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Klimaatdiscussie: opwarming aarde door mens of natuur


De NL elektriciteitprijs daalt (in de praktijk) lineair met circa 1% per procent extra zon en wind in de stroommix.
Zon op woningen produceert thans tuim 5% van de totale NL stroomvraag en veroorzaakt 'dus' een algehele prijsdaling van ruim 5%.

luchtschip schreef op 6 mei 2023 17:50:


Heeft hij van Rupert Murdoch geleerd

Door bevolkingsgroepen tegen elkaar op te hitsen met valse verhalen

Hoe Rupert Murdoch, de oprichter van Fox News, naties verdeelt.

cartoon :


een reactie hierop uit de UK :

Het is echter meer zoals dit, echt waar. In ieder geval in het Verenigd Koninkrijk.



En de Telegraaf doet er ook hard aan mee om samen met rechtse influencers verdeeldheid te creëren om rechts de macht over te laten nemen

En in EW de regelmatige opinie stukjes van diverse tendentieuze schrijvers in de kolom van Wynia's Week

En nu komt Arnout Jaspers zonder enige onderbouwde argumenten, maar gewoon met wat suggestieve beweringen en pseudo wetenschappelijk betoog, een boekje van slechts 131 pagina's voor het forse bedrag van euro 21,90 aan de man te brengen

En het enige doel van deze soap, is met een continue stroom aan verdachtmakingen en leugens en halve waarheden, de regering in diskrediet te brengen en de bevolking op te hitsen tot gewelddadige acties

Vertel de arme sloebers dat de regering hen uitbuit en voorliegt, waardoor ze zaken niet meer kunnen betalen
Dat horen ze graag
Vertel ze dan ook gelijk dat je hun zakken wel even wilt legen door grof geld te bellen voor een boek, vol list en bedrog verhalen om "bewijs" te leveren

En dan zijn er ook nog forum leden die hier promotie voor maken
Onzin, die onderliggende stikstofwetgeving is zeer streng (zie het PFAS dossier) en deugt gewoon niet.
Zelfs als alle boeren verdwijnen wordt de beoogde norm niet gerealiseerd.
Teveel ondeskundige lieden in Den Haag waarvan er zelfs een aantal een boerfobie hebben!

jowi schreef op 8 mei 2023 14:01:


Onzin, die onderliggende stikstofwetgeving is zeer streng (zie het PFAS dossier) en deugt gewoon niet.
Zelfs als alle boeren verdwijnen wordt de beoogde norm niet gerealiseerd.
Teveel ondeskundige lieden in Den Haag waarvan er zelfs een aantal een boerfobie hebben!
Nederland heeft in 2022 3,8 miljoen runderen en 11 miljoen varkens

het maakt een groot verschil of je die gelijk verdeelt over Nederland of ze allemaalbij elkaar zet

Door de mega stallen en allemaal in een zelfde gebied (Brabant-Veluwe ) komt de mest maar in een klein gebied

En dagelijks produceren die 14 miljoen dieren de mest /urine
Dat zijn enorme hoeveelheden mest in een klein gebied

Deze mest/urine bevat stikstof en via lucht/water komt het in de grond in de buurt van die megastallen, waardoor de grond ernstig verzuurt

We worden in bepaalde gebieden overstroomd door stikstofverbingen en dit heeft ernstige gevolgen voor de natuur

Daar moet paal en perk aan gesteld worden

Hetzij dat de mest direct bij het verlaten van het dier verwijderd wordt en de stikstof op een of andere wijze behandeld wordt om he weg van de natuur en de omgeving te houden

Boeren zijn harde werkers, heel inventief en hebben van alles uit de kast gehaald o tot hogere efficiëntie te komen

Aan de mest hebben ze nauwelijks aandacht besteed, want die lozen ze op het landgebied van de Nederlandse burgers en geen haan die er naar kraait

Maar nu wordt het te gortig met die grote veestapel om miljoenen mensen in het buitenland van melk en vlees te voorzien

De boeren hebben nog geen moeite genomen het mest probleem aan te pakken

Dan komen er wetten om de stikstof belasting te verminderen en wanneer dit niet mogelijk is, dan moeten er veeteelt bedrijven sluiten
Researchers discover that the ice cap is teeming with microorganisms

There are no plants, and only very few animals: people rarely come here. The large glaciers in Greenland have long been perceived as ice deserts. Gigantic ice sheets where conditions for life are extremely harsh.

