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UEX - uranium en kobalt

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February 28, 2018
Winter Drill Program Underway at West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect

February 28, 2018

UEX Corporation (UEX:TSX) (“UEX” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the winter drilling program on the West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect is underway.

The Company plans to spend $1.5 million drilling its 100% owned West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect located on the Hidden Bay project, immediately east of the West Bear Uranium Deposit (“WBU Deposit”). The program consists of approximately 3,500 m of drilling in 30 to 40 holes to define the known mineralized zones. UEX anticipates that the drilling program will be completed by the middle of April.

The program will be focussed on growing the size of the known high-grade cobalt-nickel mineralization defined during the Company’s exploration programs in the West Bear area in 2002, 2004 and 2005 summarized in UEX’s news release of November 8, 2017 and available on and at UEX’s website at

We eagerly await the first results from West Bear. Our thorough review of the historical data has yielded additional high priority targets. This winter’s program at West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect is the first bold step in meeting our stated objective of unlocking additional value for our shareholders.

- Roger Lemaitre, President & CEO

UEX Announces Exploration Plan for the West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect

January 17, 2018

Cobalt Spin-Out Envisioned

Winter Exploration Program

UEX Corporation (TSX: UEX) (“UEX” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company plans to spend $1.5 million drilling its 100% owned West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect located on the Hidden Bay project, immediately east of the West Bear Uranium Deposit (“WBU Deposit”). The drill program is anticipated to begin in mid-February and complete 3,500 m of drilling with 30 to 40 holes to define the known mineralized zones.

The West Bear Co-Ni Prospect was discovered by the Company during the exploration programs that defined, evaluated and tested the area surrounding the WBU Deposit between 2002 and 2005. The West Bear Co-Ni Prospect assays compare favorably to the grades of other global and North American cobalt deposits (see UEX News Release dated November 8, 2017 filed on The highest-grade assay sample obtained during the 2002-2005 UEX drill programs was from hole WBE-019 that returned 9.94% cobalt and 2.97% nickel over a core length of 0.2 m between 33.8 m and 34.0 m (see UEX News Release dated April 22, 2002 filed on Impressive cobalt and nickel grades were also returned from historical UEX holes WBE-079 which assayed 3.95% Co and 2.36% Ni over 4.45 m from 60.65 to 65.10 m and WBE-071 that assayed 2.15% Co and 0.91% Ni over 8.4 m from 45.1 to 53.5 m.

I believe the surging demand for cobalt driven by the rapidly growing electric car industry provides the Company with strategic alternatives to enhance value for our shareholders through this asset.

- Roger Lemaitre, President & CEO

Potential Cobalt Spin-Out

In December, UEX formed a 100% wholly-owned subsidiary, CoEX Metals Corporation (“CoEX”), which will be tasked with the exploration and development of the West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Project.

The Company previously announced on November 8, 2017 plans to evaluate opportunities to unlock the value of the West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect for shareholders. Based upon the Company’s evaluation and current cobalt market conditions, UEX is exploring options to enhance shareholder value by spinning out CoEX as a new company. This would occur after completion and announcement of results of the drill program. Should UEX proceed with a spin-out transaction, all or the majority of CoEX shares would likely be distributed to UEX shareholders in a process similar to that under which UEX was formed in 2001 from Pioneer Metals Corporation.

Readers are cautioned that the Company may elect not to undertake the spin-out of CoEX and the West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect should there be a change in cobalt market conditions or investor interest, or should another opportunity arise that would similarly enhance value to UEX shareholders.
About UEX

UEX (TSX:UEX, OTC:UEXCF.PK, UXO.F) is a Canadian uranium exploration and development company involved in fourteen uranium projects, including three that are 100% owned and operated by UEX, one joint venture with AREVA Resources Canada Inc. (“AREVA”) that is 90.1% owned by UEX and is under option to and operated by ALX Uranium, as well as eight joint ventures with AREVA, one joint venture with AREVA and JCU (Canada) Exploration Company Limited, which are operated by AREVA, and one project (Christie Lake) under option from JCU (Canada) Exploration Company Limited and operated by UEX. The fourteen projects are located in the eastern, western and northern perimeters of the Athabasca Basin, the world’s richest uranium belt, which in 2015 accounted for approximately 22% of the global primary uranium production. UEX is currently advancing several uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin which include the Christie Lake deposits, the Kianna, Anne, Colette and 58B deposits at its currently 49.1%-owned Shea Creek Project (located 50 km north of Fission’s Triple R Deposit and Patterson Lake South Project, and NexGen’s Arrow Deposit) the Horseshoe and Raven deposits located on its 100%-owned Horseshoe-Raven Development Project and the West Bear Deposit located at its 100%-owned Hidden Bay Project.
Potential Cobalt Spin-Out

