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Japan may be able to meet nuclear energy target after Abe win - IEEJ

Reuters reported that Japan may be able to meet a target for nuclear energy to provide about one-fifth of the country's electricity by 2030 as public acceptance may be improving, a top official from a Japanese think-tank said. Japanese Prime Minister Mr Shinzo Abe's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, which says it will keep nuclear power as a key energy source, scored a big win in Sunday's election against a new party led by the popular governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, which has been calling for nuclear power to be phased out.

Mr Masakazu Toyoda, chairman and chief executive of the government-associated Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ), said that The Abe government's win is an encouraging sign and could make the meeting of the nuclear energy target possible.

Inspections of the nuclear reactors are also getting faster, Toyoda told Reuters on the sidelines of the Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW).

He estimates that about five more nuclear reactors will restart in the next 15 months, which will increase nuclear power's share in Japan's energy mix to 6 percent to 7 percent.

The Japanese public has turned against nuclear power after the meltdowns at the Fukushima power plant in March 2011 when an earthquake and tsunami struck the plant. Japan shut its nuclear plants after the accident and today only five out of 42 reactors have restarted.

Mr Toyoda said that in order to achieve the one-fifth target for nuclear energy, 30 reactors need to be in operation. He said that "It's not easy, but it's possible," adding that more needs to be done to restore public's confidence and acceptance.

Source : Reuters
South Korea expresses interest in Czech nuclear project

Yonhap reported that the South Korean government expressed its intent to join a bid for the Czech Republic's nuclear project, stressing its advanced reactor design and decadeslong know-how in development and operation.

Mr Paik Un-gyu, South Korean minister of trade, industry and energy, met with President of the Czech Republic's Senate Milan Stech to discuss ways to expand cooperation in the nuclear energy and other industrial sectors. Their meeting came as the state-run Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. has been actively marketing its nuclear reactors in the eastern European country, which is expected to open a bid in late 2018. The scope and schedule of the project is not yet confirmed.

Mr Paik was quoted as saying during the undisclosed meeting "South Korea is keen on joining the Czech's nuclear plant construction project and hopes to contribute to its nuclear industry's development."

He stressed that South Korea has 40 years of nuclear reactor development and operation expertise, and shared the government's plan to support overseas projects, the ministry said.

The Seoul government has vowed to support local companies' bids to export nuclear reactors overseas, in a move to ease concerns that the domestic nuclear phase-out plan could adversely affect efforts to newly secure contracts.

Following the meeting, the Czech politician will inspect a nuclear plant complex in Ulsan and Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co., both located on the southeastern coast, the ministry said.

Source : Yonhap
China’s domestically developed nuclear turbine generator passes tests

GBTimes reported that the first turbine generator of the Hualong One nuclear project passed its ‘Type Tests’ on November 6. The checks took place at the Dongfang Electrical Machinery Co in China’s Sichuan Province and indicate that the initial stage of the project is now complete.

According to a report by China's state-run Xinhua news agency, the nuclear generator passed more than 30 tests, plus a four-day rotation examination, with the results exceeding the contract's requirements and standards expected.

Its successful development represents a major step forward in the creation of a ‘Chinese Nuclear Power’ brand, and an example of the country’s independent design and manufacturing capabilities.

The generator will be installed in the No.5 and No.6 units of a nuclear power plant in Fuqing, Fujian Province, where Hualong One technology is initially being implemented.

China began this project in May 2015 and announced its completion in May 2017.

The country has actively promoted Hualong One, both at home and abroad. There are currently four projects using the Hualong One design under construction, including two reactors in Karachi, Pakistan.

At this year’s Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, China National Nuclear Corporation signed a cooperation framework agreement with Argentina, which included using the Hualong One design in the construction of the South American country's fifth nuclear unit.

Source : GBTImes
EIA forecasts that global nuclear capacity will grow

EIA’s International Energy Outlook 2017 (IEO2017) projects that global nuclear capacity will grow at an average annual rate of 1.6% from 2016 through 2040, led predominantly by countries outside of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. EIA expects China to continue leading world nuclear growth, followed by India. This growth is expected to offset declines in nuclear capacity in the United States, Japan, and countries in Europe.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Russia eyes over 50pct localisation for new Kudankulam reactors

Economic Times reported that Russia, which is building the 6,000 MW Kudankulam nuclear plant, plans to raise localisation to more than 50% for the upcoming units at the Tamil Nadu plant from the present 20% levels.