But now, it seems, we have been wrong. There is much more life on the glaciers than we thought.

Headed by Professor Alexandre Anesio, a group of researchers from the Department of Environmental Science at Aarhus University have discovered that the glaciers are teeming with life. Microbes that have adapted to life on the ice. And not just one or two species. Several thousand different species.

"A small puddle of melt-water on a glacier can easily have 4,000 different species living in it. They live on bacteria, algae, viruses and microscopic fungi. It's a whole ecosystem that we never knew existed until recently," says Alexandre Anesio.

What do the microbes live on?
Over the past 50 years, researchers have repeatedly been surprised by the hardiness of life. Life has been found several kilometres underground -- where there is neither sun nor oxygen. Billions of microorganisms "eat" minerals in the bedrock and so can survive.

Researchers have shown that life can even survive in space. In 2007, European researchers placed a colony of more than 3,000 microscopic water bears (tardigrades) outside a satellite and sent them into orbit around the Earth. The orbit lasted 10 days, after which the satellite returned to Earth. No less than 68 per cent of the microbes survived the vacuum of space and the lethal radiation.

Therefore, it might not come as a surprise that life also thrives on the glaciers. After all there is sun, oxygen and water. Nevertheless, until recently, researchers believed that the ice had too little nourishment to sustain life. But they were wrong.

There is nourishment. Just in incredibly small quantities, explains Alexandre Anesio.

Black algae
One of the microorganisms on the ice that the researchers spent most time investigating is a small black algae. The algae grows on top of the ice and tinges it black. There is a reason why the black algae so interesting for the researchers.

"When the ice darkens, it becomes more difficult to reflect sunlight. Instead, heat from the sun's rays is absorbed by the ice, which starts to melt. The more the ice melts, the warmer the temperature on Earth. The algae therefore play an important role in global warming," says Alexandre Anesio.

In recent years, larger and larger areas of the ice have become stained by the algae, making the ice melt even faster. Alexandre Anesio has calculated that the algae are increasing the ice melt by about 20 per cent.

The algae on the ice also existed before people kicked off global warming through industrialisation. However, climate change means spring arrives ever earlier to the Arctic and as a result the algae have a longer season to grow and spread.

"The algae spread a little more every year. When I travel to Greenland, I now see vast areas where the ice is completely dark because of the algae," he says.

Looking for an algaecide
Alexandre Anesio and his colleagues are spending a lot of time on the black algae because they are trying to find out whether the algae growth can be slowed down in some way or another.

The is a balance In most ecosystems -- a kind of equilibrium -- because the various organisms keep each other in check. So Alexandre Anesio wants to learn more about the relationship between the different microbes.

"The various microorganisms on the ice affect each other. Some leave nutrition that others live off. Small viral particles attack and consume bacteria. We believe that some of the fungal spores could eat the black algae. This is what we're looking for," he says.

However, he stresses that, even if they do find a way to curb algae growth, this will not solve climate change. Although it could slow it down.

Algae growth is a consequence of our releasing too many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. And this is where the problem must be solved. We need to focus on slowing down our emissions.

The same pigment as in black tea
Algae is found virtually everywhere. In the sea, in lakes, on trees and rocks, and even as small spores in the air. Most algae are greenish. Like plants and trees, they are green because of chlorophyll. A molecule that enables them to photosynthesise.

But it's different for the black algae.
"Because the algae live on the ice, they're bombarded with sunlight and radiation. To protect themselves, they produce a lot of black pigment. It's actually the same pigment as in black tea. The pigment forms a protective layer outside the algae and protects the chlorophyll molecules against the dangerous radiation," says Alexandre Anesio. When the pigment absorbs the sun's rays, it generates heat. This heat makes the ice around the algae melt. And this actually benefits the algae. They need both water and micronutrients from the ice to live.

And they can only use the water when it is liquid.

NASA also has an eye on his research
Alexandre Anesio's research into life on the ice is important for a better understanding of climate change. However, NASA is also following his research results closely. The results may be crucial in the hunt for life in space.

"NASA has approached us several times because we're working with life that lives in one of the most inhospitable places on Earth. If life thrives on and under the ice, there's a probability that we'll also find life in the ice on Mars or Jupiter's and Saturn's ice moons, for example," he says.

Before NASA sent their Perseverance rover to Mars, they even invited Alexandre Anesio to a meeting.