In December, UEX formed a 100% wholly-owned subsidiary, CoEX Metals Corporation (“CoEX”), which will be tasked with the exploration and development of the West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Project.

The Company previously announced on November 8, 2017 plans to evaluate opportunities to unlock the value of the West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect for shareholders. Based upon the Company’s evaluation and current cobalt market conditions, UEX is exploring options to enhance shareholder value by spinning out CoEX as a new company. This would occur after completion and announcement of results of the drill program. Should UEX proceed with a spin-out transaction, all or the majority of CoEX shares would likely be distributed to UEX shareholders in a process similar to that under which UEX was formed in 2001 from Pioneer Metals Corporation.

aapnoot schreef op 10 maart 2018 11:14:

wanneer gaat uranium moonen?
Bij Volle Maan......
Drilling Returns 2.00% Co and 1.26% Ni over 10.5 m at West Bear
7 hours ago
SASKATOON, Saskatchewan, April 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UEX Corporation (TSX:UEX) (“UEX” or the “Company”), through its 100%-owned subsidiary, CoEX Metals Corporation (“CoEX”), is pleased to announce the first tranche of assay results from the winter drilling program on the West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect, located in the eastern Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan.

The Company has completed 26 holes on its 100% owned West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect located on the West Bear Project (the “Project”). On February 28, 2018, UEX announced that it had commenced a $1.5 million 3,500 m, 30-40 drill hole program at West Bear with the objective of expanding the size of the high-grade West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect.

Based on the results of the program to date, CoEX has mobilized a second drill rig to the Project to maximize the number of holes that can be completed prior to the spring thaw.

Assay results have been received for hole WBC-001, WBC-002, and WBC-005. CoEX has yet to receive assay results for holes WBC-003 and WBC-004 and the remaining 21 holes that have been completed to date.

The table below summarized the assay results received to date.

Table 1 – Assay Results from the West Bear Co-Ni Prospect

Hole Depth Core Length Cobalt Nickel
From (m) To (m) (m*) (wt%) (wt%)
WBC-001 27.1 58.0 30.9 0.78 0.53
including 46.0 56.5 10.5 2.00 1.26
WBC-002 36.0 41.0 5.0 0.18 0.15
55.0 61.0 6.0 0.59 0.51
including 57.5 60.0 2.5 1.37 1.02
WBC-005 31.5 52.0 20.5 0.73 0.36
including 39.0 41.5 2.5 1.14 0.47
and 44.0 50.0 6.0 1.79 0.72
* True widths are estimated to be 90-95% of core lengths

The results of the first drill holes have exceeded our expectations. Not only have these early results expanded the West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect and confirmed its high-grade nature, they have shown us that mineralization occurs over a much thicker interval than previously understood. We are just beginning to realize the potential of the West Bear area.

- Roger Lemaitre, President & CEO

Highlights from the assay results include a composite assay grade of 2.00% cobalt and 1.26% nickel over a 10.5 m core length between 46.0 m and 56.5 m in hole WBC-001, located within a wider interval of 0.78% cobalt and 0.53% nickel over a 30.9 m core length between 27.1 m and 58.0 m.

Hole WBC-002 returned 0.59% Co and 0.51% Ni over a core length of 6.0 m between 55.0 m and 56.5 m that included a subinterval of 1.37% Co and 1.02% Ni over 2.5 m from 57.5 m and 60.0 m. This hole successfully expanded the down-dip extension of the West Bear Co-Ni Prospect by at least 15 m, where the mineralization remained open for expansion (see Figure 1 below).