Rosatom, the Russian partner for state-run Nuclear Power Corporation (NPCIL), is supplying the water-water energetic reactors (VVER reactors), for the Kudankulam nuclear plant, which currently generates 2,000 mw (2x 1,000 mw).

Consul general of Russian Federation in Mumbai Andrei Zhiltsov told that "Already, two units of 1,000 mw each have been commissioned and the next two are under-construction. These units have around 20 per cent localisation.” He said Moscow recently signed an agreement with New Delhi for the units 5 & 6, which will begin after the ongoing units 3 & 4 are completed.

He added that "Currently, the extent of localisation in the commissioned units is near 20% but going forward we expect it to increase over 50%.”

At present, the Russians are sourcing locally manufactured parts and equipment to the tune of around 20 per cent. Mr Zhiltsov added that "But by the time we reach units 5 & 6, we hope local sourcing will increase to nearly 50 per cent.”

The fifth and sixth units will cost about INR 50,000 crore with half of it being funded by Russia as loan. The third and fourth units began last year and will cost INR 39,747 crore.

Source : Economic Times
First Fuqing 5 steam generator installed

World Nuclear News reported that at 11.26am on 10 November, the first steam generator for the unit was successfully hoisted onto a horizontal gantry platform some 16.5 meters above the ground. The component was subsequently moved into reactor's containment building through the main equipment transportation channel. Once there, it was be lifted into the vertical position using a specially designed tool and put in place.

The ZH-65-type steam generator - weighing 365 tonnes and over 21m in length - was independently designed by the China Nuclear Power Institute and manufactured by Dongfang Electric.

China National Nuclear Corporation said installation of the first steam generator at Fuqing 5 has "laid a solid foundation for the start of work on the welding of the main pipe".

In November 2014, CNNC announced that the fifth and sixth units at Fuqing will use the domestically-developed Hualong One pressurised water reactor design, marking its first deployment. The company had previously expected to use the ACP1000 design for those units, but plans were revised in line with a re-organisation of the Chinese nuclear industry. China's State Council gave final approval for construction of Fuqing units 5 and 6 in mid-April 2015.

The pouring of first concrete for Fuqing 5 began in May 2015, marking the official start of construction of the unit. Construction of unit 6 began in December 2015. The dome of unit 5 was installed on the containment building in May this year. Fuqing 5 and 6 are scheduled to be completed in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

Construction of two Hualong One units is also under way at China General Nuclear's Fangchenggang plant in Guangxi province. Those units are also expected to start up in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

The first of three steam generators was installed at Karachi unit 2 in September. The unit is the first of two Chinese-designed Hualong One nuclear power reactors being constructed at the site in Pakistan.

At that time, CNNC noted the main reactor equipment is being installed prior to the dome of the containment building being put in place. This approach, it said, can significantly reduce construction time, compared with the traditional method of installing equipment through a hatch in the containment.

Construction began on Karachi unit 2 in 2015 and unit 3 in 2016, with commercial operation planned for 2021 and 2022, respectively.

Pakistan's Karachi Coastal station is the first export of Hualong One units. The Hualong One design is also being promoted for use at the Bradwell site in the UK.

Source : World Nuclear News
Iran continues to comply with nuclear deal - IAEA

Economic Times reported that Vienna, Iran remains in compliance with all the provisions of the nuclear agreement Tehran signed with six major powers in 2015.

Efe news reported citing the International Atomic Energy Agency statement said that Iran has kept its inventories of enriched uranium within the agreed limits of purity and quantity, which are intended to ensure that Tehran cannot develop nuclear weapons in the short term.

According to IAEA inspectors, additionally, Iranian reserves of heavy water, from which the radioactive element plutonium can be extracted, remain under the maximum limit.

A month ago, President Donald Trump threatened to pull the US out of the nuclear agreement with Iran if certain "defects" were not corrected.

The IAEA affirmed in the report that its inspectors continue to enjoy access to all required facilities and that the electronic surveillance measures at Iranian nuclear centers provided for in the agreement are in place.