"They were afraid that the rover would take with it microbes from Earth. Microbes that may be able to survive on Mars and pollute the samples they were going to take from Mars. So, they wanted to know what conditions life can survive in. What are the boundaries for life?"

Can give an indication of what they should look for
NASA is so interested in the research of life in the ice because we haven't found liquid water on any other planets in the solar system. Not yet, anyway. But we've found plenty of ice.

However, there is evidence to suggest that there are liquid oceans beneath the frozen surface of Saturn's moon, Enceladus and Jupiter's moon, Europa -- and one of the necessities of life, as we know it, is liquid water.

Therefore, NASA and other space agencies are very interested in learning more about the type of life that can live on and under the ice. Because organisms that resemble those in Greenland are probably those they'll be looking for on the ice moons.

"Like us, they're very interested in how the microorganisms on the ice function. How much nutrition do they need? What type of nutrition? And how does the ecosystem they are part of work? These are questions that we hope to be able to answer in the future," says Alexandre Anesio.
Vandaag bij RTL nieuws/ weerberichten. We hebben een extreem nat voorjaar. Dit schijnt zeer goed voor onze natuur te zijn.

Ik hoop ook voor onze natura 2000 gebieden!
Ronald Engels

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 6 mei 2023 11:41:


Arnout wordt rijk dankzij stikstof.........!!!!

Hoe meer kritiek hij krijgt, hoe meer hij verdient.


Hopelijk voor hem verdient hij Dhr. Arnout Jaspers hier goed, na alle bagger over hem uitgestort door de linkse groene D`666 leugen media.

Overigens het is een zeer goed geschreven boek en ik heb hem niet op onwaarheden kunnen betrappen, dus voor mij is zijn waarheid vele malen beter en professioneler als de D`666 dhr. Geert de Groot bewuste onwaarheden, manipulaties en vaak ronduit eigenbelang D`666 bedrog.

Dus heer Arnout Jaspers, Keep It Up in het belang van Nederland en boor dhr. Geert de Groot, D`666 maar fijn zijn vervuilde zure grond in, verzuurd wellicht door D`666 leden vervuilende NOx => HNO3 = Salpeterzuur en fijnstof carbondeeltjes uitstotende dieselauto`s en autobanden en hun vervuilende reizen met NOx en fijnstof carbon en PFAS uitstotende vliegtuigenmotoren en banden.

De D`666 kunnen er wat van met hun elite reizen rond de wereld in vervuilende carbon fijnstof en NOx => HNO3 = Salpeterzuur uitstoot vliegtuigen, enzv.

Verbeter de wereld en begin zelf is duidelijk niet het Moto van D`666 leden en bestuur en politici????

M.v.g. Ronald
P.S. Overigens het wordt kouder op Planeet Aarde de komende 30 jaar, sinds juni 2016, start van de 1e koude Al Niña stroming van de laatste 11-jarige zonneactiviteit cyclus no 24 met nog 2 Al Nina`s die sindsdien gevolgd zijn tot en met begin 2023.

Overigens de nieuwe warme El Niño van zonneactiviteit cyclus no 25 is nog niet echt gestart, dus wel of niet een warme El Niño deze zomer en 2024 is nog een open vraag op dit moment?

M.v.g. Ronald
Klimaat/milieu en klimaatbeleid/milieubeleid wordt een verdienmodel. Er zijn allerlei partijen die klaar staan om zich op die pot van 24 miljard te storten. Of het klimaat of het milieu ermee geholpen is, maakt niets meer uit. Je moet klaar staan om die ruif van 24 miljard leeg te eten.
Het is een blanco cheque aan het worden. Je kunt nu bij wijze van spreken een paar slecht lopende boerenbedrijven met veel uitstoot kopen en daar over een paar jaar de hoofdprijs voor vangen. Je kunt een start-up beginnen met de gekste ideeën, zindelijkheidstraining voor koeien, uitstootloos pluimvee.
Unexpected melting of Greenland glacier might double sea level rise projections

A glacier in the north of Greenland is melting faster and in a different way than scientists previously thought, and this has troubling implications for the future speed of global sea-level rise.

The new discovery was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Monday. The scientists found that warming ocean water had melted a cavity in the bottom of Petermann Glacier taller than the Washington Monument, as The Associated Press reported. If other glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica behave the same way, it could double predictions for how quickly the burning of fossil fuels will melt ice and raise sea levels.

“It’s bad news,” study author Eric Rignot, a University of California, Irvine (UCI), glaciologist, told the AP. “We know the current projections are too conservative.”

