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Chinese Banks Back $10 Billion Bid to Build Solar in Europe

By Ehren Goossens - Jun 17, 2011 12:12 AM GMT+0200

Two Chinese banks are providing as much as $10 billion in funding to a group of three Chinese makers of solar equipment to build sun-powered energy projects in Europe.

China Merchants Bank Co. and the state-owned China Development Bank Corp. are backing the efforts of Goldpoly New Energy Holdings Ltd., TBEA SunOasis Co. and China Technology Development Group Corp. (CTDC) to expand in Europe, CTDC said in a statement.

The solar companies say their goals align with the Chinese government’s policies on promoting renewable energy, and that the German government’s plans to abandon nuclear power by 2022 will drive up demand for solar energy in the region.

“We feel confident that we will be leading the next golden decade of solar energy development,” Tim Yiu, executive director and general manager of the solar energy business of Goldpoly, a solar cell maker based in Jinjiang in China’s Fujian Province, said in the statement.

The three companies plan to use modules produced with their own components, including polysilicon, wafers, cells and inverters, according to the statement. They expect to initially develop small projects and then move on to larger ones.

“Our PV investment consortium has strong financial support from China Development Bank and China Merchants Bank,” said Jianxin Zhang, chief executive officer of TBEA SunOasis, based in Urumqi. “Given their backing of $10 billion credit facilities, we will be able to grow steadily and advance our investment and construction of solar plants in Europe.”

State Support

An exact timeline and breakdown of the financing wasn’t disclosed. Lending by China Development Bank for clean energy projects exceeded $35.5 billion last year, according to a February report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

China Development Bank has loaned to other Chinese solar power equipment makers, including more than $26 billion to LDK Solar Co., Trina Solar Ltd. (TSL), Yingli Green Energy Holding Co., Suntech Power Holdings Co. and JA Solar Holdings Co., according to data compiled by the London-based researcher.

The three solar makers said this is the first time three listed Chinese companies have formed such a group, and the funding will provide a new avenue to sell their own products.

Other solar companies have purchased development companies to ensure demand for their products. SunPower Corp. (SPWRA), a U.S. maker of solar panels, bought Malta-based SunRay Renewable Energy in February 2010 to increase its sales in Europe. LDK Solar bought in January a 70 percent stake in Solar Power Inc.

To contact the reporter on this story: Ehren Goossens in New York at egoossens1@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Reed Landberg at landberg@bloomberg.net

In aanvulling hierop:

Solar-Panel Raw Material Drops to Six-Year Low, Helping Trina

By Alex Morales and Marc Roca - Jun 17, 2011 1:14 PM GMT+0200

Polysilicon, the main raw material in solar panels, has plunged more than 33 percent in the spot market during the second quarter, lowering production costs in the $35 billion global market for the photovoltaic devices.

Prices for immediate delivery fell to an average $50 to $53 a kilogram as demand dropped after European nations slashed clean-power subsidies, said Rupesh Madlani, a renewable energy analyst at Barclays Capital in London. The bottom of that range is the lowest in more than six years, and a drop from $78.90 in March, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance data.

“People are getting rid of stock that’s been on the floor, in some cases actually below cost,” Andrew Lee, head of international sales at Sharp Corp.’s European solar division, said in an interview from Wrexham, Wales.

Cheaper prices for silicon crystals that turn sunlight into electricity may benefit Chinese panel-makers JinkoSolar Holding Co. and Trina Solar Ltd. (TSL) because they buy mostly on the spot market and the material makes up more of their costs than at European and U.S. rivals, Jefferies Group Inc. analysts said.

Unlike its competitors, First Solar Inc. (FSLR) of Tempe, Arizona, the world’s largest maker of thin-film solar panels, shouldn’t benefit from the drop because it uses cadmium telluride as raw material instead. First Solar may feel margin pressure, according to Min Xu, a Jefferies analyst.

Cuts to subsidized power rates in Italy and Germany doomed many solar projects in those nations, provoking developers to cancel panel orders. That crimped demand for polysilicon, which is manufactured by putting silica from sand or quartz through a series of chemical processes.

Italian Subsidy Cuts

Italy on May 5 approved rate cuts for the second half by 1 percent to 31 percent, depending on the size of the installation. “There were massive projects in Italy that were put on hold or canceled because of investor lack of confidence,” Lee said.