The nuclear agreement, which came into force in January 2016, limits various atomic activities by the Islamic Republic for periods ranging from 10 to 25 years.

In return, the signatory powers the US, Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom and Germany agreed to lift trade, diplomatic and nuclear sanctions imposed on Iran.

Given the pressure exerted by Trump against what he calls "a bad deal," IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano travelled to the US last week to meet with Washington's ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley.

Amano insisted that IAEA inspectors have everything they need to monitor Iran's compliance with the agreement, describing the pact as the "strongest nuclear verification regime" in the world.

The IAEA director-general was in Tehran on October 29 to meet with Iranian officials and give renewed support to the agreement.

Source : Economic Times
Radioactive leaks at Illinois nuclear power plants - Report

Stl Today reported that Radioactive waste continues to pour from Exelon's Illinois nuclear power plants more than a decade after the discovery of chronic leaks led to national outrage, a USD 1.2 million government settlement and a company vow to guard against future accidents, an investigation by a government watchdog group found.

Since 2007, there have been at least 35 reported leaks, spills or other accidental releases in Illinois of water contaminated with radioactive tritium, a byproduct of nuclear power production and a carcinogen at high levels, a Better Government Association review of federal and state records shows.

No fines were issued for the accidents, all of which were self-reported by the company.

The most recent leak of 35,000 gallons (132,000 liters) occurred over two weeks in May and June at Exelon's Braidwood plant, southwest of Chicago. The same facility was the focus of a community panic in the mid-2000s after a series of accidents stirred debate over the safety of aging nuclear plants.

A 2014 incident at Exelon's Dresden facility in Grundy County involved the release of about 500,000 gallons (1,900,000 liters) of highly radioactive water. Contamination was later found in the plant's sewer lines and miles away in the Morris, Illinois, sewage treatment plant.

Another leak was discovered in 2007 at the Quad Cities plant in Cordova. It took eight months to plug and led to groundwater radiation readings up to 375 times of that allowed under federal safe drinking water standards.

Exelon had threatened to close the Quad Cities plant, but relented last year after Gov. Bruce Rauner signed bailout legislation authorizing big rate hikes.

Representatives of Exelon and its government overseers the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency said that the leaks posed no public danger and did not contaminate drinking water. Exelon said to prevent leaks it has spent USD 100 million over the last decade on upgrades at all of its US plants.

Mr Michael Pacilio chief operating officer of the power generating arm of Exelon, said no one in or around the plants was harmed by radioactivity from the leaks, which he described as minor compared with everyday exposures. He said that "We live in a radioactive world.”

Critics said thta little cause for relief. "Best that we can tell, that's more luck than skill," said David Lochbaum, an analyst with the nonprofit Union of Concerned Scientists. "Leaks aren't supposed to happen. Workers and the public could be harmed. There is a hazard there."

Among the 61 nuclear power plants operating in the US more than half have reactors that are at or near the end of their originally expected lifespans including the Dresden and Quad Cities plants.

Industry watchdogs and government whistleblowers contend oversight is compromised by a cozy relationship between companies and the NRC.

Government regulators concede they must balance the safety needs of aging plants, which require more maintenance, versus ordering cost-prohibitive upgrades at facilities that inherently are just a slip-up away from catastrophe.

No player in the nuclear industry is bigger than Exelon, the Chicago-based energy company that last year reported USD 31 billion in revenue and operates 14 nuclear plants in Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland.

Five of the six Illinois plants reported leaks over the last decade, records show. Clinton, in DeWitt County, had no leaks and Byron, in Ogle County, reported only one that contained low levels of radioactivity.

The accidents included in the BGA analysis are separate from government-approved releases into large bodies of water. The state allows Exelon to discharge controlled amounts of tritium into rivers and lakes, where radioactive material gets diluted.

At least seven of the 35 documented accidents since 2007 involved contamination of groundwater. Other contamination was found in sewers and other water systems where it isn't supposed to be.

The recent leaks echo the controversy in 2006 when it was revealed that leaks at Braidwood over many years spilled 6 million gallons (23 million liters) of radioactive water, some of which found its way onto private properties and at least one private drinking well.

