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Two bourses going to starts iron ore futures

Bloomberg reported that two of Asia's financial heavyweights are going head-to-head as Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing starts futures for a commodity that has seen extraordinary volatility and been a popular way to bet on China, challenging Singapore Exchange's leading position.

HKEX began trading the futures yesterday, pitting the new US dollar-denominated contract against those offered by SGX, which introduced its first swap contracts in 2009, and has become the world's largest clearer of the derivatives.

To add firepower to the opening salvo, HKEX has promised newcomers all trading fees for the new product will be waived for six months.

Iron ore sits at the heart of the global economy, especially in largest user China, and the commodity has attracted growing investor interest in recent years.

The derivatives are used by miners and mills for hedging, as well as traders and funds, and Goldman Sachs Group found in an 2016 study that it was SGX's product that probably swayed the global market, rather than the more restricted offering on the mainland's Dalian Commodity Exchange.

Given the lead, the HKEX may find it a hard task to break out of its beachhead.

Mr Hui Heng Tan, an analyst at Marex Spectron said that "They're going up against a more established offshore contract in Singapore. It's too early to gauge whether the new contract will gain much traction. Some of that will depend on the terms they're able to offer, such as trading fees and margins, as well as the liquidity of the contracts."

The shake-up comes after the commodity's been on a wild ride.

In 2013, spot ore fetched more than USD 100 a dry metric ton. By 2015, it fell below USD 40 as supplies swelled and investors expected China's appetite to wane. This year, it has gyrated between almost USD 95 and close to USD 50, and last was at USD 62.60, with China's environmental clampdown in focus along with booming mine output.

That has been a boon for SGX, where trading of iron ore derivatives jumped 59% last year.

While HKEX has been building up its presence in metals buying up the iconic London Metal Exchange the new offering is its first ferrous product.

A spokesman told Bloomberg that "HKEX believes this contract is going to be complementary. With very active onshore iron ore futures on the Dalian Commodity Exchange and the heavy weighting of China in the trading of iron ore and iron ore derivatives, HKEX believes a transparent offshore iron ore futures will allow more efficient and timely price interaction among the markets."

Hoe Europa China de voet dwars zet

Het Europees Parlement stemt woensdag in met een nieuwe beschermingswal tegen dumpingpraktijken. Dat kan kwaad bloed zetten bij China.

Staalarbeider in ChinaFoto: Reuters

De irritatie was voor de zomer al zichtbaar. De Chinese premier Li Keqiang was begin juni naar Brussel gereisd voor een speciale EU-Chinatop, maar hij weigerde uiteindelijk in te stemmen met een positief getinte slotverklaring. Geschillen over handelskwesties gooiden roet in het eten. Europa zou Chinese bedrijven te veel de voet dwars willen zetten.

Nu kan het daadwerkelijk aankomen op bescherming van het Europese bedrijfsleven tegen 'China Inc'. Het Europees Parlement geeft woensdag zijn zegen aan een nieuwe methode om te bepalen of goederen onder de kostprijs op de Europese markt worden verkocht. Daarna kan de Europese Commissie er waarschijnlijk eind dit jaar mee aan de slag.

Officieel heeft de EU met de methode niet China op het oog. Maar een nieuwe berekening was noodzakelijk geworden omdat China niet langer gediscrimineerd wenste te worden. Onder de huidige antidumpingregels is het nog mogelijk om China niet te zien als een markteconomie. Daardoor is de drempel lager om producenten uit het land hogere heffingen op te leggen vanwege dumpingpraktijken. Bij de toetreding van China tot de Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO) in 2001 was echter afgesproken dat eind 2016 aan deze speciale positie een einde zou komen voor 's werelds op een na grootste economie.

€514,6 mrd
Handelsstroom tussen de EU en China (in 2016)
China stelt dat Europa Chinese importen nog altijd anders behandelt. Het vroeg daarom eind vorig jaar om een onderzoek van de WTO. De ergernis bij de nieuwe methode richt zich nu vooral op de bepaling waarmee de EU gemakkelijker antidumpingheffingen kan opleggen, als er sprake is van 'aanzienlijke marktverstoringen' in het land waar de goederen vandaan komen. Deze bepaling geeft Europa de kans om strenger te zijn voor importen uit China, waar de overheid nog altijd een grote invloed heeft op de economie.