New Energy Finance today said that its June survey of silicon prices showed a drop in average prices to $53.4 per kilogram from $74.40 last month. That’s still slightly above the $52.50 registered in February last year. The energytrend.com website, an arm of market researcher Trendforce Corp., yesterday put this week’s average price at $52.28 per kilogram, down 39 percent since the end of March.

"Overall the industry anticipates further prices declines," said Martin Simonek, a New Energy Finance analyst. "Producers are preparing for a painful consolidation that could see several players exit the solar industry."

Profit Margins

Profit margins will be squeezed at all polysilicon makers, though it may benefit the newest competitors, such as Hong Kong- based GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Inc. and Korea’s OCI Co., Jefferies’ Xu said in a phone interview from New York.

“The price declines are tough for everyone, but better for new entrants such as OCI and GCL, which are expanding capacity aggressively and will take the opportunity to lower prices to take market share,” Xu said. Overall margins may decline to a 40 percent to 45 percent range from more than 60 percent, he said.

Providers regarded as the “highest-quality,” such as Germany’s Wacker Chemie AG (WCH) and Hemlock Semiconductor, majority- owned by Dow Corning Corp. of the U.S., are more reluctant to renegotiate contracts, he said. Hemlock, based in Hemlock, Michigan, and Wacker of Munich are the world’s largest producers by factory capacity, New Energy Finance said.

The price for polysilicon, also used in semiconductors, peaked at about $400 a kilogram during a boom in the Spanish market in 2008 before collapsing and then edging up again last year to about $100 as the Italian and German markets heated up

Wacker, Hemlock

Most companies are ramping up production capacity. GCL, China’s biggest polysilicon-maker, said in March it will more than double manufacturing capacity to 46,000 tons this year. OCI in April announced plans to build by 2013 a new plant with a capacity of 24,000 metric tons. Wacker is expanding plants in Germany as well as constructing a new facility in Tennessee, where Hemlock is also building a $1.2 billion plant.

Wacker spokesman Christof Bachmair said the Munich-based company “never comments on prices.” He said “well under” 10 percent of its sales are on the spot market.

Jim Stutelberg, Hemlock’s vice president of sales and marketing, said the company’s business model “is to allocate a high percentage of our production to long-term agreements with fixed pricing.” He said in an e-mailed response to questions that Hemlock “continues to sell all of its polysilicon.”

Big Six

The four manufacturers of the material, which is derived from tiny silicon crystals, largely share the global market with No. 5-ranked Renewable Energy Corp. of Norway and St. Peters, Missouri-based MEMC Electronic Materials Inc. (WFR)

Smaller “newcomers in Taiwan and China have a lot of sales on the spot market and may suffer more,” said Arthur Hsu, solar research manager in Taipei at energytrend.com. He declined to name companies.

Hsu and Madlani at Barclays Capital both said the main reason for declining polysilicon prices is a drop in Italian demand for solar panels amid uncertainty about incentives known as feed-in tariffs. Italy last year became the second-largest photovoltaic market behind Germany, prompting government subsidy cuts and a new law to further reduce the burden on consumers for the above-market rates.

“In the first half of the year, the Italian market has disappeared, and polysilicon makers are running down their inventories,” Hsu said in a telephone interview.

German Subsidies

Italy in 2010 installed about 5.9 gigawatts of solar panels and 2.3 gigawatts of those were connected to the grid, according to the grid operator GSE. New construction may total 4 to 6 gigawatts this year, said Pietro Radoia, an analyst at New Energy Finance, assuming GSE’s figures are correct. He said about half the parks GSE said were built last year may not have been, and may instead be completed this year.

Germany has also announced subsidy cuts this year, as have France and the U.K. The global market for new installations in 2011 may shrink to 13.3 gigawatts after more than doubling last year to 16.6 gigawatts, according to the European Photovoltaic Industry Association.

To contact the reporters on this story: Alex Morales in London at amorales2@bloomberg.net; Marc Roca in London at mroca6@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Reed Landberg at landberg@bloomberg.net

Vestas Wind Systems Wins Order to Deliver 58 Turbines in China

By Christian Wienberg - Jun 17, 2011 10:05 AM GMT+0200

Vestas Wind Systems A/S said it has received an order with a combined capacity of 49.3 megawatts from China Datang Corporation Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

Vestas will deliver 58 units of its V60-850 kW turbine to the Dayuanshan wind farm in Wuchuan County in Inner Mongolia, the Randers, Denmark-based company said today on its website.