Source : STL Today
Saudi invites US firms to develop civil nuclear programme

Reuters reported that Saudi Arabia has invited US firms to take part in developing its civilian nuclear power programme, and is not interested in any way in diverting nuclear technology to military use.

Saudi Arabia energy minister Khalid al-Falih after meeting with US Energy Secretary Rick Perry told reporters that it would be premature to make statements about agreements with Saudi Arabia on nuclear cooperation.

Source : Reuters
Kudankulam nuclear plant to generate 2,000 MW capacity

Economic Times reported that power generation at units 1 and 2 of the Kundankulam Nuclear Power Plant touched the maximum level of 2000 MW. KKNPP Site Director Mr SV Jinnah said though the maximum capacity of each unit was 1000 MW, they had reached the full capacity by 3.30 AM on December 5th 2017.

He further said the first Unit had so far generated 16,079 million units while the second unit had generated 4,784 units, since its commission. He added that "It was a major feat as the two units of the power plant had generated 2000 MW.. This is the only nuclear power station in the country to generate 2000 MW in the country.”

Source : Economic Times
Japanese court ordered not to restart Shikoku Electric Power

Reuters reported that Japanese court ordered Shikoku Electric Power Co not to restart one of its reactors, overturning a lower court decision and throwing into turmoil Japan's protracted return to nuclear power after the Fukushima disaster. The decision by the High Court in Hiroshima in western Japan has no immediate effect on Shikoku Electric's operations because the reactor in question has been idled for maintenance, but it casts into doubt any restart. Shikoku Electric shares fell more than 8 % after the ruling and the company cancelled plans for a bond sale.

The ruling also marks a victory for Japan's anti-nuclear movement, which has won a number of lawsuits seeking to halt or prevent nuclear operations in recent years, only to see them overturned by more conservative higher courts.

Mr Fumio Matsumoto, a senior fund manager at Dalton Capital (Japan) in Tokyo said that "This is unexpected and goes against the tide of gradual restarts of nuclear plants."

Mr Matsumoto said that "Despite the progress in nuclear restarts, Japanese power companies face an uncertain future."

Kansai Electric and Kyushu Electric are the only other two nuclear operators with reactors running.

Just four reactors are currently operating out of 42 commercially viable units. All reactors in Japan had to be relicensed after a new regulator was set up following the Fukushima disaster of 2011.

Residents have lodged injunctions against most nuclear plants across Japan. Lower courts have been increasingly siding with them on safety concerns, but the verdicts are usually overturned in higher courts.

The court ruling overturns a March decision by Hiroshima District Court to back Shikoku Electric against residents, who want to close down the 890-megawatt No.3 reactor at the power company's Ikata nuclear station.

Shikoku Electric said the ruling was regrettable and that it would file an objection with the high court.

A Shikoku Electric spokesman said the injunction ordered the company not to restart its Ikata No.3 reactor until September 30 next year. The company could face about 3.5 billion yen (USD 31 million) a month in additional costs, such as for increased use of fossil fuel for power generation, with the delay.

Shikoku had been planning to restart the reactor around January 20, the spokesman said.

The company said it cannot yet estimate any changes to profit forecasts. Court actions against the Ikata plants reactors are also pending in several other courts, it said.

Shikoku Electric also decided to cancel a 10 billion yen bond sale after the ruling, said an official in the company's treasury department. The bonds were to be priced on Thursday.

While Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government is keen to restore a power source that provided about a third of electricity supply before the meltdowns at Fukushima, the public remains deeply sceptical over industry assurances on safety

Source : Reuters
Japan's Kansai Electric Power Co to scrap two ageing nuclear reactors

REUTERS reported that Japan's Kansai Electric Power Co will decommission two ageing reactors at its Ohi nuclear plant as the country's power industry struggles to meet new nuclear safety standards set after the 2011 Fukushima disaster. The announcement, which had been widely expected, brings to 14 the number of reactors being scrapped since the meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi plant more than six years ago as Japan turns away from nuclear power in the face of public opposition, court challenges and unfavourable economics.

A company official said Kansai Electric will scrap the No. 1 and No. 2 reactors at the Ohi plant, which sits some 370 kilometres (230 miles) west of Tokyo. Both have been shut since 2011, as have the two other reactors at the Ohi site.