Hole WBC-005 assayed 0.73% Co and 0.36% Ni over a core length of 20.5 m between 31.5 m and 52.0 m that included subintervals of 1.14 % Co and 0.47% Ni over a core length of 2.5 m between 39.0 m and 41.5 m as well as 1.79% Co and 0.72% Ni over a core length of 6.0 m between 44.0 m and 50.0 m.

Based upon the dip of the mineralization and dip angle of the drill holes, true widths are expected to be 90-95% of core lengths.

Sample Collection and Compositing

Samples are selected using a portable X-Ray Fluorescence (“XRF”) Spectrometer to aid in the identification of mineralized intervals. Selected drill core is then split in half sections on site and one half is collected for analysis with the other half core remaining on site for reference. Where possible, samples are collected at a standardized 0.5 m interval through zones of mineralization but respect geological units and intervals.

The samples are shipped to the Geoanalytical Laboratory at the Saskatchewan Research Council (“SRC”) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Analysis at the SRC laboratory for Cobalt, Nickel, Lead, Zinc, and Arsenic (wt %) was completed using the ICP-OES method with an Aqua Regia digestion. The SRC Geoanalytical Laboratory is an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited facility (#537) by the Standards Council of Canada.

Assay intervals were composited using a cut-off grade of 0.01% Cobalt. All depth measurements and sample intervals reported are down-hole measurements from drill core. True thickness of the ore zones has yet to be determined and is estimated at 90-95% of core thickness.

Qualified Persons and Data Acquisition

Technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Roger Lemaitre, P.Eng., P.Geo., UEX’s President and CEO and Trevor Perkins, P.Geo., UEX’s Exploration Manager, who are each considered to be a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

About UEX

UEX (TSX:UEX) (OTC:UEXCF.PK) (FRANKFURT:UXO.F) is a Canadian uranium exploration and development company involved in sixteen uranium projects, including six that are 100% owned and operated by UEX, one joint venture with Orano Canada Inc. (“Orano”) that is 90.1% owned by UEX and is under option to and operated by ALX Uranium, as well as eight joint ventures with Orano, one joint venture with Orano and JCU (Canada) Exploration Company Limited, which are operated by Orano, and one project (Christie Lake) under option from JCU (Canada) Exploration Company Limited and operated by UEX.

The company is also involved in one cobalt-nickel exploration project located in the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan. The West Bear Project was formerly part of UEX’s Hidden Bay Project and contains the West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect and the West Bear Uranium Deposit. The seventeen projects are located in the eastern, western and northern perimeters of the Athabasca Basin, the world's richest uranium belt, which in 2016 accounted for approximately 23% of the global primary uranium production. UEX is currently advancing several uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin which include the Christie Lake deposits, the Kianna, Anne, Colette and 58B deposits at its currently 49.1%-owned Shea Creek Project (located 50 km north of Fission’s Triple R Deposit and Patterson Lake South Project, and NexGen’s Arrow Deposit) the Horseshoe and Raven deposits located on its 100%-owned Horseshoe-Raven Development Project and the West Bear Uranium Deposit located at its 100%-owned West Bear Project.


Roger Lemaitre
President & CEO
(306) 979-3849

Ik verwacht binnenkort meer info over de afsplitsing van het kobalt-project.
De aandeelhouders van UEX krijgen waarschijnlijk gratis aandelen in het kobalt-project.
Assays Returns 4.90% Co and 2.08% Ni over 8.0 m at West Bear
T.UEX | 2 hours ago
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UEX Corporation (TSX:UEX) (“UEX” or the “Company”), through its 100%-owned subsidiary, CoEX Metals Corporation (“CoEX”) is pleased to announce the second tranche of assay results have been received for nine additional holes from the Phase 1 winter drilling program on the 100%-owned West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect, located in the eastern Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan.

The Company completed 41 holes totaling 4,457 m on its West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect located on the West Bear Project (the “Project”). On February 28, 2018, UEX announced that it had commenced a $1.5 million 3,500 m, 30-40 drill hole program at West Bear with the objective of expanding the size of the high-grade cobalt and nickel mineralized zone. Phase 1 drilling activities at West Bear have now been concluded in preparation for the spring thaw.