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Christian Wienberg at cwienberg@bloomberg.net

Levensgevaarlijk, die Russen!

Gazprom ligt dwars bij levering aan China
Gepubliceerd op 17 jun 2011 om 20:20 | Views: 1

SINT PETERSBURG (AFN) - Het ondertekenen van een groot gascontract tussen Rusland en China is vrijdag in het Russische Sint Petersburg op het laatste moment afgeketst. De Russische president Dmitri Medvedev zei donderdag na een gesprek met zijn Chinese collega Hu Jintao dat hieraan de laatste hand werd gelegd. Beide partijen bleken het vrijdag niet eens te kunnen worden over de prijs.

Rusland is de belangrijkste leverancier van aardgas in de wereld en China de grootste verbruiker. De Russische staatsmaatschappij Gazprom zou niet willen dat de Chinezen gas tegen een lagere prijs kunnen gaan kopen dan de Europeanen.

Het akkoord voorzag in de levering van 68 miljard kubieke meter aardgas per jaar aan China, terwijl verwacht wordt dat de export naar Europa dit jaar zal uitkomen op meer dan 150 miljard kubieke meter.

Svartalfa schreef op 17 juni 2011 20:45:

waarom zouden de chinezen minder betalen dan wij?
Zou het iets te maken kunnen hebben met quantum korting? :-)

Svartalfa schreef op 17 juni 2011 20:50:

nee, want dan zouden wij minder moeten betalen
Je let goed op. Ja, anders zouden de Chinezen het (eventueel) ook weer goedkoper door kunnen verkopen.
Ik denk dat de Chinezen gewoon slim aan het onderhandelen zijn.
Vergeet ook niet, China is maar 1 handelspartner, terwijl Europa uit vele handelspartners bestaan. Meestal al oudere (lees duurdere) langlopende contracten. Ik denk dat daar het verschil is.

Chinezen bouwen Oostenrijks dorpje compleet na

Dorpje Hallstatt in Oostenrijk. © ThinkStock

Tot ontzetting van de bewoners, wordt een compleet Oostenrijks dorp nagebouwd in een luxe wijk van Guangdong in China. Maandenlang blijken architectuurspionnen elke steen in het dorp Hallstatt te hebben opgemeten en genoteerd.
'Mogen ze dat überhaupt', vragen bewoners zich af in de krant Krone Zeitung vandaag. 'Dat de Chinezen auto's en machines kopiëren, dat wisten we. Maar hele dorpen?'

Het schilderachtige dorp Hallstatt, met 900 bewoners, staat op de Unesco-lijst voor werelderfgoed. Het ligt aan een meer en trekt veel toeristen. Enkele fotograferende Chinese toeristen bleken dus ook nog andere bedoelingen te hebben.

De uitgewerkte Chinese bouwtekeningen zijn bij toeval ontdekt door bewoonster Monika Wenger. Ze leidt hotel Grüner Baum, dat net als bijvoorbeeld de kerk en het marktplein gekopieerd wordt. 'Mijn gevoel zegt dat ze toch minstens even de eigenaren om medewerking hadden moeten vragen'.

De hotelbazin vreest dat de Chinese toeristen wegblijven uit het originele Hallstatt, zodra de kopie in Guangdong klaar is. De Chinezen willen kennelijk nog dit jaar beginnen met de bouw. De Oostenrijkse huizen moeten dan dienen als restaurant en winkelcentrum.

Burgemeester Alexander Scheutz herinnert zich dat hij recent een aanvraag had gekregen om in juli een groep Chinezen te ontvangen. Dat verzoek verraadde nog niet om wat voor project het ging. 'In de aankondiging ging het over een idee om een culturele uitwisseling te beginnen', zei de burgemeester.

De burgemeester wil voor de komst van de Chinese delegatie juridisch laten uitzoeken of het kopiëren is toegestaan. Mogelijk zijn de ontbrekende toestemmingen de reden dat het dorp in spiegelbeeld wordt nagebouwd. Of de Chinezen zich van een eventueel bouwverbod iets zouden aantrekken, is nog maar de vraag. (ANP/Redactie)

15/06/11 09u47

Lees ook: Oostenrijk verkoopt bergtoppen toch niet

Russia's Gazprom hopes to clinch multi-billion gas deal with China before year's end
20 June 2011
(c) 2011. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