'We moeten niet naïef zijn', zegt Europarlementariër Marietje Schaake (D66) over de noodzaak om vanuit Europa met een kritische blik naar de economische praktijken van China te kijken. 'Er is daar toch een langetermijnstrategie om monopolies in strategische sectoren te creëren en er wordt geprobeerd om Westerse technologie in handen te krijgen. Maar het risico is nu wel dat maatregelen leiden tot verkapt protectionisme in de EU.'

De schoen begint te wringen als politiek opportunisme de overhand dreigt te krijgen. Daar begint het nu wel op te lijken. De Europese Commissie kwam in september, onder druk van Frankrijk, Duitsland en Italië, met een voorstel om Chinese investeringen in Europese strategische sectoren beter te kunnen screenen. Lidstaten zouden straks dergelijke investeringen aan elkaar moeten gaan melden, waardoor er vanuit de grootste landen druk kan komen om Chinese overnames tegen te houden.

Opmerkelijk is verder dat de Commissie ervoor gekozen heeft om voorlopig alleen maar over China een rapport uit te brengen over mogelijke marktverstoringen. Dat rapport verschijnt waarschijnlijk vlak voor Kerstmis. Dat kan Europese bedrijven helpen om de bewijslast rond te krijgen bij dumpingzaken, zo zeggen betrokken EU-functionarissen.

Nieuwe handelsakkoorden
Europa sluit niet de luiken voor vrijhandel. Integendeel, eurocommissaris Cecilia Malmström (handel) beleeft nu misschien wel haar drukste periode met het afsluiten van nieuwe handelsakkoorden.

De partners staan in de rij, zo benadrukte Commissievoorzitter Jean-Claude Juncker in september bij de presentatie van zijn beleidsplannen in het Europees Parlement. Dit is een gevolg van de terugtrekkende bewegingen die de Verenigde Staten onder het bewind van president Donald Trump maken. De EU springt maar al te graag in het gat dat Trump achterlaat.

Een overeenkomst met Japan zal waarschijnlijk voor eind dit jaar worden afgerond. Ook zitten er akkoorden met Mexico en de vier Mercosur-landen (Brazilië, Argentinië, Paraguay en Uruguay) in het vat.
Daarnaast heeft de Europese Commissie bij de EU-lidstaten om mandaten gevraagd voor onderhandelingen met Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland en is deze week een mandaat verkregen voor de modernisering van een associatieovereenkomst met Chili.

Een deal met de Mercosur-landen zou de EU het meest opleveren, omdat er dan een nauwer verbond wordt gesloten met de twee grootste economieën in Zuid-Amerika. Maar de onderhandelingen zijn politiek ook het meest gevoelig, omdat Europese boeren vrezen dat Europa zijn markten te veel opent.

Malmström zei vorige week na overleg met EU-handelsministers nog altijd te hopen dat de gesprekken met het Zuid-Amerikaanse handelsblok dit jaar kunnen worden afgerond. Een uitloop is mogelijk, maar niet te lang, omdat de Brazilianen volgend jaar oktober naar de stembus gaan om een nieuwe president te kiezen.

En dan komt er ook nog een 'modernisering' van de antidumpingregels aan, die de EU straks de mogelijkheid geven om producten die de markt verstoren veel hogere heffingen op te leggen dan nu het geval is. Onderhandelingen daarover tussen de lidstaten en het Europees Parlement bevinden zich in een eindstadium. China kan door de opeenstapeling van maatregelen het gevoel krijgen dat het eind dit jaar op een heel andere manier handel drijft met de EU dan pakweg twee jaar geleden.

Schaake, die voor de Europese liberalen het de handelsdossiers volgt, ziet dat de discussie politiseert. Volgens haar zou de EU vooral in de gaten moeten houden of ze zichzelf wel houdt aan de afspraken in WTO-verband. Dat bevordert de internationale handel, zeker nu er een protectionistische wind vanuit de Verenigde Staten waait. 'Anders verliest de EU ook haar geloofwaardigheid', zegt Schaake.