With the addition of this second tranche of assay results, UEX now has complete assay data from a total of 12 of the 41 holes drilled this winter. The assay results of the first three holes were previously announced in UEX’s News Release of April 9, 2018, and included an intersection of 2.00% Co and 1.26% Ni over 10.5 m from 46.0 to 56.5 m in hole WBC-001. Cobalt mineralization was encountered over significant widths in eight of the nine holes from the second tranche of samples.

Hole WBC-012 encountered 1.78% Co and 1.06% Ni over 22.5 m from 73.5 to 96.0 m and included a subinterval of 4.90% Co and 2.08% Ni over 8.0 m from 77.0 to 85.0 m.

Hole WBC-009 intersected two separate zones of mineralization with the lower zone returning 1.26% Co and 0.59% Ni over 9.5 m from 57.5 to 67.0 m that included a subinterval of 3.78% Co and 1.47% Ni over 3.0 m from 62.0 to 65.0 m.

Hole WBC-010 also encountered two mineralized intervals. The upper interval returned 0.56% Co and 0.28% Ni over 11.5 m from 40.5 to 52.0 m that included 1.64% Co and 0.58% Ni over 3.5 m from 40.5 to 44.0 m. The lower interval encountered 0.87% Co and 1.26% Ni over 1.5 m.

The first twelve holes have been successful at growing the West Bear Co-Ni Prospect by as much as 45 m in the down-dip direction (see attached figure) and up to 10 m in the up-dip direction towards the unconformity. The West Bear Co-Ni Prospect remains open for expansion along strike to the east and west and in the down-dip direction.

The drilling program has also led to the discovery of an upper lens of higher grade cobalt-nickel mineralization that occurs along the upper contact of a distinct graphitic unit, the West Bear Graphitic Package, which dips 15-25 degrees to the south. Previously, high-grade mineralization had only been confirmed along the lower contact of the graphitic unit. Lower grade mineralization is often found scattered throughout the interval between the upper and lower mineralized zones.

So far, the results achieved at West Bear are truly remarkable. The discovery of an upper lens of high-grade cobalt and nickel mineralization overlying the previously known high-grade zone and the presence of scattered mineralization between these high-grade lenses has us very excited about the potential of the West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Prospect.

- Roger Lemaitre, President & CEO

The table below summarized the assay results received to date.

Table 1 – Results from the Second Tranche of Assay Samples - West Bear Co-Ni Prospect

Hole Depth Core Length Cobalt Nickel
From (m) To (m) (m*) (wt%t) (wt%)
WBC-009 36.0 46.1 10.1 0.04 0.08
57.5 67.0 9.5 1.26 0.59
including 62.0 65.0 3.0 3.78 1.47
WBC-010 40.5 70.5 30.0 0.28 0.23
including 40.5 52.0 11.5 0.56 0.28
or 40.5 44.0 3.5 1.64 0.58
and 67.5 69.0 1.5 0.87 1.26
WBC-011 49.0 79.5 30.5 0.04 0.07
including 70.0 74.5 4.5 0.16 0.14
WBC-012 73.5 96.0 22.5 1.78 1.06
including 77.0 85.0 8.0 4.90 2.08
WBC-014 24.0 51.5 27.5 0.12 0.11
including 42.8 43.5 0.7 2.37 1.59
WBC-015 30.0 36.0 6.0 0.02 0.09
40.0 44.0 4.0 0.03 0.06
WBC-016 31.5 35.5 4.0 0.02 0.07
WBC-017 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
WBC-018 28.0 33.0 5.0 0.04 0.13
40.0 42.5 2.5 0.09 0.08
44.5 48.0 3.5 0.03 0.05
55.0 57.0 2.0 0.02 0.05
* True widths are estimated to be 90-95% of core lengths
t Composite assays calculated using a cut-off grade of 0.01% Co

Based upon the dip of the mineralization and dip angle of the drill holes, true widths are expected to be 90-95% of core lengths.

WBC-017 was drilled to test the up-dip projection of mineralization in WBC-016 at the unconformity but failed to encounter the West Bear Graphitic Package which subcropped just south of WBC-017.

CoEX has yet to receive complete assay results for holes WBC-003, 004, 006, 007, 008, 013 and the remaining 23 holes that were drilled during the winter campaign.

