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Tenaris Adopts Smart Glasses to Enhance Operations in Mexico

Tenaris has incorporated a new wearable technology to quickly perform a maintenance activity in the hot rolling mill in its seamless facility in Veracruz in Mexico. Employees are now using RealWear cameras, which allow audio and video links, enabling interactions with systems like Microsoft Teams, suppliers and other employees in real-time, without the need to be standing side by side. Featuring a special camera placed on a helmet, this technology gives the user the freedom to manipulate tools and equipment while transmitting audio and live video. The camera is controlled by using multiples voice commands enhancing safety during complex hand-on tasks.

The new technology was first adopted last June, when due to the pandemic travelling restrictions, a supplier in Italy wasn’t able to support the local team on site.

RealWear is a knowledge transfer platform company providing in-situ information and in-the-field training with software and hardware to help people improve safety and increase productivity at work.

FinCEN Files Flags Transfers to Adani from Seychelles

An Indian Express revealed that Adani Gobal PTE, the Singapore-based global arm of the Adani Group, crops up in a clutch of Suspicious Activity Reports filed to FinCEN, the top US financial watchdog, that red-flag the subject of shell companies and their use in money laundering activities in the tax haven of Seychelles. These SARs, investigated by The Indian Express, form part of Bank of New York Mellon’s tracking of suspect transactions related to several companies. One lists suspicious transactions to and from shell like entities in Seychelles between 2005 and 2014 with total remittances at USD 6.24 billion. The next year, another SAR filed by BNYM reported 1,241 fresh transactions worth USD 105 million carried out in January alone. Along with several other transactions for companies located in Switzerland, Hong Kong and Russia, the SARs have details of transactions between Thionville Financier Ltd, an investment company with addresses in Mahe and Victoria in Seychelles, with Adani Global PTE. Records show details of several wire transfers totaling USD 14.46 million being received by the Adani firm from this Seychelles entity.

Records investigated by The Indian Express show that four wire transfers totaling USD 5.6 million were made to Adani Golbal PTE’s Trust and Retention account at ICICI Bank in Singapore in July 2013. In its SAR, BNYM underlined that in addition to the shell-like nature of the sender Thionville Financier Ltd, the wire transfers looked suspicious since they were sent in high round-dollar amounts.

Another set of remittances from Thionville to Adani Global PTE are for the month of June in 2013 and the same banking channels have been used. This time, within one week, two wires were sent by Thionville to the Adani company totaling USD 2.8 million.

The most recent transactions between the two companies, flagged in an SAR, are for January 2015 when Thionville, using its Standard Chartered Bank account, sent three wires to Adani Global PTE totaling USD 6.06 million.

When asked about these transactions, an Adani Group spokesperson told The Indian Express: “Our commercial transactions with Thionville Financier Limited are completely legitimate and the same have been fully disclosed to the authorities in the respective jurisdiction.”

Tenaris Enters Second Half of Production in CNOOC Lingshui Project

Tenaris is set to start production for the second half of line pipe production for China National Oil Offshore Corporation’s Lingshui project in the South China Sea amid a transformed way of operating resulting from COVID-19. Tenaris’s technical capabilities were key to receiving the award by CNOOC in 2019 to supply 7,200 tons of pipe for steel catenary risers, ranging from 6 to 18 inches. This includes 2,700 tons of expanders as well as non-standard products. Tenaris is producing specialized heavy wall pipes at its mill in Dalmine, Italy. And for the non-standard 18” seamless buckle arrestors – needed for the welded export line not included in Tenaris’s scope of work – the team in Italy has also been supporting via its external network of service suppliers.

Lingshui 17-2 is a highly complex gas field located in the Quiongdongnan Basin offshore China with water depths of 1,200 to 1,560 meters below the sea surface, demanding a high level of technical expertise and product requirements. Due to the extreme water depths, Lingshui presents a challenging first development in an ultra-deep water environment for the country. The technical requirements have been a critical undertaking as well as the administrative and logistics management in which Tenaris worked in collaboration with CNOOC contractors as some aspects of the design were defined after the contract award.