In het Europees Parlement wordt echter geprobeerd om de randen van de internationale spelregels op te zoeken door te benadrukken dat milieu- en arbeidsnormen ook een rol moeten spelen bij dumpingzaken. Volgens Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) is dat hard nodig om bijvoorbeeld de staalsector tegen goedkoop Chinees staal te beschermen. 'Eindelijk wapent de EU zich nu tegen dumping', zo stelt zij.

‘Eindelijk wapent de EU zich nu tegen dumping’• Europarlementariër Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) over de nieuwe EU-maatregelen

De belangen zijn groot. China is voor de EU de op een na grootste handelspartner na de Verenigde Staten met een handelsstroom van meer dan €500 mrd. Tegelijkertijd is de verhouding ook heel anders. Met de VS heeft de EU haar grootste handelsoverschot (van €115 mrd), terwijl het handelstekort met China het grootst is (€174 mrd). De meeste antidumpingzaken richten zich ook op Chinese bedrijven, recentelijk is nog een onderzoek geopend naar de dumping van elektrische fietsen.

Maar het vermeende valse spel dat de China speelt, moet ook niet worden overdreven. Een notitie van het Europees Parlement wees er eerder dit jaar op dat de Europese maatregelen tegen dumpingpraktijken slechts 0,21% van de totale EU-import vertegenwoordigen. 'Het is nu zaak om het hoofd koel te houden', zegt Schaake. 'Want als de Chinezen iets niet bevalt, zullen ze zeker tegenmaatregelen nemen.'
Steel Ministry pitches for removal of import duty on stainless scrap imports too

PTI reported that along with ferronickel, India’s steel ministry also wants to bring down import duty on stainless steel scrap to zero and has already made a request to the finance ministry in this regard. Steel Secretary Dr Aruna Sharma told PTI “We have sent it (request) to Revenue (Department under the finance ministry). Ferro nickel and stainless steel scrap, we have sent request (to remove the import duty) for both.”

In the Union Budget for 2017-18, the government had waived basic Customs duty on nickel, a key element used for making stainless steel, which stood at 2.5% but the import duty on Ferro nickel and stainless steel scrap is 2.5%.

Acknowledging the steps being taken by the ministry to safeguard the interests of domestic steel industry, president of industry body Indian Stainless Steel Development Association (ISSDA) Mr KK Pahuja said if the import duty on ferronickel and stainless steel scrap is removed it will bring down the cost of production of stainless steel in the country.

Source : PTI
Edelweiss, Piramal and Tata Steel to submit resolution plans for Electrosteel Steels - Report

Bloomberg Quint quoted three people close to the development as saying that Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd, The Piramal Group and Tata Steel Ltd are likely to submit final resolution plans for Electrosteel Steels Ltd. According to the people quoted above, while a number of potential suitors had expressed interest initially, many have exited during the due diligence process. Edelwiess ARC, Piramal Group and Tata Steel have stuck around and intend to submit a final plan. The Piramal Group is likely to bid through a stressed asset fund which it has set up with Bain Capital

The Kolkata-based steel maker was admitted for resolution under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code earlier this year after the Reserve Bank of India asked lenders to refer 12 large stressed accounts for insolvency proceedings. As per the rules, the appointed resolution professional for Electrosteel Steels, Dhaivat Anjaria, had invited expressions of interest (EOIs) by October 9. Final resolution plans are to be submitted by December, which will then be evaluated by the Committee of Creditors.

Under the insolvency and bankruptcy process, the board at Electrosteel Steels has been suspended and the resolution professional has taken charge of operations till a resolution plan is finalised.

Electrosteel Steels owed INR 13,159.70 crore to its financial creditors as of October, details available on the company’s website showed. State Bank of India (SBI) has the largest exposure to the company with dues of nearly INR 5,000 crore. The company owes operational creditors INR 191.62 crore, the resolution professional has acknowledged. The company has been through two cycles of restructuring, first under the corporate debt restructuring scheme and then under the strategic debt restructuring scheme.

Source : Bloomberg Quint
Nucor to build Merchant Bar Mill at Nucor Steel Kankakee

Nucor Corporation announced that it will build a full-range merchant bar quality (MBQ) mill at its existing bar steel mill located in Bourbonnais, Illinois. The MBQ mill will have an annual capacity of 500,000 tons and is expected to cost USD 180 million. The project will take approximately two years to complete.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Mexico starts AD probe on imports of steel plate from Italy, Japan

Platts reported that Mexico's economy ministry has started an antidumping investigation on the imports of heavy plate from Italy and Japan, regardless of the country of origin.

