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Wadloper schreef op 26 oktober 2020 08:38:


'grootste domme maffia schooier '

Schelden help niet Plein, daar maak je jezelf BELACHELIJK mee.
Van de Trump-mannen op dit draadje zie je dit nooit, het behoorlijk grove gescheld zit altijd aan jullie kant.

Is het leeftijd, is het diepe haat of is het een gebrek aan.
The Left Calls Being Kind 'Right-Wing LOVE Bombs,' Leftists Are TOTALLY Sold On OTHERIZATION

Wadloper schreef op 26 oktober 2020 08:38:

Schelden help niet Plein, daar maak je jezelf BELACHELIJK mee.

Daarom vinden we Trump ook zo belachelijk als hij experts "idiots" noemt en gevallen soldaten "suckers" en "losers".

Belachelijk is eigenlijk te zacht uitgedrukt, het is eerder walgelijk.

Joe Biden :

The issues we’re facing are far bigger than any political party.

It’s why I’ll be a president for all Americans — Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike — because I believe we must work together if we’re going to get anything done.


The Biden campaign had Brayden Harrington, the boy who bonded with Joe over stuttering, record a closing campaign ad and now I am crying.

video 0:59 minuut


Barack Obama :

You could be the difference between someone making it out to the polls or staying home. And many states could be decided by a handful of votes. Join me and make some calls for Joe in the last few days of this election:

video 2:16 minuut

Joe Biden :

The words of a president matter. And time and time again, Donald Trump has callously used his to incite violence, stoke the flames of hatred and division, and drive us further apart.

It’s time for it to end.

Republicans for Joe Biden :

Donald Trump again accused Doctors for fabricating the Covid death count for money. Disgraceful.


Bruce Sringsteen :

This is Joe Biden’s hometown. This is more than where he’s from. This is who he’s for.

video 1:00 minuut

In Texas alleen al 750 minder kieslokalen deze verkiezingen en alleen maar in zwarte en Spaanse buurten. Tevens willen de Republikeinen dat de stemmen na 3 november niet meer geteld worden.

Met die boodschap komt het Witte Huis nu naar buiten. Het Witte Huis wil pertinent een winnaar verklaren op 3 november. Hoezo niet meetellen?

haas schreef op 2 november 2020 09:04:

In Texas alleen al 750 minder kieslokalen deze verkiezingen en alleen maar in zwarte en Spaanse buurten. Tevens willen de Republikeinen dat de stemmen na 3 november niet meer geteld worden.

Met die boodschap komt het Witte Huis nu naar buiten. Het Witte Huis wil pertinent een winnaar verklaren op 3 november. Hoezo niet meetellen?
Where you have more morgues (lijkenhuizen) than polling places....Texas.

Judge Samaniego confirms that El Paso County is having to set up a fourth mobile morgue at the medical examiner’s office due to a buildup in COVID-19 deaths.

The county had to set up a third mobile morgue unit just yesterday.

Things are quickly getting worse.


Biden drive-in rally in Pittsburg

1ste tweet
"My message is simple -- the power to change this country is in your hands, in your hands! ... I don't care how hard Donald Trump tries, there is nothing, nothing that will stop the people of this nation from voting, period."

video 2:17 minuut

2de tweet
Biden: "Trump went on to say he was going to fire Dr Fauci. I've got a better idea, let's fire Trump & I'll hire Fauci... The first step to beating this virus is beating Trump... Trump is gonna be the first POTUS in 90 years to finish his term w/fewer jobs than when he started."

video 2:18 minuut


Biden rally in Pittsburgh

3rde tweet
Biden: "Why should you be paying more than Trump pays in taxes? The NYT said he paid $750 one year. When they asked him about it... he said the reason he always paid that was because he was smart & he knew how to game the system. I am sick of the wealthy guys gaming the system!"

video 1:36 minuut

4rde tweet (druk op "deze collectie tonen")
Biden: "[Trump] loves to talk about corruption. We found out last week he's the only POTUS I've heard of who has a secret bank account in China, where he paid 50 times more taxes in Beijing than he did in the US. Folks, as my mother would have said, enough is enough is enough."

video 0:39 minuut


Kamala Harris, in Philadelphia, on Trump's coronavirus response: "We have witnessed the greatest failure of a presidential administration in America's history."

video 2:18 minuut

Kamala Harris: "We will confront, not condone, white supremacy ... we will begin the work of healing and repairing and uniting our nation."

video 2:17 minuut

Lady Gaga at the Biden rally in Pittsburgh: "It's gonna be very clear what this country is, tomorrow, so you gotta go out and vote."

video 2:20 minuut


Biden's Pittsburgh drive in rally

Biden: "I promise you I'll work as hard for those who don't support me as those who do. That's the job of POTUS. The duty to care for everyone, the duty to heal. That's the president's job. So please vote ... the character of the country is on the ballot."

video 2:20 minuut

zie 5de tweet :
Beide presidentskandidaten doen nu in het heetst van de strijd beloften die ze nooit zullen kunnen waar maken in de toekomst.

simidoc schreef op 3 november 2020 06:50:

Beide presidentskandidaten doen nu in het heetst van de strijd beloften die ze nooit zullen kunnen waar maken in de toekomst.
Voor Trump maakt dat niets uit want die liegt toch aan een stuk door.
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