Ternium Packaging Galvanized Coils in 100% Recyclable Fiber

Since July, the rolls of the Galvanizing line of the Ternium Industrial Center in Pesquería in Mexico are packaged with a polyethylene fiber that is friendly to the environment. Coil Master automatic packaging machine was installed in the Galvanizing Plant of the Ternium Industrial Center, which packs the steel rolls with a 100% recyclable polyethylene fiber. This fiber is friendly to the environment and has a high level of elasticity, which allows for faster packaging. It has a top layer of anti-abrasive, an additional one that contains the company logo and has another three that give resistance to the paper for its transportation and the preservation of the product, explained Ernesto Reyes, Manager of Specifications and Technical Queries.

In addition, the interior of the package has a layer that prevents corrosion and oxidation on the surface of the rolls. The ink with which the logo image is printed is water-based, so it does not pollute.

Unlike the rest of the packaging machines of the other lines, this one does everything automatically, so only two operators intervene for its operation.

This infrastructure is prepared to cover the entire production mix that comes out of Galvanized, since it covers the widths and dimensions of both the outer diameter.

ArcelorMittal eyes asset deal with Cleveland-Cliffs

Sep. 27, 2020 8:35 PM ET|About: ArcelorMittal (MT)|By: Clark Schultz, SA News Editor

Continuing down a path of offloading assets, ArcelorMittal (NYSE:MT) is considering striking a deal to merge its U.S. operations with Cleveland-Cliffs (NYSE:CLF), according to Reuters. A finalized arrangement could be announced within days.

The U.S. assets of Luxembourg-based ArcelorMittal are reportedly worth between $2B and $3B, while Cleveland-Cliffs trades with a market cap of around $2.3B and had total long-term debt at the end of Q2 of $4.5B.

Steelmakers have been looking for ways to consolidate operations and diversify their businesses to help them ride out swings in demand.

See more details on ArcelorMittal's cash flow headaches.
ArcelorMittal overweegt fusie Amerikaanse activiteiten - media

10,31 0,00 0,00 % Euronext Amsterdam
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc
$ 5,88 0,17 2,98 % NYSE

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal overweegt een fusie voor zijn Amerikaanse activiteiten met staalconcern Cleveland-Cliffs. Dit schreef persbureau Reuters zondag op basis van bronnen.

Door een fusie komt er meer diversiteit en zijn de twee bedrijven minder kwetsbaar voor veranderingen in de vraag, verklaarde Reuters de beweegredenen voor een combinatie.

De waarde van de Amerikaanse tak van ArcelorMittal, waar meer dan 18.000 werknemers werkzaam zijn, wordt grofweg geschat op 2 tot 3 miljard dollar. Cleveland-Cliffs heeft ongeveer 11.000 werknemers in dienst in Amerika en Canada, met een geschatte waarde van 2,3 miljard dollar.

Cleveland-Cliffs nam afgelopen maart nog de Amerikaanse sectorgenoot AK Steel over voor 3 miljard dollar, waardoor de totale schuld van het concern eind juni 4,5 miljard dollar bedroeg. De timing van de overname was ongelukkig. AK Steel produceert veel voor de autosector, die in de maanden na de overname door de coronapandemie juist hard werd geraakt.

Afgelopen jaar kondigde ArcelorMittal nog een desinvesteringsronde aan om de schuld te verlagen.

ArcelorMittal is op de Amsterdamse beurs circa 12 miljard euro waard.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Staalconcern ArcelorMittal verkoopt Amerikaanse tak

Gepubliceerd op 28 september 2020 08:06 | Views: 169

ArcelorMittal 25 sep
10,31 0,00 (0,00%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal verkoopt zijn onderdeel ArcelorMittal USA aan de Amerikaanse staalproducent Cleveland-Cliffs. De deal heeft een waarde van 1,4 miljard dollar en wordt voldaan in aandelen en contanten.