The product subject to the investigation is heavy plate with thickness equal to or greater than 4.75 mm (0.187 inch) and width equal to or greater than 600 mm (23.6 inches), regardless of length, the ministry said in a statement published on Mexico's official gazette. These products are identified under HS codes 7208.5101, 7208.5102, 7208.5103, 7208.5201 and 7225.4099.

The period of investigation was determined as from May 2016 to April 2017, and the damage analysis period the timeframe comprised between May 2014 and April 2017.

Mexican integrated steelmaker Ahmsa was the petitioner of this investigation.

Source : Platts
Kobe Steel scandal - Investing JPY 10 billion to prevent data falsification

Nikkei reported that Kobe Steel will earmark roughly JPY 10 billion (USD 88 million) for capital improvements starting in 2018 aimed at ensuring that its manipulation of product quality data cannot be repeated.

Inspection data will be recorded automatically at the Moka factory in Tochigi Prefecture, the Daian plant in Mie Prefecture and other facilities handling aluminum and copper products at the heart of the scandal, as well as at group companies such as Shinko Wire Stainless, which violated Japanese Industrial Standards in 2016. Automated data entry will be introduced to scandal-free segments later.

For processes that cannot be automated, multiple employees will record data to ensure accuracy. Employees were able to manipulate information because some inspection data is still entered by hand.

Production yields at the Daian factory and other plants are declining due to the slow replacement of old equipment. Kobe Steel will reduce the rate of products that fail to meet specifications by improving auxiliary equipment for heat-treating furnaces.

The Japanese steelmaker also will establish a quality control division on Jan. 1 with broad powers to inspect each segment and subsidiary as well as continuously check the process capability of production equipment.

Source : Nikkei
Indian steel ministry proposes measures to ease iron ore supplies to steel mills

Indian Express reported that slashing the royalty rates charged on mineral production; discouraging road transport of minerals and increasing the share of rail transportation; streamlining iron ore supply with the help of long-term supply agreements between steel companies and miners and developing Special Mining Zones to upgrade the scale of ore production in ‘iron-rich free hold areas’ are among the suggestions that the steel ministry has proposed to the mines ministry. The mines ministry is currently in the process of formulating a new national mineral policy.

On August 2, 2017, the Supreme Court had passed a judgment, wherein it directed the Central government to revisit the National Mineral Policy, 2008, and announce a “fresh and more effective, meaningful and implementable policy” before the end of this year. The mines ministry formed a committee after this judgment and its first meeting took place on August 28. During the meeting, mines ministry officials asked all stakeholders, including the Ministry of Steel, to send their comments and suggestions on the National Mineral Policy.

In its suggestions, the steel ministry stated that since India has high royalty rates as compared to other countries, the existing rates charged on mineral production should be examined for “bringing it at par with global level to make it globally competitive”. “Further, all levies like royalty, DMF (District Mineral Foundation), NMET (National Mineral Exploration Trust), Forest Development Tax etc should be subsumed in a single levy, say royalty, and financial burden of these levies/royalty should be made ‘tax pass through’ i.e. benefiting input tax credit on such payment should be available under GST”, it has said in its suggestions.

The steel ministry has also noted that a major thrust needs to be given on developing transport infrastructure for minerals. “Inadequate mineral evacuation infrastructure hinders the development of mining industry. While local evacuation network will be encouraged to be built in an integrated manner along with developing the mineral blocks, dedicated National Mineral Corridors shall be planned to facilitate transport of minerals from distant mining areas. Road transportation will be discouraged as far as possible while all possible steps will be taken to increase the share of rail transportation. Other environment friendly options like use of coastal ways, inland shipping, slurry pipelines etc will be promoted,” the steel ministry suggested.

Mr Kameswara Rao, leader (energy, utilities and mining) at PwC India told The Indian Express that “An integrated plan for a region, which combines rail and other mineral transport systems such as pipelines, can reduce costs, loading losses and environmental damage. This is not feasible at an individual level, and commonly, road transport becomes a default, albeit inefficient, solution.”