The Petermann Glacier is a massive glacier in Northwest Greenland that contains enough ice to raise sea levels by a little more than a foot, the study authors noted. It is one of four Greenland ice masses that make up “the largest threat for rapid sea-level rise from Greenland in the coming decades” since they drain into the ocean below sea level.

Up until recently, however, the glacier was relatively stable, gaining about as much mass each year as it lost. That began to change in 2016, when the center of its grounding line began to edge backward at a rate of 0.6 miles per year.

A glacier’s grounding line is the place where it moves from being supported by land to floating on the ocean, and it’s this feature of Petermann that is the focus of the new study. The scientists from UCI, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, the University of Houston, Finland’s Iceye mission, China’s Tongji University, the German Aerospace Center, and the Italian Space Agency used satellite radar data to learn that the grounding line was moving significantly with the tides.

“Petermann’s grounding line could be more accurately described as a grounding zone, because it migrates between 2 and 6 kilometers [approximately 1.2 to 3.7 miles] as tides come in and out,” lead author Enrico Ciraci, a UCI assistant specialist in Earth system science and NASA postdoctoral fellow, said in a statement. “This is an order of magnitude larger than expected for grounding lines on a rigid bed.”

This movement, in turn, accelerated ice melt.

“These ice-ocean interactions make the glaciers more sensitive to ocean warming,” Rignot explained.

Between 2016 and 2022, the grounding line retreated by more than two miles. During that time, the warmer ocean water melted a 669-foot tall cavity at the bottom of the glacier. The melt rates around the cavity for 2020-21 were 50% greater than the melt rates for 2016-19, and, during 2022, the cavity stayed open the entire year.

What’s especially concerning to the study authors is that what happens in Petermann may not stay in Petermann.

“These dynamics are not included in models,” Rignot said.

If they were included, it could double sea-level rise projections, the study authors observed.

Hélène Seroussi, a glaciologist at Dartmouth College who was not involved with the study, cautioned The Washington Post that models for ice melt and sea-level rise would not incorporate these findings overnight, since scientists still need to determine how many glaciers they really apply to. However, Seroussi acknowledged that the measurements were unprecedented.

“The melt rates reported are very large, much larger than anything we suspected in this region,” Seroussi said.

Andreas Muenchow of the University of Delaware, a scientist who studies Petermann Glacier but was also not a part of the study, further told the Post that the high melt rates were observed over a relatively small area.

“My main takeaway is that models need to be improved,” Muenchow said.

Ronald Engels

Succes schreef op 12 mei 2023 15:14:

Unexpected melting of Greenland glacier might double sea level rise projections

A glacier in the north of Greenland is melting faster and in a different way than scientists previously thought, and this has troubling implications for the future speed of global sea-level rise.

The new discovery was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Monday. The scientists found that warming ocean water had melted a cavity in the bottom of Petermann Glacier taller than the Washington Monument, as The Associated Press reported. If other glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica behave the same way, it could double predictions for how quickly the burning of fossil fuels will melt ice and raise sea levels.

“It’s bad news,” study author Eric Rignot, a University of California, Irvine (UCI), glaciologist, told the AP. “We know the current projections are too conservative.”

The Petermann Glacier is a massive glacier in Northwest Greenland that contains enough ice to raise sea levels by a little more than a foot, the study authors noted. It is one of four Greenland ice masses that make up “the largest threat for rapid sea-level rise from Greenland in the coming decades” since they drain into the ocean below sea level.

Up until recently, however, the glacier was relatively stable, gaining about as much mass each year as it lost. That began to change in 2016, when the center of its grounding line began to edge backward at a rate of 0.6 miles per year.

A glacier’s grounding line is the place where it moves from being supported by land to floating on the ocean, and it’s this feature of Petermann that is the focus of the new study. The scientists from UCI, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, the University of Houston, Finland’s Iceye mission, China’s Tongji University, the German Aerospace Center, and the Italian Space Agency used satellite radar data to learn that the grounding line was moving significantly with the tides.

“Petermann’s grounding line could be more accurately described as a grounding zone, because it migrates between 2 and 6 kilometers [approximately 1.2 to 3.7 miles] as tides come in and out,” lead author Enrico Ciraci, a UCI assistant specialist in Earth system science and NASA postdoctoral fellow, said in a statement. “This is an order of magnitude larger than expected for grounding lines on a rigid bed.”

This movement, in turn, accelerated ice melt.