Cleveland-Cliffs verkrijgt door de aankoop onder meer zes staalfabrieken en acht afwerkingsfaciliteiten en activiteiten op het gebied van steenkool en mijnbouw door heel de Verenigde Staten. Ook verschillende samenwerkingsverbanden van ArcelorMittal, met onder meer het Japanse Nippon Steel, gaan over.

Vorig jaar had ArcelorMittal USA een omzet van 9,9 miljard dollar. De transactie wordt waarschijnlijk in het vierde kwartaal afgerond. In combinatie met de verkoop begint ArcelorMittal een aandeleninkoopprogramma met een omvang van 500 miljoen dollar.
ArcelorMittal verkoopt Amerikaanse tak

10,31 0,00 0,00 % Euronext Amsterdam
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc
$ 5,88 0,17 2,98 % NYSE

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal fuseert zijn Amerikaanse activiteiten met het Amerikaanse staalconcern Cleveland-Cliffs en krijgt zelf een minderheidsbelang in het fusiebedrijf. Dit bevestigde het staalbedrijf met een notering in Amsterdam maandag.

Het nieuws werd zondag al gemeld door persbureau Reuters.

Cleveland-Cliffs zal alle aandelen van ArcelorMittal USA overnemen, en betaalt daarvoor een combinatie van contanten en aandelen.

"Deze transactie is een unieke kans voor ArcelorMittal om waarde voor aandeelhouders vrij te maken en toch blootgesteld te blijven aan de Noord-Amerikaanse economie, door onze kwalitatief hoogwaardige NAFTA-bezittingen en een deelneming in wat een sterker, meer geïntegreerd Amerikaans bedrijf zal zijn", zei CEO Lakshmi Mittal.

Bij de Amerikaanse tak van ArcelorMittal zijn meer dan 18.000 werknemers werkzaam. Cleveland-Cliffs heeft ongeveer 11.000 werknemers in dienst in Amerika en Canada, met een geschatte waarde van 2,3 miljard dollar.

ArcelorMittal verwacht in totaal 1,4 miljard aan eigen vermogen te ontvangen uit de deal, waarvan 505 miljoen dollar in contanten in de vorm van een vooruitbetaling. Nog eens 500 miljoen dollar wordt uitbetaald in de vorm ongeveer 78 miljoen aandelen Cleveland-Cliffs. De laatste 373 miljoen dollar wordt uitbetaald in 58 miljoen preferente aandelen zonder stemrechten, of in contanten.

Ook neemt Cleveland-Cliffs voor 1,5 miljard dollar aan pensioenverplichtingen en 0,5 miljard dollar aan schuld over.

De deal is volgens ArcelorMittal aantrekkelijk door de hoge waardering, die te danken is aan de sterke synergie die de combinatie van de twee bedrijven oplevert, ter waarde van circa 150 miljoen dollar per jaar. De ondernemingswaarde van de Amerikaanse tak in de deal zou overeenkomen met zes keer het gemiddelde EBITDA-resultaat gedurende de cyclus.

ArcelorMittal zal 500 miljoen dollar uitkeren aan aandeelhouders via een aandeleninkoopprogramma. Afgelopen jaar kondigde ArcelorMittal nog een desinvesteringsronde aan om de schuld te verlagen.

Cleveland-Cliffs nam afgelopen maart de Amerikaanse sectorgenoot AK Steel over voor 3 miljard dollar, waardoor de totale schuld van het concern eind juni 4,5 miljard dollar bedroeg. De timing van de overname was ongelukkig. AK Steel produceert veel voor de autosector, die in de maanden na de overname door de coronapandemie juist hard werd geraakt.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Beursblik: goede deal ArcelorMittal

11,252 0,942 9,14 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft met de verkoop van de Amerikaanse tak een goede deal gesloten. Dit concluderen analisten van ING maandag.

Enerzijds ontvangt ArcelorMittal 1,4 miljard dollar in contanten en aandelen en anderzijds neemt Cleveland-Cliffs 2 miljard dollar aan verplichtingen over van Arcelor.