MOSCOW (AP) - Russia's state-controlled gas monopoly Gazprom said Monday that it hopes to clinch a multibillion dollar deal with China by year-end to become the largest supplier of natural gas to the world's biggest energy consumer.
Last week, Chinese and Russian leaders failed to reach a price agreement for the long-awaited deal, which would guarantee annual supplies of 68 billion cubic meters of gas to China for 30 years, starting from 2015. Moscow wanted to link the price to oil prices the way it does in Europe, but China considers any European-level price too high.
Gazprom expects prices for its supplies to Europe to reach $500 per 1,000 cubic meters by the year's end, twice as much as China reportedly was ready to pay. At Gazprom's price, the deal will have cost China more than $1 trillion by 2045.
Despite the price arguments, Gazprom deputy CEO Alexander Medvedev said the chances for an agreement before 2012 were "very good."
"The talks are going on uneasily, but we have an understanding," he told journalists. "There are very good chances to reach an agreement by the year's end."
He said that China's annual consumption will rise from this year's 107 billion cubic meters to some 400 billion cubic meters in 2020, and even if China boosts domestic production of gas, there still will be huge demand for Russian exports.
"We have the capability to become their main supplier," he said.
After signing the deal, Gazprom will start building two pipelines that will pump gas from Siberia, Russia's Far East and Sakhalin Island from 2015, Medvedev said.
Europe remains Russia's largest export market for gas and oil, but both Moscow and Beijing have been seeking to diversify their energy sources and markets, despite a long history of mutual suspicion and tensions.
Beijing has already secured deals to pump gas from ex-Soviet Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan via a Chinese-funded pipeline, undermining Gazprom's monopoly on exports from Central Asia. It also gets liquefied natural gas from Australia and Yemen.
Past energy negotiations between China and Russia often have snagged on disagreements over prices, loan terms and other issues, including Beijing's desire for equity stakes in Russian resources.
Like China's own state-run companies, Russia balks at ceding any control over what it views as strategically vital assets.
Gazprom is the world's largest producer of gas, but it has been hard hit by sliding demand for gas while competing liquefied natural gas carried by ship flooded European markets. Gazprom relies on pipelines and long-term pricing agreements.
Still, economic recovery has helped Gazprom's sales -- revenues from gas exports to Europe rose by $1.37 billion last year, reaching $43.87, according to Medvedev.
China, meanwhile, has become the world's largest energy consumer, overtaking the U.S. in 2009.
Russian environmentalists warned that one of the China-bound pipelines will bypass the Altai mountains in southern Siberia, where snow leopards and other endangered species live. Scientists estimate as few as 3,500 snow leopards may remain in the wild.
China not ready to pay European price for Russian gas

RIA Novosti citing Mr Sergei Shmatko Energy Minister said on Friday following Moscow failure to sign a long-awaited 30 year gas deal with Beijing that China does not want to pay Russia a price that is tied to the European gas price formula.

Mr Shmatko told Rossiya 24 TV channel at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum that "We are in a good and confidential dialogue with our Chinese colleagues. They are protecting their national interests and tell us in detail why they consider gas supplies at a European formula slightly unfair."

Mr Alexander Medvedev head of the export arm of Russia gas giant Gazprom said earlier on Friday that Gazprom and China oil and Gas Corporation CNPC would not sign a gas supply contract which could be worth up to USD 1 trillion.

Under the contract, Gazprom would deliver up to 68 billion cubic meters of gas to China. It sells about 150 billion cubic meters a year to Europe.

Mr Shmatko said "There has been no signing because the partners have not come to a final agreement on price. I see nothing terrible here. The contract will be signed for 30 years and if someone feels circumvented now, it will be felt in business sooner or later, believe me."

He said that "The parties need to check documents carefully, get political support at the highest political level and after that I think we will witness a unique energy deal."

(Sourced from RIA Novosti)
China Drafting 2011-2015 Plan on Shale Gas, NEA Official Says

By Bloomberg News - Jun 21, 2011 6:59 AM GMT+0200

China is drafting a plan to develop domestic shale-gas reserves during the five-year period ending in 2015 as demand rises in the world’s largest energy consumer, a government official said.

The government may offer financial support and tax incentives to spur domestic explorers to extract shale gas, Yang Lei, director of oil and natural gas at the National Energy Administration, said at a conference in Beijing today.

PetroChina Co., Asia’s largest oil producer, is leading companies to tap unconventional gas resources, including gas in shale rock, to help cut reliance on oil and coal. China may have 26 trillion cubic meters of shale-gas reserves, more than 10 times its proven holdings of conventional natural gas, Zhang Dawei, deputy director of oil and gas strategy research at the Ministry of Land and Resources, said in April.

