs in the Italian government.
"It's not a man I would vote for, I can tell you that [...] I hope that the American people, and I think they will, choose someone else who is better equipped for this task." Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist.
"Prime Minister Netanyahu rejects Donald Trump’s recent remarks about Muslims." A statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after Trump's proposed Muslim travel ban.
“Saying the U.S. will no longer engage in anything that is a burden in terms of its relationships with allies, it would be almost like abandoning those alliances [...] It will inevitably give rise to anti-American sentiment worldwide.” Former South Korean vice foreign minister Kim Sung-han.
“A lot of what Donald Trump says makes for a more unstable world." Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg.
"I think Donald Trump's views are just barking mad on some issues." Australian opposition leader Bill Shorten.
"Trump's statements are shocking and disgusting." Isaac Herzog, Israeli opposition leader, on Trump's proposed Muslim travel ban.
"The only reason I wouldn't visit some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump." Former London mayor and British Foreign Minister MP Boris Johnson.
"We see it as the dramatics of a popular actor." North Korea's ambassador to Britain, Hyon Hak Bong, on Trump's offer to open nuclear talks with Pyongyang.
Trump reflects "the ultraconservative, racist, and war-like thinking that is incubated in the roots of the empire." Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega.
“A lot of people in Mexico and Latin America are worried about this. It’s not just the substance of what Trump says, but it’s the style. It’s a familiar and worrisome style to us." Former Mexican foreign minister Jorge Castaneda.
“He has a backwards world view. ... In sum, not just for Brazil but for the whole world – the election of Trump would be a disaster.” Former president of Brazil Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
“He would make an important contribution to anti-American sentiment around the world.” Unnamed Latin American diplomat.
“He is not predictable and this unpredictability is a danger. And therefore it is not in the common interest, nor in the interest of the west, that we have President Donald Trump.” Elmar Brok, German MEP and chair of the European parliament’s foreign affairs committee.
“The rhetoric adopted by US presidential candidate Donald Trump vis-a-vis Islam and Muslims is unacceptable and greatly offensive." Former Egyptian foreign minister Nabil Fahmy.
"The fact is, Cape Breton is lovely all times of the year and if people do want to make choices that perhaps suit their lifestyles better, Canada is always welcoming and opening." Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when asked a question about the potential that Americans could leave the country if Trump is elected.

Devin Nunes' telefoongesprekken

Fox "legal analyst" zegt dat Devin Nunes mogelijk niet met Rudy Giuliani, het Witte Huis en Lev Parnas heeft gesproken. Misschien heeft iemand anders wel zijn telefoon gebruikt. We weten het niet.

Al Kipone
Trudeau’s closing news conference at NATO summit has started. Trump has cancelled his newser after calling Trudeau “two-faced” for the candid mocking comments caught on camera. Trump says Trudeau wasn’t happy he “called out” Trudeau on low defence spending.

(Toronto Star reporter)

Al Kipone
we moeten waarschijnlijk wachten tot trump veilig in zijn vliegtuig zit voor meer vileine tweets :-)

Al Kipone schreef op 4 december 2019 16:05:

Trudeau’s closing news conference at NATO summit has started. Trump has cancelled his newser after calling Trudeau “two-faced” for the candid mocking comments caught on camera. Trump says Trudeau wasn’t happy he “called out” Trudeau on low defence spending.

(Toronto Star reporter)

Ik denk dat Trump Canada de oorlog gaat verklaren..........

Dat zal ze leren........

Al Kipone schreef op 4 december 2019 16:06:

we moeten waarschijnlijk wachten tot trump veilig in zijn vliegtuig zit voor meer vileine tweets :-)
Gelukkig is de impeachment hearing gestart.
Live onder andere op CNN

Kijken of het orderlijk gaat of dat de GOP het lukt de orde te verstoren

Minister van Justitie AG William Barr :

Mensen moeten meer steun geven en respect tonen voor wetsdienaren.
Wanneer gemeenschappen die steun en respect niet geven, dan kan het gebeuren dat zij de politiebescherming, die zij nodig hebben, niet krijgen.

Al Kipone
en nu is het geloof ik officieel:

the Dept of Agriculture has finalized a process whereby 755,000 Americans will be removed from the federal food stamp program. Secretary Purdue says it's an effort towards "self sufficiency," and is the first step of many to cut food assistance.

Merry Christmas!
Al Kipone
en daarenboven:

in addition to today's measure, the WH hopes to end food stamp access for families of four making $50K and homes with more than $2,250 in assets.
Result: 3 million people off food stamps + nearly 1 million children lose automatic eligibility for free/reduced-price school meals.

50k per jaar, een eigen huis hebben en 2.250 op een spaarrekening en dan ook nog voedselbonnen krijgen ?
Hier mag je naar de voedselbank als je max 14K per jaar hebt, geen eigen huis en zeker geen 2.250 op de bank hebt.
Al Kipone
De GOP mocht ook een professor uitnodigen voor vandaag. Ze kozen ene Turley.

En professor Turley merkt op:

"The problem is that the House has not bothered to
subpoena the key witnesses who would have such direct knowledge."

in zijn opening statement.

ok then

(men heeft de heer Turley verder geen vragen gesteld, geloof ik :-_ )
Zeventigste NAVO-verjaardag begint met verbaal geknetter

Terwijl Trump de NAVO verdedigde en Macron uit de tent probeerde te lokken, namen beide leiders gezamenlijk stelling tegen hun Turkse collega Erdogan.