Aandeelhouders kunnen dankzij de verkoop een aandeleninkoopprogramma ter waarde van 500 miljoen dollar tegemoet zien.

Met deze verkoop komt ArcelorMittal zijn belofte na om voor 2 miljard dollar aan niet-kernactiviteiten te desinvesteren, ondanks het uitdagende economische klimaat.

ING is te spreken over de verkoopprijs, maar ook over de balansversterking die de deal tot gevolg heeft. Daarbij blijft ArcelorMittal als aandeelhouder profiteren van de synergievoordelen en het opwaarts potentieel. Tot slot, zo benadrukt ING, verkleint ArcelorMittal zijn blootstelling aan de Amerikaanse staalsector, waar de nodige onzekerheid dreigt.

ING heeft een koopadvies op ArcelorMittal met een koersdoel van 18,00 euro. Maandag steeg het aandeel 8,9 procent naar 11,22 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
'Verkoopdeal goed nieuws voor ArcelorMittal'

Gepubliceerd op 28 september 2020 10:44 | Views: 92

ArcelorMittal 10:33
11,40 +1,09 (+10,55%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Met de verkoop van zijn Amerikaanse tak handelt ArcelorMittal in lijn met de eerdere belofte om voor 2 miljard dollar aan niet-kernactiviteiten af te stoten. Analisten van ING vinden de deal mede daarom positief nieuws. Ook merken ze op dat de prijs, gelet op de winsten die met het onderdeel werden behaald, beter is dan wat ArcelorMittal doorgaans opstrijkt bij verkoopdeals.

Het onderdeel ArcelorMittal USA wordt overgeheveld naar de Amerikaanse staalproducent Cleveland-Cliffs. De deal heeft een waarde van 1,4 miljard dollar. In combinatie met de verkoop begint ArcelorMittal ook een aandeleninkoopprogramma met een omvang van 500 miljoen dollar.

De marktvorsers van ING merken op dat de transactie de balans versterkt, terwijl ArcelorMittal ook nog blijft meeprofiteren van eventuele sterkprestaties van ArcelorMittal USA. Het in Amsterdam genoteerde staalconcern behoudt namelijk een minderheidsaandeel in de activiteiten. Verder blijft ArcelorMittal in Noord-Amerika actief via zijn bezittingen in Canada, Mexico en de Calvert-joint venture in de Verenigde Staten.

ING handhaaft zijn buy-advies voor ArcelorMittal, met een koersdoel van 18 euro. Maandag rond 10.30 uur was het aandeel met afstand de sterkste stijger in de AEX-index, met een plus van 9,5 procent op 11,29 euro.
ArcelorMittal Italia Appoints Eni Rewind for Soil & Aquifer Reclamation at Taranto

Eni's environmental company and centre of excellence for environmental recovery and circular use of natural resources Eni Rewind has expanded the scope of its activities beyond the group with the appointment by ArcelorMittal Italia to assist in the design of reclamation works at the former Ilva site in Taranto in Italy. ArcelorMittal Italia will harness the skills and experience of Eni Rewind to set up new environmental initiatives around the steelworks. The contract also covers specialist assistance with the process for the authorities’ approval of the plan for mitigation works at the ArcelorMittal Italia plant in Taranto.

ArcelorMittal has already started carrying out environmental tests, which will include further soil characterisations on the land where the plants are located, using 3D conceptual and hydrogeological models. The aim is to collect further information to update ongoing containment works and to plan the mitigation works in the area, minimising the impact on the operation of the steelworks.

Eni Rewind’s role has gradually expanded from being Eni's global contractor for environmental activities to a company that also operates on behalf of third parties. In doing so, it now offers the market access to the skills and technologies it has developed in complex and diversified projects, both in Italy and internationally, in line with local sustainable development goals. Since 2019, that mission has been explicit in the very name of the company, where Rewind stands for “REmediation and Waste INto Development”.