“We’ll also make shale-gas development more economical, such as building the infrastructure required to transport the shale gas,” Yang said.

PetroChina’s parent, China National Petroleum Corp., and Royal Dutch Shell Plc are currently exploring the Jinqiu shale- gas block in southwestern Sichuan province. Shell and PetroChina are already operating the Changbei tight-gas field in the Ordos Basin in northern Shaanxi province and exploring the Fushun- Yongchuan block in Sichuan.

“Foreign companies are welcome to jointly explore for shale gas with Chinese oil companies,” Yang said.

--Chua Baizhen and Wang Ying in Beijing. Editors: Ryan Woo, Jane Lee.

To contact the reporter on this story: Chua Baizhen in Beijing at bchua14@bloomberg.net; Ying Wang in Beijing at ywang30@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Alexander Kwiatkowski at akwiatkowsk2@bloomberg.net.

Rising coal costs drive China power producers into the red

Xinhua reported that China five biggest power companies have reported increasing losses in their thermal power business ventures as they continue to struggle with rising coal costs and capped electricity prices.

The China Electricity Council said combined losses for the five companies thermal power ventures reached CNY 12.16 billion in the first five months of this year and almost triple that of last year.

The CEC said these losses translated to an overall decrease in profits for the companies with a total of CNY 5.57 billion in combined losses for the companies during the first five months of this year.

The five power magnates include the China Huaneng Group, China Datang Corp China Huadian Group, China Guodian Corp and China Power Investment Corp. These companies provide about half of the country power.

The council warned that these companies' financial woes will make it more difficult to ensure adequate supplies of power for the summer, when electricity usage peaks.

(Sourced from Xinhua)

Brussel, 23 juni 2011 om 7.30 (Brusselse tijd)

Solvay bouwt fabriek voor speciale polymeren in China
om de snelwassende vraag te kunnen volgen

Solvay investeert een 120 miljoen EUR voor aanmaak van producten met hoge
toegevoegde waarde: Solef(®) PVDF, Tecnoflon(®) FKM en het essentiële monomeer

Solvay maakt bekend dat het een project heeft opgestart voor de bouw van een
fabriek voor speciale polymeren, voor met name Solef(®) Polyvinylideenfluoride
(PVDF), Tecnoflon(®) fluoro-elastomeren (FKM) en het onontbeerlijke monomeer
VF2. Op die manier wil Solvay voldoen aan de toenemende vraag in Azië naar deze
polymeren met hoge toegevoegde waarde.

De productie-eenheid komt op de industriële site van Solvay in Changshu in de
provincie Jiangsu. Volgens plan zou de fabriek begin 2014 moeten gaan
produceren. De fabriek vergt een investering van 120 miljoen EUR en verhoogt
aanzienlijk de wereldwijde productiecapaciteit van Solvay voor deze speciale

Het productengamma Tecnoflon(®) FKM wordt gebruikt voor veeleisende toepassingen
voor afdichting in een agressieve chemische omgeving of grote hitte, waar hoge
zuiverheid en een lange levensduur van essentieel belang zijn. We denken hierbij
aan de auto- en luchtvaartindustrie, en de energiemarkt, special dan olie en
gas. Typische eindproducten zijn O-ringen, dichtingen, gasketels en complexe
gietvormen. De toenemende vraag naar Tecnoflon(® )wordt onmiskenbaar
aangewakkerd door de bloeiende Chinese automobielmarkt.

Solef(®) PVDF is bestand tegen hitte en druk, agressieve chemicaliën,
mechanische spanning en schurende deeltjes in allerlei toepassingen. Het wordt
zeer vaak gebruikt in lithiumionbatterijen, in de chemische industrie en in
membranen voor waterzuivering en aardolie- en aardgasontginning.

De nieuwe fabriek in Changshu wordt gebouwd naast de compoundfabriek in aanbouw
voor Amodel(®) polyphthalamide (PPA), Ixef(®) polyarylamide (PARA) en Kalix(®)
(gemodificeerde PARA). De compound-fabriek wordt in gebruik genomen in het
laatste kwartaal van 2012.