Each of the reactors being closed has a capacity of 1,175 megawatts and began operations in 1979, meaning they were approaching the end of their standard operating life of 40 years, barring extensions.

Most of Japan's reactors remain shut down, with only four operating, while they undergo relicensing to meet new standards set after the Fukushima crisis highlighted shortcomings in regulation.

Source : Reuters
France net power importer in November fell - RTE

Reuters reported that France was a net electricity importer in November as power generation from its nuclear reactors fell, while consumption rose due to cold weather. France, which depends on its 58 nuclear reactors for more than 75 percent of its electricity needs, is usually a net power exporter in Europe.

RTE said in its monthly report that Total electricity consumption during November rose 1.1% to 44,789 gigawatt-hour compared with the same month a year ago. It added that France imported 826 GWh of electricity on a net basis during the month, mostly from Britain and Spain, becoming a net importer for the first time since January.

French nuclear power production fell by 2.6% compared with November 2016, due to a high number of nuclear reactor outages for maintenance and safety checks demanded by the ASN French nuclear regulator.

French hydro power generation also fell during the month by 6.8 percent compared with the same month a year ago, while conventional thermal power generation rose 6 percent during the same period.

French wind power output was stable in November, while electricity generation from solar panels rose nearly 22 percent to 449 GWh compared with November 2016.

Source : Reuters
Koper gevonden voor nucleaire tak Toshiba

Gepubliceerd op 4 jan 2018 om 15:44 | Views: 208

TORONTO (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Brookfield Business Partners neemt de nucleaire tak van het financieel geplaagde techconcern Toshiba over. De investeerder betaalt een bedrag van ongeveer 4,6 miljard dollar voor het onderdeel dat vorig jaar failliet ging na enorme kostenoverschrijdingen en vertragingen bij projecten.

Eerder werden door Toshiba al miljarden afgeschreven op het onderdeel. Het Japanse bedrijf is daardoor in grote financiële problemen gekomen en dreigde van de beurs te worden geschrapt. Het kreeg tot eind maart de tijd om orde op zaken te stellen.

De overname wordt gefinancierd met onder meer schuld en aandelen.
China starts work on fourth generation fast breeder reactor

Global Construction Review reported that China has begun pouring concrete for one of the world’s first “gen IV” nuclear reactors, the CFR-600, on the coast of Fujian province, about 400km south of Shanghai. The 600MW demonstration unit, which is due to be complete in 2023, follows a 20MW experimental reactor completed in 2011. It is intended to be the prototype of a 1GW commercial reactor scheduled for around 2030.

The significance of the sodium-cooled reactor is that it points the way to the “fast breeder” fourth generation designs that are expected to be adopted by the global nuclear power industry over the next century.

It is not the only design that the Chinese industry is pursuing. Another fast breeder gen IV is being built in nearby Jiangxi province. This uses “pebble-bed” fuel and a helium cooling system.

The advantage of these reactors, which use fast neutrons to split uranium atoms, is that they are about 60 times more fuel efficient than slow reactors, they generate less radioactive waste and they can be used in a “closed cycle” system, in which waste is reprocessed into new fuel.

This last requirement is particularly important for China, which is planning a massive expansion of its nuclear fleet, but it concerned about future shortages of uranium. The China Institute of Atomic Energy, which designed the CFR-600, is envisaging an increase in output from 40GW in 2015 to 400GW in 2050, at which time it is forecast that it will account for 16% of the country’s 2,500GW installed capacity.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Mr Wang Shoujun the chairman of China National Nuclear Corporation commented that “The fast neutron reactor project has been recognised as China’s major scientific and technological nuclear energy programme, which is of much significance for the closed cycle of nuclear fuel, promoting the sustainable development of China’s nuclear energy and boosting the local economy.”

Source : Global Construction Review
France and China to build EUR 10 billion nuclear reprocessing plant

Global Construction Review reported that after more than 10 years of negotiations, French nuclear power company New Areva has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Chinese National Nuclear Corporation to build a EUR 10 billion plant in China to reprocess nuclear waste.

Considered crucial to the future of the French company, the arrangement was signed in Beijing in the presence of presidents Emmanuel Macron and Xi Jinping.

Although not legally binding, the agreement does commit the two sides to reaching the final handshake as soon as possible and to begin work on the plant in the course of 2018.