SAIL Board Restructuring Gets ACC Approval

The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved the restructuring of the Board of Steel Authority of India Ltd. The 4 posts of the Chief Executive Officers of Integrated Steel Plants of SAIL are to be elevated as Functional Directors, by designating them as Directors-in- charge of Bokaro, Rourkela, Bhilai and one Director-in-charge jointly for Burnpur and Durgapur steel plants. The approved restructuring of the SAIL Board also involves merging the functions and duties of the post of Director (Raw Materials and Logistics) and that of Director (Projects, and Business Planning) with the post of Director (Technical) and its consequent re-designation as Director (Technical, Projects and Raw Materials). The re-structured Board of Directors of SAIL will consist of Chairman, Director (Finance), Director (Commercial), Director (Technical, Project and Raw Materials), Director (Personnel), Directors in-charge of ISPs, Non-official Directors as per the Companies Act. 2013 and 2 Government Nominee Directors as per the DPE policy.

The release said “The restructuring of the board will facilitate greater de-centralization and nimble decision making with the Directors-in-charge of plants as direct ACC appointees, with their views having weight in the central corporate governance structure. This will also facilitate speedy modernization and expansion program of SAIL.”

This reverses the last board restructuring of 2011, when managing directors at its five plants were replaced with chief executive officers reducing SAIL’s board strength to 18 from 24. SAIL had than said that “The board strength will now be more manageable and will allow faster decision making.”

NHSRCL MAHSR Alignment to Generate 2.24 Million Tonnes Steel Demand

National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited announced that technical bids for the design and construction of 237 km length of mainline for Mumbai- Ahmedabad High Speed Rail corridor were opened last week. Total of three bidders involving 7 major infrastructural companies have participated in the competitive bidding.

Name of the bidders:
1: Afcons Infrastructure Limited, IRCON International Limited, JMC Projects India Ltd- Consortium
2: Larsen & Toubro Ltd
3: NCC Limited, Tata Project Ltd, J Kumar Infra Projects Ltd, HSR Consortium

This tender covers about 47% of total alignment of 508 km, between Vapi and Vadodara in the state of Gujarat. This includes four stations namely Vapi, Billimora, Surat and Bharuch, 24 river and 30 road crossings. This entire section is in Gujarat State where more than 83% of the land has been acquired for the project.

NHSRC said “It is estimated that close to 7.5 million tonnes of cement, 2.1 million tonnes of construction steel and 0.14 million tonnes of structural steel will be used in the construction and all of which shall be produced in India.”

Steel Ministry Proposes Aid to Increase Domestic Output to Cut Imports

Financial Express reported that India’s steel ministry has proposed incentives worth INR 3,346 crore to boost domestic production of various grades of the steel that are largely imported, to meet a local shortfall. As part of the stimulus schemes, a production-linked incentive of 3-5.1% of the incremental output value will be offered to the domestic industry for steel grades in which local production is very limited. This will cost the exchequer about INR 2,776 crore. Additionally, a preliminary proposal for phased manufacturing programme for cold-rolled grain oriented steel has also been worked out to provide an incentive of INR 570 crore over five years to the domestic steel industry to start manufacturing of CRGO in the country

The ministry has firmed up the proposal to be submitted to the Niti Aayog for further deliberations. An industry source said the proposed PLI scheme was aimed at helping the industry further develop or consolidate its capacity to manufacture electrical and automotive grades of steel and achieve self-reliance.

NHSRCL Tenders for 28 Steel Bridges & 88 Km Viaduct to Generate Steel Demand

National High Speed Rail Corporation has opened technical bids for two packages for Mumbai Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Corridor

(1) Procurement and Fabrication of 28 steel bridges for crossing over railway lines, rivers, highways, road crossings and other structures (P-4). Bidders for Procurement and Fabrication of 28 steel bridges include
Tata Projects Ltd
Afcons Infrastructure Ltd
Braithwaite & Co. Ltd.Consortium
Bridge & Roof Co. (India) Ltd
JMC Projects (India) Ltd & Rahee Infratech Ltd
ISGEC Heavy Engineering Ltd & M & B Engineering Ltd Consortium
Larsen & Toubro &IHI Infrastructure Systems Consortium

It is estimated that about 70,000 tonnes of Steel will be used for the fabrication of 28 steel bridges. NHSRCL has already sensitized the steel industries to cater such a huge demand for the India’s first High Speed Rail corridor.