"Met deze nieuwe productie-eenheid kan Solvay een deel van het enorme
groeipotentieel in deze fantastische en dynamische regio binnenhalen. Onze
klanten bieden we meer hoogwaardige polymeren aan waarmee ze hun ecologische
voetafdruk en hun duurzaamheidsprofiel kunnen verbeteren," zegt Jacques van
Rijckevorsel, Algemeen Groepsdirecteur van de Sector Kunststoffen en lid van het
Uitvoerend Comité.
"Door de fabriek in Changshu wordt de hele site een sterke industriële basis
voor de fluorpolymeren en hun onontbeerlijke strategische grondstoffen in China.
We kunnen op die manier kapitaliseren op de Chinese toeleveringsketen, dichter
bij onze klanten zijn en onze bevoorrading diversifiëren door een nieuwe
productiebasis in het leven te roepen voor zowel Solef(®) PVDF als voor
Tecnoflon(® )fluoro-elastomeren," vult Augusto Di Donfrancesco, Senior Executive
Vice-President en Algemeen Directeur van de Global Business Unit Speciale
Polymeren aan.

SOLVAY is een internationale industriële groep, actief in Chemie. Hij levert een
breed gamma producten en oplossingen die bijdragen tot de verhoging van de
levenskwaliteit. De groep met hoofdkwartier in Brussel telt ongeveer 16.800
werknemers in 40 landen. In 2010 bedroeg de geconsolideerde omzet van de groep
7,1 miljard EUR. Solvay staat genoteerd op de NYSE Euronext-beurs in Brussel
(NYSE Euronext: SOLB.BE - Bloomberg: SOLB.BB - Reuters: SOLBt.BR). Voor meer
informatie kan u terecht op www.solvay.com.

Voor nadere inlichtingen neemt u best contact op met:


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Source: Solvay S.A. via Thomson Reuters ONE



(END) Dow Jones Newswires
'Groei Chinese industrie zwakt af'
Gepubliceerd op 23 jun 2011 om 09:24 | Views: 276

(AFN) - De groei van de Chinese industrie is deze maand op het laagste punt uitgekomen in bijna een jaar. Dat blijkt uit de voorlopige gegevens die de bank HSBC donderdag naar buiten heeft gebracht over de Chinese inkoopmanagersindex voor de industrie in de maand juni.

De index is volgens de gegevens van de bank gedaald tot een stand van 50,1. In mei was de stand nog 51,6. Een notering boven de 50 geeft groei aan, daaronder gaat het om krimp.

HSBC verklaart de daling door het effect van de maatregelen die China heeft genomen om oververhitting van de economie tegen te gaan. Daarnaast is ook de vraag naar Chinese producten vanuit het buitenland mogelijk gedaald.

Het officiële cijfer over de Chinese inkoopmanagersindex wordt volgende week naar buiten gebracht.
Power struggle ends Encana, China deal; Companies part ways on joint venture as $5.4-billion deal to produce gas in northeastern B.C. unravels
22 June 2011
©2011 The Globe and Mail Inc. All Rights Reserved.