Philippe Knoche, the chief executive of New Areva, said in a press statement that “CNNC and New Areva have stepped up their efforts to reach agreement on the contract and we are seeing today very positive results. I am looking forward to finalising the negotiations soon, and starting the implementation of this landmark project with our partner CNNC in 2018.”

The site will be built in China, and will follow the basic design of France’s La Hague reprocessing plant in Normandy.

French newspaper Le Monde commented that the deal between New Areva and CNNC has been under discussion for so long, with so many changes of direction and disappointments, that it had became something of a joke in the world of the French nuclear power.

The deal is important for New Areva because with Japan, German and the US effectively out of the nuclear business, and with France placing more emphasis on renewables, China looks set to become the centre of the world’s nuclear power industry.

It also allows the French company to make the most of its expertise in nuclear fuel. China plans to avoid future uranium shortages by becoming one of the few countries in the world to build a “closed fuel cycle” industry, in which waste is reprocessed into new fuel.

This is New Areva’s speciality and, given the fact that Areva Group has made 6,000 employees redundant in the past two years, China represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity for the company to secure its future.

It also builds on the close relationship that has developed between EDF, the main French energy utility, and CNNC, with the French company holding 30% of the Taishan reactor (pictured), due to go online this year in southeast China.

Source : Global Construction Review
Saudi Arabia aims to prequalify firms by April or May for first nuclear plant

REUTERS reported that Saudi Arabia plans to prequalify for bidding firms from two or three countries by April or May for the first nuclear reactors it wants to build. A consultant for the government body working on the nuclear plans said that Saudi Arabia, the world's top oil exporter, wants nuclear power to diversify its energy supply mix, enabling it to export more crude rather than burning it to generate electricity.

It plans to build 17.6 gigawatts of nuclear capacity by 2032, the equivalent of around 16 reactors, making it one of the biggest prospects for an industry struggling after the 2011 nuclear disaster in Japan.

Mr Abdul Malik al-Sabery, a consultant at the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy told reporters in Abu Dhabi that "Currently we are in the evaluation process for RFI (request for information) and we will hold discussions with them (suppliers) next month.”

Mr Sabery said a joint venture between the Saudi government and the winning developers would be signed in 2019 after the shortlisting by end of 2018. Commissioning of the first plant, which will have two reactors with a total a capacity between 2 and 3.2 GW, is expected in 2027.

Saudi Arabia's energy minister, Khalid al-Falih, said last month that he expected to sign contracts to build two nuclear reactors by the end of 2018.

Saudi Arabia has sent a request for information to international suppliers to build two reactors, the first step towards a formal tendering competition.

Mr Sabery said Riyadh was currently evaluating requirements from five countries; China, Russia, South Korea, France and the United States.

Russian and South Korean companies have said they plan to bid and sources have told Reuters that Toshiba-owned U.S. company Westinghouse is in talks with US rivals to form a bidding consortium. French state-controlled utility EDF also intends to take part in the tender.

Saudi Arabia is interested in reaching a civilian nuclear cooperation agreement with Washington, and Riyadh has invited US firms to take part in developing the kingdom's first atomic energy programme.

Source : Reuters
China to go ahead with mergers of two nuclear firms

Caixin Global reported that China has given the green light for two of its largest nuclear-power firms to merge as it continues to consolidate state-owned enterprises to reduce overcapacity and improve operating efficiency. China’s state-asset regulator approved the proposed merger of China National Nuclear Corp, the country’s largest nuclear power plant developer and operator, and China Nuclear Engineering & Construction Corp which builds nuclear-power plants.

The two companies have been under direct supervision by the China State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. CNECC will become a subsidiary company of CNNC, according to the announcement by the regulator. The merger will reduce the number of enterprises run by the central government to 97, compared with 117 in 2012.

The merger will create a new nuclear powerhouse with assets worth more than 600 billion yuan (USD 95.4 billion), according to estimates based on the two companies’ financial statements.

The consolidation will not affect the assets and trading of the three listed companies owned by CNNC and CNECC Shenzhen-listed SUFA Technology Industry Co, Shanghai-listed China National Nuclear Power Co and Shanghai-listed China Nuclear Engineering & Construction Corp.