(2) Design and Construction of 88 km (Approx) of viaduct between Vadodara and Ahmedabad in Gujarat including construction of elevated HSR station at Anand/Nadiad, 5 Bridges and 25 crossings. Bidders include
1: Afcons Infrastructure Limited, IRCON International Limited, JMC Projects India Ltd- Consortium
2: NCC Limited, Tata Project Ltd, J Kumar Infra Projects Ltd, HSR Consortium
3: Larsen & Toubro Ltd

With the opening of these bids, the technical bids covering 64% (325 km out of 508 km) of the total MAHSR alignment including five (5) HSR stations (Vapi, Billimora, Surat, Bharuch and Anand/Nadiad) out of 12 stations and one Train depot at Surat are under consideration. Earlier this week, NHSRCL has opened the technical bids for 237 km of viaduct between Vapi and Vadodara in Gujarat including 4 elevated HSR stations and one Train depot at Surat where all the three bidders comprising seven (7) leading Indian infrastructure companies had participated.

China's Steel Export Impact on Latin American Steel

Latin American steel association Alacero announced that the main economies are experiencing a recession while trade tensions between the world's greatest powers may be heading towards a different stage of the economic crisis unleashed by the appearance of Covid-19. Falling commodity prices , currency devaluation, US protectionism, and pressure from China's uncompetitive prices on local production contributed to the uncertainty in the region. During 2019, Chinese exports of indirect steel trade to Latin America grew by 3.5%, reaching USD 49,154 million. The volume of steel in products that entered from the Asian giant increased by 3% compared to the previous year, which represents close to 7.0 Mt. In this context, and as a way of maintaining the level of industrialization of the Latin American steel industry, Alacero recommends that local governments have greater commercial control over imports, in order to combat unfair trade. After the pandemic, the trend is for global demand to favor countries with enough overcapacity to resume low-cost production.

Brazil and Mexico are the main consumers of indirect steel in China, with 57% of the total imported in value by the region. In tons, its representativeness is close to 45%. Mexico, despite the low imports of rolled steel from China, was the main indirect trade market with USD 17,157 million, a growth of 5.8% compared to 2018. In total, Brazil had a growth of 4.5% in spending, reaching USD 11,068 million. Chinese exports to Latin America of products included in the indirect steel trade reached 7.0 million tonnes in 2019. Among the products that reached the region, cars and commercial vehicles contributed 1.22 million tonnes, reaching the most significant share in dollars ( USD 9,454 million, that is, 19% of the total).

The main destinations of rolled steel and derived products from China to Latin America were Chile, which received 1.2 million tonnes (20% of the regional total), Peru (1.1 million tonnes, 17%), Central America (1.0 million tonnes, 16 %) and Brazil (0.8 million tonnes, 13%). Overall, the region had a 14% drop in its imports. The increase in indirect trade in Chinese high-steel products to Latin America, however, was not enough to increase the trade deficit. Thus, the exchange of rolled products and derivatives between China and Latin America showed a sharp fall, despite the fact that total steel imports to China from Latin America, which include rolled products (long steels, flat steels and seamless tubes) and derivatives (wire and welded tubes), reached 0.018 million tonnes, 56% more than in 2018 (0.012 million tonnes).

HBIS & Danieli Sign Pact for Shigang

On September 22, 2020, Hebei Iron & Steel and Danieli & C SpA signed a commercial and technological cooperation agreement that will enable both Companies to work on developing new technologies to produce steel in a more efficient manner. The partnership will initially be focused on the new steelworks for HBIS’s Shijiazhuang Iron & Steel, Shigang. The scope of the cooperation agreement encompasses the development of highly innovative technology, sustainable steel production, robotics, automation and artificial intelligence.