One other major area of concern for steel ministry has been ensuring iron ore availability for steel companies. The steel ministry has said in its suggestions that iron ore supply within the country should be streamlined “by means of long term supply agreements between steel companies and miners” and this measure will help in attracting investments in the mining as well as steel sector. According to Rao, the global trend has been towards longer term contracts with user industry which allowed more secure and advanced investments into mine development, thus benefiting both, the resource and the user industry.

On the topic of ensuring iron ore availability, the steel ministry has added that the approach of mines ministry should be different for different minerals and “putting a cap on iron ore mining is not necessary because iron ore used for making steel gets recycled substantially”. In July 2011, the Supreme Court banned mining of iron ore in Karnataka following allegations of illegal mining that had resulted in large-scale abuse of the environment. The apex court on April 18, 2013, had allowed mining in Karnataka, but with the cap of 30 million tonnes per annum.

Goa had suspended mining activities in September 2012, after Justice M B Shah commission report on illegal mining in the state was tabled in Parliament. Goa’s main mining activity is related to iron ore. The Supreme Court formally imposed the ban on Goa’s all mining activities in October 2012. Partially lifting the ban in April 2014, the apex court, in a judgment, set a 20 million tonne per year cap on iron ore extraction in the state. Mr Rao told The Indian Express that “There is merit in capping production for proper management of resources as much as for environment. Ideally, to minimise uncertainty, this should be stipulated within the lease and not force the courts to step in. Further, a sector focused regulator could be set up to oversee this on ongoing basis.”

India’s National Steel Policy projects that country’s crude steel capacity would be 300 million tonnes per annum by 2030-31. According to steel ministry, India would need 500 million tonne per annum of iron ore production to produce 300 million tonne per annum of steel. In order to achieve the ore target of 500 million tonne per annum, the steel ministry has suggested developing Special Mining Zones (SMZs) to upgrade the scale of ore production in ‘iron rich free hold areas’.

Ministry of Steel elaborated on this SMZ plan with the Ministry of Mines. It said that “State governments would complete exploration, develop large size blocks, obtain all statutory clearances and auction the ready-made blocks with pre-embedded clearances in a transparent manner. While enhancing the level of mineral production, carrying capacity based sustainable development of remote iron ore bearing regions will be ensured through scientific and eco-friendly techniques of mining and mineral beneficiation. Integrated insfrastructure facilities for mineral evacuation will be given due importance while developing SMZs.”

The steel ministry has also stated that mines ministry should take steps to discourage export of minerals and it should rather encourage export of “value added form as far as possible”. The steel ministry added that “Besides adding to the state exchequer this (encouraging of value added form) will create substantial employment generation for the local populace.”

Source : Indian Express
Two 130-tonne BelAZ trucks delivered to Mikhailovsky GOK

Two 130-tonne BelAZ trucks have been delivered to Mikhailovsky GOK (part of Metalloinvest). The acquisition of these heavy-duty dump trucks is a continuation of Metalloinvest's large scale programme to update its mining and transport machinery and increase production efficiency. The cabs of the new vehicles contain all essential conditions to ensure drivers' comfort and safety. All mechanisms are equipped with sensors to inform drivers about any changes to internal systems, and new LED technology enables drivers to work in poor visibility.

Mr Sergey Kretov, Managing Director of Mikhailovsky GOK, commented that "Upgrading our fleet of mining and transport machinery enables the enterprise to ramp up capacities and significantly increase production efficiency. The new machinery will facilitate the continued implementation of the 2017 production programme and allows us to enter 2018 with high expectations for the new year."

The drivers of the new vehicles take part in setting up and running in the trucks, which enables them to evaluate their technical capabilities and make use of them in future work.

Mr Vladimir Rybak, Rock Mass Transportation Driver, Mikhailovsky GOK Vehicle Transportation Department, noted that "Starting with unloading and setting up the vehicles, it is vital for drivers to go over everything with their own hands, in order to get to know all of the components and power units. The trucks are constantly being improved and equipped with modern systems, so drivers need to put in every last bolt."

Two 130-tonne BelAZ trucks have already been delivered to Mikhailovsky GOK earlier this year, as well as four vehicles with low bearing capacity, two locomotives, and two drilling machines. An additional 130-tonne BelAZ truck and two locomotives are expected to be delivered before the end of 2017.