“These ice-ocean interactions make the glaciers more sensitive to ocean warming,” Rignot explained.

Between 2016 and 2022, the grounding line retreated by more than two miles. During that time, the warmer ocean water melted a 669-foot tall cavity at the bottom of the glacier. The melt rates around the cavity for 2020-21 were 50% greater than the melt rates for 2016-19, and, during 2022, the cavity stayed open the entire year.

What’s especially concerning to the study authors is that what happens in Petermann may not stay in Petermann.

“These dynamics are not included in models,” Rignot said.

If they were included, it could double sea-level rise projections, the study authors observed.

Hélène Seroussi, a glaciologist at Dartmouth College who was not involved with the study, cautioned The Washington Post that models for ice melt and sea-level rise would not incorporate these findings overnight, since scientists still need to determine how many glaciers they really apply to. However, Seroussi acknowledged that the measurements were unprecedented.

“The melt rates reported are very large, much larger than anything we suspected in this region,” Seroussi said.

Andreas Muenchow of the University of Delaware, a scientist who studies Petermann Glacier but was also not a part of the study, further told the Post that the high melt rates were observed over a relatively small area.

“My main takeaway is that models need to be improved,” Muenchow said.



Ha, Ha, Ha, Lachen, ze zijn werkelijk niet te stoppen de CO2 Global Warming Klimaat Hysterici!

M.v.g. Ronald

Ronald Engels schreef op 12 mei 2023 21:11:




Ha, Ha, Ha, Lachen, ze zijn werkelijk niet te stoppen de CO2 Global Warming Klimaat Hysterici!

M.v.g. Ronald
Global temperatures to exceed vital 1.5C climate limit set at Paris agreement by 2027, scientists warn

Global temperatures are likely to surpass vital 1.5C threshold for the first time within the next few years, scientists have warned.

Scientists at the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) have warned there’s a 66% chance the world will pass the key 1.5C temperature limit between now and 2027.

This would mark the first time in human history that such a temperature is reached, and it is also predicted there is a 98% chance that the record for the hottest year on record will be surpassed by 2027

The probability of this happening has increased due to a rise in emissions from human activities.

Met Office expert Dr Leon Hermanson said this includes a rise in greenhouse gases and naturally-occurring El Niño event – a heating of the Eastern pacific which impacts rainfall and global temperatures.

He said: “We have never crossed 1.5C. The current record is 1.28C,” Dr Hermanson said.

“It’s very likely we’re going to exceed that, we might even reach 1.5C – it’s more likely than not that we will.

“It’s not this long term warming that the Paris Agreement talks about, but it is an indication that as we start having these years, with 1.5C happening more and more often, we’re getting closer and closer to having the actual long-term climate being on that threshold.”

An El Niño, according to the Met Office, is: “Widely used to describe the warming of sea surface temperature that occurs every few years, typically concentrated in the central-east equatorial Pacific.”

The phenomena is declared when the temperatures of the tropical eastern Pacific rise above the long-term average of 0.5C and subsequently raises global temperatures a year after its development.

The WMO has said an El Niño warming event is expected in the coming months.

General secretary Professor Petteri Taalas of WMO said: “This will have far-reaching repercussions for health, food security, water management and the environment. We need to be prepared.”

While the breach of the Paris agreement limit would be a worrying milestone in the climate crisis, scientists have emphasised it is likely to be temporary.

What would breaching the limit mean?
During the 2015 Paris agreement, a global temperature limit was set to 1.5C and countries in attendance agreed to “pursue efforts” to avoid this.

Repeatedly breaching this threshold could mean the world starts seeing greater long-term impacts of global warming, including intense storms, wildfires and longer heatwaves.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has said damage to people and wildlife will increase with every increment of global warming.

But scientists stressed that surpassing this limit one time would not mean the Paris limit has been broken, as it would need to be broken more than once before it could be considered a long-term problem.

Last year the global average temperature was 1.16C above pre-industrial levels, marking 2022 as the ninth consecutive year the global average temperature was 1C or more above pre-industrial levels.

It comes after the summer of 2022 was recorded as the hottest season and the second warmest year on record for Europe.

India blijft bakken.

Meldingen zijn te horen van ongewoon hoge luchtvochtigheid in gebieden waar het niet gebruikelijk is.

Hoge temperaturen in combinatie met hoge luchtvochtigheid zijn dodelijk.

Overlevingsperiode van 6 uur op bepaalde niveaus.