Among other things, Danieli will help HBIS create new types of steels to be used in renewable energy production for wind turbine components with better strength and performance, thanks to the Rotoforge technology.

The main aim of the cooperation agreement is the production of green steel by reducing GHG emissions by the gradual decarbonization of steel production in China.

EVRAZ & Rail Service JV Allegro Selects ANDRITZ for Full-Cycle Wheels Manufacturing Line

LLC Allegro, the joint venture of EVRAZ and Rail Service Industrial Group established to set up a railway wheels manufacturing facility, signed equipment delivery contract with ANDRITZ, an international technology group. ANDRITZ Group companies ANDRITZ MAERZ and Schuler will supply to Allegro a full-cycle wheels manufacturing line, first deliveries of equipment scheduled for Q1 2022. Production flow will be structured as follows. Steel semis produced by EVRAZ NTMK will be heated to 1,250 degree in a furnace. Descaled, they will be shaped into wheels in a 10,000-tonne hydraulic press and finished in the rolling mill and a 5,000-tonne piercing press. Following a laser check of the wheel’s geometry and marking, wheels will be heat-treated to harden their working surfaces.

The agreement on construction of the new railway wheels manufacturing facility was signed with the management of the Special Economic Zone Titanium Valley (Sverdlovsk Region) in March 2020. The total investment in the project is estimated at RUB 16 billion (about USD 200 million) with an annual expected production capacity of 200,000 solid-rolled wheels (with a possible scaling to 300,000). Production launch is scheduled for Q4 2022, creating 425 new jobs.


Mechel Service Supplies Steel for Construction of Ice Hockey World Junior Championship Arenas
Steel News - Published on Mon, 28 Sep 2020
mechel-ice-hockey-world-junior-championship_40995.jpg Image Source: Mechel Ice Hockey World Junior ChampionshipMechel Group’s steel trade company Mechel Service supplied over 5,000 tonnes of steel rolls since the beginning of this year for construction of two stadiums in Novosibirsk and Omsk for the upcoming Ice Hockey World Junior Championship due to be held in 2023. The arenas are still under construction and will require much more steel rolls before they are complete. By 2022, Novosibirsk will have a new 56,000-square-meter ice sports arena that will be able to seat 10,600 spectators. The six-storey complex will be built on Nemirovicha-Danchenko Street, 500 meters away from the Ob River. In April 2022, the city will inaugurate a new metro station Sportivnaya to service the arena.

In Omsk, the new arena will seat some 12,000 spectators. The six-storey, 60,000-square-meter ice sports palace will be built on Lukashevicha Street 350 meters away from the Irtysh River. It will include a sports area, zones for judges and delegates, a press center, foyer for the audience and fan zones. The new arena’s budget totals 10 billion rubles, with half provided by federal funds and the other half invested by Gazprom Neft.

Ice Hockey World Junior Championship 2023 is the 47th youth world championship under the aegis of the International Ice Hockey Federation, which will be held in Novosibirsk and Omsk. Construction of two ice arenas will use rebar and hardware of Mechel Group’s Chelyabinsk and Beloretsk Metallurgical Plants.

Brussel staakt onderzoek naar staaldumping - media

11,304 0,994 9,64 % Euronext Amsterdam
17,54 0,41 2,39 % Euronext Brussel
ThyssenKrupp AG
4,54 0,175 4,01 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Europese Commissie zal een onderzoek naar het dumpen van roestvrij staal door China en Indonesië spoedig afronden en geen nieuwe maatregelen afkondigen. Dit schreef het persbureau Bloomberg maandag op basis van bronnen.

Volgens Bloomberg heeft de European Steel Association zijn eerdere klacht inmiddels ingetrokken. Op basis van deze klacht werd in oktober 2019 een onderzoek ingesteld naar het illegaal dumpen.

Het onderzoek heeft volgens Bloomberg geen aanwijzingen opgeleverd die een verder onderzoek rechtvaardigen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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