An investment programme to upgrade the equipment in the mining and transport fleet is also being implemented at Lebedinsky GOK (part of Metalloinvest). From 2014-2016, around 300 basic vehicles were acquired for Lebedinsky GOK and Mikhailovsky GOK: 15 locomotives, 232 dump cars, 11 heavy-duty dump trucks, 11 excavators and 5 drilling machines. Additional two excavators and a heavy-duty vehicle have been delivered to the enterprises as part of rental contracts.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
3D Print Process Could Triple Steel Strength

Materials data is a moving target in additive manufacturing. New alloys and compounds are still being tested, and existing materials often perform in very different ways after being passed through a 3D printing process than they did using traditional manufacturing methods.

In some cases, 3D printing developments have helped improve existing materials. We reported a few weeks ago on research that will not only make it possible to print with high-strength aluminum, but that could actually allow the previously unweldable material to be welded.

Now, scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California have developed a way to 3D print with stainless steel that results in materials that are up to three times stronger than steels created using traditional techniques.

LLNL materials scientist and lead author Morris Wang said that “In order to make all the components you’re trying to print useful, you need to have this material property at least the same as those made by traditional metallurgy. We were able to 3D print real components in the lab with 316L stainless steel, and the material’s performance was actually better than those made with the traditional approach. That’s really a big jump. It makes additive manufacturing very attractive and fills a major gap.”

Stainless steel is a popular material for manufacturing across many different industries. Creating a printable version of the alloy has proven difficult, however, because the final material is so porous that it is much weaker and likely to fracture.

Lawrence Livermore had previously developed a process that combined lasers and rapid cooling to fuse metal alloy particles densely together. A computer-driven version of that process allows them to control the material from the nanoscale to micron scale, including structures in the steel that can prevent fractures. The team was able to print a low-carbon steel called 316L.

Tests have shown that under some conditions the material is three-times stronger than conventionally made steel.

Mr Wang said that “This microstructure we developed breaks the traditional strength-ductility tradeoff barrier. For steel, you want to make it stronger, but you lose ductility essentially; you can’t have both. But with 3D printing, we’re able to move this boundary beyond the current tradeoff.”

The next phase of research will involve more simulation and applying these techniques to other alloys. According to Lawrence Livermore:

The eventual goal … is to use high-performance computing to validate and predict future performance of stainless steel, using models to control the underlying microstructure and discover how to make high-performance steels, including the corrosion-resistance. Researchers will then look at employing a similar strategy with other lighter weight alloys that are more brittle and prone to cracking.

The Lawrence Livermore team worked with engineers from Ames National Laboratory, Georgia Tech, and Oregon State. You can read more about this work in the journal Nature Materials.

Source : Rapid Ready Tech
Indian Forging industry hit by short steel supply and high price - AIFI

Business Line reported that the lack of adequate supply of steel and its high price pose a big challenge to the domestic forging industry amid bright growth prospects in the near-term. Mr S Muralishankar president of Association of Indian Forging Industry said that “For us, to capitalise on the growth coming from the auto sector, the big problem is steel – its availability and price. The supply of steel within the country is less than that of demand. A lot of steel mills have closed their operations due to high debts and other things.”

Also, for several exporters, Indian steel prices are a deterrent for being competitive in the global market. He said that “Indian steel price movements are totally different from the global markets.”

Compared to European, Japanese and American counterparts and companies from China, Korea and Taiwan, the technology and automation levels are much lower, barring a few big forging companies. Most of the forging companies are in the MSME segment and need to upgrade their technologies. For this, the industry needs huge government support in terms of further interest subvention and technology upgradation fund.

Meanwhile, the domestic forging industry, which supplies 70 to 75% of its production to the auto sector, expects an improved demand in the coming quarters due to good monsoon season and surge in auto sales, especially commercial vehicles and tractors.

Source : Business Line
Vietnam tax refund on H shaped steel products

Biz Hub reported that the Ministry of Industry and Trade has sent a document to General Department of Customs on tax refunds for H-shaped steel products which were eliminated from paying temporary anti-dumping duties. Accordingly, H-shaped steel products meeting with one of conditions including height of more than 704 mm or width of more than 304 mm or size of 100m and 55 mm or 120 mm and 64 mm will be refunded the temporary anti-dumping paid duties.