A multibillion-dollar natural gas deal between Encana Corp. and PetroChina International Investment Co. Ltd. has foundered amid unresolved issues over how to oversee the joint venture's efforts to pull massive volumes of natural gas from the forest and muskeg of northeastern British Columbia.
Nearly a year after their partnership was announced – and four months after the $5.4-billion price tag was revealed – PetroChina and Encana said Tuesday that their deal has died.
The scuppered venture shows how Chinese firms are demanding greater control over their Canadian energy investments. That has proven to be an especially important consideration with the pools of so-called “shale gas” that formed the heart of the deal. Chinese authorities have estimated China is home to some 900 trillion cubic feet of shale gas – a surpassingly vast resource – and has looked to foreign investments as a way to secure the technological expertise to tap it.
At the same time, growing global demand for Canada's natural gas has helped advance a series of projects to export the energy to Asian countries, where it can fetch higher prices. That has raised landholders' expectations of the value of B.C. gas resources and complicated sales
Still, the inability to secure the deal, which was deliberately announced as part of Chinese president Hu Jintao's visit to Canada last year, serves as a setback for PetroChina and Encana, which is now working to secure other joint ventures.
It is the second major Chinese deal to fail this year.
Earlier in the year, China Minmetals Corp. abandoned its $6.3-billion takeover of Equinox Minerals Ltd. when it was outbid by Barrick Gold Corp.
The problems with the Encana deal appear to be rooted in a struggle for control, which may point to future problems with resource investments from Chinese companies. Until this point, they've largely been content taking a passive investment stance.
Encana itself offered little detail on what went wrong. “The parties were unable to achieve substantial alignment with respect to key elements of the proposed transaction, including the joint operating agreement,” Encana said in a statement.
But a source close to PetroChina said the two sides struggled to agree on “how to run” the joint venture after an initial two-year period where Encana would lead development of the 50-50 partnership. The deal would have given PetroChina ownership over 255 million cubic feet of natural gas production per day, one trillion cubic feet of proved reserves, and 635,000 acres of land in Alberta and British Columbia.
One of the main issues was “how to jointly operate those gas fields,” the source said.
When Encana announced the $5.4-billion deal in February, payment and operating details were still up for negotiation.
Previous joint ventures with Chinese firms have avoided some of those issues in several ways. For one, they have provided an out, as with the Athabasca Oil Sands Corp. deal with PetroChina, which includes a put-call option that allows either side to force PetroChina to buy out Athabasca at a set price. The Athabasca deal is also unique in that it involves two assets in which PetroChina has 60-per-cent ownership but Athabasca retains operating control.
What's clear is that the dissolution of the PetroChina deal is unlikely to leave either company unscathed. CIBC analyst Andrew Potter said Encana, whose shares fell nearly 2 per cent Tuesday, has “a lot” of egg on its face for twice announcing a deal that eventually crumbled.
“There was already enough frustration with investors about them flip-flopping on their strategy,” he said, referring to a bold plan to double growth in five years that Encana backed away from in April. “The joint venture was a pretty key element of getting people past that. Then to see this blow up on them, it's unfortunate.”
For China, the failure of what would have been its biggest North American investment “is a huge loss of face,” said Michal Meidan, an Asia analyst with risk management firm Eurasia Group. “To announce such a deal is pretty big and the Chinese are big on announcements.”
In Calgary, speculation has also surfaced that PetroChina may be more interested in partnering with Royal Dutch Shell PLC, which has a major position in northeastern B.C. and is working with Mitsubishi Corp. and Korea Gas Corp. to plan a liquefied natural gas export terminal on the
coast. Earlier this week, PetroChina parent China National Petroleum Corp. said it had agreed to co-operate with Shell on gas projects around the world.
Still, the failed deal raises deeper questions about Canada's ability to negotiate contracts with foreign parties. Those who have negotiated joint ventures say that agreeing to price is typically less difficult than sorting out governance issues.
Culture plays a part: Canadian companies often give substantial authority to geologists and other professionals in determining how to develop new resources. Foreign companies – both European and Asian – often demand more high-level executive control, and the differences can prove difficult.
Encana (ECA)
China Shenzhen to ban e bikes from July

China's city of Shenzhen, in southern Guangdong province will ban electric bicycles from using most roads from July, a move that could cut demand for lead acid batteries. The city, with about 500,000 e-bikes will keep the ban for 6 months and review the policy in December this year.

The policy was being implemented due to safety concerns after 64 people were killed and 233 were injured in 268 accidents caused by e-bikes in 2010 in the city.

In China, e-bikes have up till now not been subject to any licences including a driver's licence, making accident investigations difficult. Other Chinese cities may follow Shenzhen's ban in the future. Beijing last month reinstated and strengthened the requirements for the use of e-bikes in the country, the world's biggest market.

(Sourced from www.financialexpress.com)
Shanghai Stocks Boom After Wen Jiabao Declares Victory Over Inflation

Does Wen Jiabao really know something?

CHINESE PREMIER TELLS AMERICA: Here's How China Is Creating Jobs, And Saving The World Economy

A big message from premier Wen Jiabao.

Geely Volvo plans USD 709 million second China plant

Reuters reported that Volvo Car, owned by China Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co Ltd plans to invest CNY 4.58 billion to build a second plant in China and bolster its profile in the world largest auto market.

The facility in the North Eastern city of Daqing is scheduled to start operations in 2013 making Volvo 113K sedans, XC60 sport utility vehicles and multi-purpose vehicles. Major manufacturing and construction projects in China need the approval of various regulators.

The initial capacity of the plant would be 80,000 units.

Volvo unveiled an up to USD 11 billion investment plan in February to speed up new product development and expand its global footprint, especially in China where the Swedish marque lags far behind BMW AG and other German premier brands.

Volvo also plans to build a Greenfield plant in the South Western Chinese city of Chengdu a major regional market for upscale cars.
(Sourced from Reuters)
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