De nachttemperaturen blijven ook in veel delen van het land boven de 30C - miljoenen slapen buiten.


Deze kreeg ik privé van Ron, en is de moeite waard om hier te delen:

David Dilley: signals that global cooling Is beginning!

Na ongeveer 200 jaar opwarming volgt nu een cyclus van ca. 220 jaar afkoeling.


Over David Dilley:

President and Senior Research Scientist

Global Weather Oscillations, Inc.

Mr. Dilley is President and Founder of Global Weather Oscillations, Inc. (GWO).

He has 40 years of meteorological and climatological experience in:

Earth's Natural Climate Pulse Technology *CPT (patent pending)

Preparing meteorological and climate forecasts/predictions

Development of GWO's cutting edge Climate Pulse Technology (CPT)

Development of GWO's *CPT prediction models for weather and climate

Hurricane and Typhoon Track Predictions 4-years in advance (most accurate long-range predictions for 9 consecutive years)

El Niño and La Niña predictions 4 years into the future - most accurate of any organization the past 9-years

Global cooling and warming cycles

Climate cycle predictions

Regional earthquake predictions


josti5 schreef op 23 mei 2023 08:48:

Deze kreeg ik privé van Ron, en is de moeite waard om hier te delen:

David Dilley: signals that global cooling Is beginning!

Na ongeveer 200 jaar opwarming volgt nu een cyclus van ca. 220 jaar afkoeling.


Over David Dilley:

President and Senior Research Scientist

Global Weather Oscillations, Inc.

Mr. Dilley is President and Founder of Global Weather Oscillations, Inc. (GWO).

He has 40 years of meteorological and climatological experience in:

Earth's Natural Climate Pulse Technology *CPT (patent pending)

Preparing meteorological and climate forecasts/predictions

Development of GWO's cutting edge Climate Pulse Technology (CPT)

Development of GWO's *CPT prediction models for weather and climate

Hurricane and Typhoon Track Predictions 4-years in advance (most accurate long-range predictions for 9 consecutive years)

El Niño and La Niña predictions 4 years into the future - most accurate of any organization the past 9-years

Global cooling and warming cycles

Climate cycle predictions

Regional earthquake predictions

Dank voor het delen Josti !
Een paar dagen geleden was het Garda meer in de picture. De waterstand was nog nooit zo laag geweest Vandaag kon je constateren (Ronde van Italie) dat na een paar stevige regenbuien er totaal niets aan de hand is.

leek2018 schreef op 23 mei 2023 13:12:

Een paar dagen geleden was het Garda meer in de picture. De waterstand was nog nooit zo laag geweest Vandaag kon je constateren (Ronde van Italie) dat na een paar stevige regenbuien er totaal niets aan de hand is.

Het gaat hier om het (opzettelijk) door elkaar halen van weer en klimaat.
Te droog is klimaatverandering. Veel regen is klimaatverandering. Etc.
Links doet dat om politieke winst te behalen.
Veel burgers hebben dat zo langzamerhand wel door. Kijk maar naar het feitelijke gedrag. Vliegtuigen zitten overvol. Vleesconsumptie blijft hoog. Omzet van de kledingindustrie is hoog en blijft hoog.
Punt is dat de Club van Rome 50 jaar geleden met de meest alarmerende voorspellingen kwam. In 2006 kwam Al Gore daar nog eens overheen.
Al die waarschuwingen werken nauwelijks meer (cry wolfe riep het kind).
Wat we moeten doen is ons aanpassen aan (enige) wijziging van het klimaat. Zuinig zijn op de aarde. De hoeveelheid grondstoffen is beperkt.
Maar wel het hoofd 'koel' houden. En ons niet laten opjagen en misleiden door allerlei lieden die klimaatverandering gebruiken voor hun eigen agenda.

hirshi schreef op 23 mei 2023 17:23:

De opwarming van de aarde lijkt nog niet zijn intrede gedaan te hebben in Nederland.

In de provincie Utrecht wel degelijk

Sinds 1901 is de jaargemiddelde temperatuur in de Regio Utrecht toegenomen met ca 2 graden celsius --van 8,8 naar 10,9 graden celsius


Jij hebt er blijkbaar geen moeite mee er maar wat onzin uit te flappen op dit forum

Wanneer je idolaat de Russische sekteleider Putin, middels zijn slippendragers Baudet en Wilders volgt is het legitiem zijn propaganda te verspreiden, toch ?
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