The ministry also said they would not collect temporary anti-dumping taxes on H-shaped steel products meeting with the above conditions.

Earlier, the ministry on August 21 and August 24 promulgated the Decision 3283/QD-BCT and 3299/QD-BCT on imposing anti-dumping duties on H-shaped steel products imported from China with HS code of 7216.33.00, 7228.70.10, 7228.70.90.

Source : VNS
Bidding war escalating for Essar Steel & Bhushan Steel assets

Times of India reported that bidders have intensified efforts to place takeover bids for Essar Steel and Bhushan Steel, debt laden companies under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code proceedings.

Essar Steel – While eight suitors, including ArcelorMittal, Tata Steel, Vedanta, SSG Capital, AION, Steel Authority of India and Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metals, had submitted expression of interest and collected preliminary information from Essar Steel, the race is essentially among ArcelorMittal, Tatas and the promoter Ruia family, which is partnering second-largest Russian bank VTB to retain an asset with 10 million tonne capacity and INR 42,000 crore debt.

Bhushan Steel - The fray of serious bidders is wider with a consortium of JSW, Piramal and Bain Capital, in addition to Tata Steel, Vedanta, Posco, ArcelorMittal etc, also emerging as a strong contender. The promoter Singal family is likely to make efforts to keep the integrated steelmaker with 5.6 million tonne capacity and about INR 45,000-crore debt.

There has been intense lobbying in recent weeks to disallow defaulting promoters from re-acquiring assets with a haircut on the lenders. However, promoters like Ruias and Singals would argue that they were done in by a sectoral downturn caused by cheaper Chinese exports and global overcapacity.

Source : Times Of India
Government to ensure rising steel prices don't push up infrastructure project costs – Steel Secretary

Economic Times reported that the Indian government will ensure rising steel prices do not lead to increase in cost of infrastructure projects, since the steel ministry has already notified that preference will be given to locally made steel for procurement by the government and public sector undertakings. Steel secretary Dr Aruna Sharma, in an interview with ET, said "We will ensure there is no cartelization, but at the same time we do not want prices to fall since it affects the companies. Our objective is to see that Indian infrastructure construction does not become expensive.”

She said mechanisms such as reverse auction would help ensure international price discovery.

Rise in input costs and an improvement in demand, especially from segments like housing, railways and automobiles, led to the firming up of steel prices in the past few months.

A slew of policy measures taken to protect the domestic steel industry from the threat of cheap imports have also started making a positive impact on the industry.

Source : Economic Times
Taranto residents protest as water runs red near Ilva steelworks
Published on Fri, 17 Nov 2017

The Local reported that Italians living near one of the biggest steelworks in Europe have appealed to the government to protect their health after a dramatic photo showed water near the plant running red. In a picture apparently taken near the Ilva steelworks in Taranto, in the south of Italy, a pool of water appears to have been turned entirely rust red. According to the Solo, a Taranto Facebook page, which shared the image, it was taken near Taranto port, where ships load and unload raw materials destined for use at Ilva.

Iron oxide dust from the steelmaking process, combined with heavy rainfall, is believed to be the cause of the red waters.

A delegate from the Italian metalworkers’ union FIOM, Francesco Maggio, confirmed to La Repubblica that it was pretty common to see dust and red water cover the entire area around the port.

The picture prompted Genitori Tarantini “Parents of Taranto”, an activist group that accuses the Ilva plant of pollution, to write an open letter to the Italian government. They wrote in a message addressed to Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni as well as the minister of economic development and the environment “Look at these pictures, gentlemen of the government of this Italy and be ashamed. Look at what you consider strategic production for the nation.”

Residents have long complained of ill effects from the Ilva steelworks, ranging from red rain that stains buildings to toxic winds that have been blamed for an alarming rate of cancer among Taranto children. Ilva was placed under special administration in 2015 after its former owners were accused of negligence over toxic emissions. A legal case is ongoing, with prosecutors arguing that the emissions led to nearly 12,000 premature deaths over seven years.