Sample Collection and Compositing

Samples are selected using a portable X-Ray Fluorescence (“XRF”) Spectrometer to aid in the identification of mineralized intervals. Selected drill core is then split in half sections on site and one half is collected for analysis with the other half core remaining on site for reference. Where possible, samples are collected at a standardized 0.5 m interval through zones of mineralization but respect geological units and intervals.

The samples are shipped to the Geoanalytical Laboratory at the Saskatchewan Research Council (“SRC”) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Analysis at the SRC laboratory for Cobalt, Nickel, Lead, Zinc, and Arsenic (wt %) was completed using the ICP-OES method with an Aqua Regia digestion. The SRC Geoanalytical Laboratory is an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited facility (#537) by the Standards Council of Canada.

Assay intervals were composited using a cut-off grade of 0.01% Cobalt. All depth measurements and sample intervals reported are down-hole measurements from drill core. True thickness of the ore zones has yet to be determined and is estimated at 90-95% of core thickness.

Qualified Persons and Data Acquisition

Technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Roger Lemaitre, P.Eng., P.Geo., UEX’s President and CEO and Trevor Perkins, P.Geo., UEX’s Exploration Manager, who are each considered to be a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

West Bear Drilling Returns 2.94% Co and 2.08% Ni over 4.5 m

February 7, 2019

Deposit Strike Length Increased to 400 m

UEX Corporation (UEX:TSX) (“UEX” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the first tranche of assay results from the winter drilling program on the Company’s 100% owned West Bear Property, located in the eastern Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan.

On January 9, 2019, UEX announced it had commenced a $4.25 million 17,000 m 110-160 drill hole program at West Bear with the objective of expanding the size of the West Bear Cobalt-Nickel Deposit (the “Deposit”) and extending cobalt mineralization along strike to the west. To date, the Company has completed 42 holes of this winter’s exploration program.

Assay results have been received for the first five holes of the winter program. Cobalt mineralization was encountered in all five holes and the strike length of the West Bear Deposit has been increased from 250 m to 400 m (see Figure 1). The table below summarizes the assay results received to date.

Table 1 – Assay Results from the West Bear Co-Ni Deposit

We are pleased with the work the technical team has accomplished so far. The assay results of these five holes are remarkable. It is a start to this year’s winter drill program and unlocking additional value of the Deposit for our shareholders.

- Roger Lemaitre, President & CEO

Highlights from the first batch of assay results include composite assay grades from WBC-044 averaging 2.94% cobalt and 2.08% nickel over a 4.5 m core length between 68.0 m and 72.5 m and 1.94% cobalt and 3.68% nickel over 11.0 m between 40.5 m and 51.5 m. Both of these intervals were located within a wider mineralized interval containing 0.72% cobalt and 1.06% nickel over 50.0 m core length between 24.0 m and 74.0 m, the second widest mineralized interval encountered at West Bear.

Hole WBC-046 returned the widest mineralized interval at the West Bear Co-Ni Deposit, a 52.0 m intersection averaging 0.53% Co and 0.36% Ni from 27.0 m to 79.0 m that included two high-grade subintervals, the first assayed 1.65% Co and 0.75% Ni over 2.0 m from 27.0 m to 29.0 m and the second subinterval, assayed 2.17% Co and 1.07% Ni over 9.0 m from 50.5 m to 59.5 m.

Hole WBC-042 returned 20.5 m of mineralization averaging 0.55% Co and 0.25% Ni between 22.5 m and 43.0 m that included a subinterval of 1.90% Co and 0.57% Ni over 5.5 m from 36.0 m to 41.5 m.

Holes WBC-043 and WBC-045 were drilled 200 m along strike to west of the West Bear Co-Ni Deposit as defined by the 2018 drilling program and the current resource estimate as outlined in the July 10, 2018 maiden resource estimate (see UEX News Release dated July 10, 2018). WBC-043 intersected 0.12% Co and 0.31% Ni over 13.8 m between 24.7 m and 38.5 m. Hole WBC-045 encountered 20.5 m of 0.04% Co and 0.14% Ni between 25.5 and 46.0 m.

Based upon the dip of the mineralization and dip angle of the drill holes, true widths are expected to be 90-95% of core lengths.
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