Michel Kerres

De opmaat naar een tweedaagse NAVO-bijeenkomst van regeringsleiders in Londen was geprikkeld. De Turkse president Erdogan zei nog voor vertrek naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk dat hij een plan voor de verdediging van de Baltische staten tegen Rusland zou blokkeren.
President Trump noemde de Franse president Macron tijdens zijn eerste persconferentie in Londen „oneerbiedig”. Macron, op zijn beurt, zei dat hij blijft bij zijn diagnose dat de NAVO hersendood is.

De leiders van de alliantie zijn bijeen om de zeventigste verjaardag van het bondgenootschap te vieren, maar ook om frustraties te uiten en om over de toekomst te praten.
De verbale schermutselingen voorspelden een lastige bijeenkomst, waarin de hoofdrollen in eerste instantie vertolkt werden door de presidenten Trump, Macron en Erdogan.

Trump veranderde daarbij van positie. Was hij oorspronkelijk de grootste criticus van de NAVO, nu verdedigde hij het bondgenootschap tegen Franse kritiek en was op een aantal punten ronduit venijnig jegens Macron. Desondanks namen beiden stelling tegen Erdogan.

Met de provocatie van Macron dat het verbond „hersendood” is werd een discussie over de toekomst van het bondgenootschap op de bijeenkomst in Londen onontkoombaar.
Trump noemde die opmerking „nasty” en haalde meteen even uit: „Niemand heeft de NAVO harder nodig dan Frankrijk.”

De relatie tussen Parijs en Washington werd ook belast doordat de VS maandag dreigden een importtarief van 100 procent te hanteren voor Franse producten waaronder champagne, nadat formeel was vastgesteld dat een Franse digitale belasting leidt tot oneerlijke behandeling van Amerikaanse techbedrijven.

‘Turkije krijgt zijn zin niet ’

Erdogan en de rest van de NAVO-landen hebben al jaren een verschil van mening over de Koerdische militie YPG. Ankara ziet de groepering als terroristische organisatie, de VS en andere landen zien in de YPG een waardevolle bondgenoot in de strijd tegen IS in Syrië.
Erdogan eist dat de NAVO-landen de YPG tot terreurgroep bestempelen. Zo niet dan wil hij plannen voor de verdediging van Polen en de Baltische staten blokkeren. De Amerikaanse minister van Defensie Mark Esper zei voor de top al dat de VS niet van plan waren Turkije zijn zin te geven.

Trump, die zelf in het verleden voor spanningen in de NAVO zorgde door het verbond „achterhaald” te noemen en Europese landen de maat te nemen, verdedigde het bondgenootschap. Trump zei dat de NAVO een belangrijk doel diende en dat Macron’s opmerking een belediging was voor de overige lidstaten. „Het is een zeer, zeer gemene opmerking.
Ik denk dat ze een hoge werkloosheid hebben in Frankrijk. Frankrijk doet het economisch helemaal niet goed.” Ook zei Trump over Macron: „Ik kijk naar hem en ik zeg dat hij meer bescherming nodig heeft dan wie ook, en ik zie hem weg bewegen.”

‘Wil je een paar IS-strijders?’
Opvallend was ook de woordenwisseling tussen Macron en Trump over IS-strijders. De VS willen dat de Europeanen hun strijders terughalen.
Frankrijk doet dat mondjesmaat. ,,Wil je een paar fijne IS-strijders van me”, zei Trump uitdagend tegen Macron. Maar hij zei tegelijk dat de twee landen óók als partners hadden samengewerkt.

Beide kemphanen richten hun aandacht op de Turkse president. Trump zei dat de VS sancties tegen Turkije in overweging nemen om Erdogan te straffen voor de aanschaf van een Russisch antiraketsysteem. Macron zei dat je geen lid van de NAVO kunt zijn als je een Russisch wapensysteem koopt.

De lage defensie-uitgaven in Europa die Trump al jaren hekelt, zullen ook deze bijeenkomst een rol spelen. Trump kondigde aan woensdag met kanselier Merkel over de lage Duitse uitgaven te spreken.
Op de vraag of hij bereid was landen te verdedigen die niet voldoen aan de NAVO-uitgavennorm zei Trump: „Dat is een interessante vraag, nietwaar?”

De bijeenkomst in Londen is geen formele topconferentie maar een bescheiden ‘Leaders’ Meeting’. Die bestaat uit een reeks bilaterale ontmoetingen, een receptie op Buckingham Palace op dinsdagavond en een korte vergadering woensdagochtend.
Al Kipone
Chairman Nadler: "I note that this is the moment in which the White House would have had an opportunity to question the witnesses, but they declined their invitation."

Al Kipone

REP. BOB GOODLATTE (R-VA): Professor Turley, the constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It's about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president's unilateral modification of act of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?

JONATHAN TURLEY: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he's not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He's becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power in every single branch.

This Newtonian orbit that the three branches exist in is a delicate one but it is designed to prevent this type of concentration. There is two trends going on which should be of equal concern to all members of Congress. One is that we have had the radical expansion of presidential powers under both President Bush and President Obama. We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend we also have the continued rise of this fourth branch. We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.

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