The nuclear merger is among a handful consolidation deals in China’s energy industry.

Last year, the SASAC approved the merger of electricity producer China Guodian and Shenhua Group, the country’s top coal miner, to create the world’s largest power company by capacity, with combined assets of 1.8 trillion yuan.

In 2015, State Power Investment Corp. was established through the merger of the State Nuclear Power Technology Corp. and China Power Investment Corp., becoming one of three nuclear power plant developers and operators in China.

Mergers have also taken place in other sectors, including tourism and construction materials.

The Beijing State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission approved the proposed merger between state-owned hotel chain operator Beijing Tourism Group and Wangfujing Dongan Group Co, a Shanghai-listed retailer. After the merger, Beijing Tourism Group will have total assets of more than 100 billion yuan.

Last year, the China National Travel Service Group merged with China International Travel Services Group in a multibillion yuan deal that created the country’s largest tourism conglomerate.

In the steel industry, which has long ben plagued by overcapacity, Baowu Steel Group was formed late last year in a merger between Baoshan Iron and Steel Group and Wuhan Iron and Steel, making it the largest steel producer in China, and the second largest in the world.

Source : Caixin Global
US Westinghouse to hold talks for six nuclear reactors in Andhra Pradesh

Economic Times reported that US nuclear major Westinghouse, overcoming troubles over bankruptcy and buoyed by takeover by a Canadian consortium, will hold talks this week with the Indian government. It hopes to finally implement an Indo-American agreement for setting up six nuclear reactors in Andhra Pradesh.

Westinghouse will limit its role to supply of reactor technology, allowing construction to be undertaken by appropriate Indian firm. It will debrief India on its current position and discuss loans from US Exim Bank and procurement of components from Japan and South Korea, it has been learnt.

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Washington last year, it was decided that Westinghouse which was proposed to set up six nuclear reactors in Andhra Pradesh, will supply technology while construction will be undertaken by a relevant Indian partner. The proposal to set up six nuclear reactors in Andhra Pradesh by US nuclear major Westinghouse figured in the Joint Statement after the Modi-Donald Trump summit last June.

The nuclear watchdog said that Westinghouse was caught in a bankruptcy quagmire and there is no functional reference atomic plant a pre requisite to obtain permission from the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board.

According to the initial plan, the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited and Westinghouse were scheduled to conclude a techno-commercial pact for the proposed plant in June last year but the US company's financial troubles had slowed down the progress.

Source : Economic Times
French EDF plans new central storage site for nuclear waste

Reuters reported that French state-controlled utility EDF plans to build a new central storage pool for nuclear waste but has not yet decided on a site. French environment news site Reporterre wrote that EDF plans to build a central spent-fuel pool on the grounds of its Belleville-sur-Loire nuclear plant, which could receive up to 8,000 tonnes of spent fuel, the equivalent of up to about 90 reactor cores.

Spent fuel from nuclear reactors remains highly radioactive for thousands of years and all countries using nuclear energy struggle with the question of where to store it safely.

An EDF spokesman confirmed that the utility, at the request of nuclear regulator ASN and the environment ministry, is studying the possibility of building such a site and will send a proposal to the ASN, by 2019 at the latest. The choice of a site would be made around 2020.

He said the central pool would be built on the site of one of its 19 nuclear plants and that it would receive the spent fuel of all of EDF's 58 nuclear reactors.

Late last month, Philippe Sasseigne, the head of EDF's French nuclear fleet, said a central pool was being considered because the spent fuel pools at the La Hague nuclear plant could be full by 2030.

Reporterre said Belleville had been selected because of its central location and good railway connections, and because it has ample space. Only two reactors were built on a site meant to accommodate four.

An ASN spokeswoman said the regulator is studying the security requirements for a central spent-fuel storage pool but that no site had been chosen.

Spent fuel is usually left to cool in pools next to nuclear reactors before being shipped to central pools or permanent storage facilities.

France has a project to store long-life nuclear waste 500 metres below ground in impermeable clay in Bure, eastern France, but the plan has not yet received government approval and is strongly opposed by local groups and environmentalists.

Meanwhile, the La Hague reprocessing site acts as a de facto nuclear waste storage site as France has no permanent solution for deep geological storage.

Source : Reuters
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EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
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