Source : The Local
IRPs initiate fresh forensic audit of Essar Steel & Bhushan Steel accounts - Report

Mint, citing five people familiar with the matter, reported that insolvency professionals of Essar Steel Ltd and Bhushan Steel Ltd have initiated fresh forensic audits of these companies’ accounts following the recent changes in rules introduced by the bankruptcy regulator. The purpose of the audit is to ascertain if there was any preferential treatment given by promoters to related parties or any non-related parties during the two years preceding the commencement of insolvency proceedings and if there were any undervalued or fraudulent or extortionate credit transactions.

These audits will also check for any related-party transactions within group companies.

The move to conduct fresh audits comes as insolvency professionals face tighter scrutiny regarding clearance of turnaround plans. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has sought stringent background checks especially in cases where promoters are one of the bidders of the stressed assets.

In both cases, promoters have decided to submit their resolution plans to buy back their companies.

Alvarez & Marsal’s Satish Kumar Gupta, is the interim resolution professional (IRP) for Essar Steel while Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP’s Vijaykumar V Iyer, is in charge of operations at Bhushan Steel.

On 8 November, IBBI amended its regulations to ensure that lenders take into account the background, credit worthiness and credibility of bidders, including promoters, as part of their due diligence before clearing a turnaround plan.

Source : Mint
Mumbai bench of NCLT rules in favor of Monnet Ispat

Economic Times reported that the Mumbai bench of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) on Thursday cited the ongoing bankruptcy resolution process to suspend arbitration proceedings on a credit transaction involving the debt laden Monnet Ispat and an overseas vendor. Justice BSV Prakash Kumar said while announcing his order in favour of Monnet Ispat said that "The arbitration tribunal is not expected to proceed with its proceedings where a claim has been made against the corporate debtor. Arbitration proceedings are governed by the moratorium.”

Justice Kumar said all cases for credit transactions will come before one forum itself (NCLT) to balance out the conflict of interests.

Monnet owed about INR 2.5 crore to a foreign supplier, and an arbitration tribunal had ruled that the proceedings could continue simultaneously. Referring to this ruling, Monnet moved the NCLT to seek a clarification on whether the arbitration proceedings could continue while the company was facing insolvency resolution.

According to the newly constituted law: once the moratorium sets in after the admission of a company for insolvency resolution, no judicial proceedings for recovery, enforcement of security interest, sale of transfer of assets, or termination of essential contracts can be instituted against the debtor .

Source : Economic Times
EU parliament passes new anti-dumping rules to protect EU jobs and industry

Tougher EU rules to fight dumped and subsidised imports from third countries were voted by MEPs on Wednesday. For the first time worldwide, EU trade rules will require trade partners outside the EU to meet international social and environmental standards, so as to prevent dumping. The aim is to step up protection for EU jobs and businesses against unfairly cheap imports from third countries that interfere heavily in the economy.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nam Kim Steel starts operation of its third cold rolling mill supplied by Esmech of SMS group

Ahead of schedule, on October 24th, 2017, Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company rolled the first coil on the new reversing cold mill (RCM) installed by SMS group at Nam Kim Steel’s facility in the Vietnamese province of Binh Duong, near Ho Chi Minh City.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tenaris' new Bay City mill starts rolling seamless pipes for oil wells

Houston Chronicle reported that global steel pipe giant Tenaris commenced full operations Wednesday at its new USD 1.8 billion mill southwest of Houston in Bay City to start churning out piping for shale oil and gas wells in Texas, Oklahoma and beyond. The 1.2 million-square-foot mill will produce 600,000 tons of steel pipe a year. The specialized piping includes drill pipe used for drilling and creating wells; casing pipe that's cemented into place to line the walls of the well and give it structural stability; and tubing pipe inserted into the well through which the oil and gas travels.

Tenaris, an Argentinian company with its roots in Italy, opted to build its most modern and robotically automated mill in Texas to serve the ongoing shale boom in West Texas' Permian Basin and other regions.

Despite the automation that moves the steel from station to station to manufacturing the finished piping, the mill employs about 600 people in Bay City.

Tenaris was virtually unheard of in Texas until a decade ago when it bought St. Louis-based Maverick Tube Corp and Houston-based Hydril Co for a combined USD 5 billion. In short order, Tenaris grew from about 50 Houston employees to more than 2,000.

Source : Houston Chronicle
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