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Metso Outotec Wins Order for Large Iron Ore Pelletizing Plant in China

Metso Outotec has signed a contract with Beijing Shougang International Engineering Technology Co Ltd on the delivery of new environmentally sound technology for Zenith’s Zhong Tian iron ore pelletizing plant to be built in Nantong, China. The order value is not disclosed. The contract has been booked into Metso Outotec’s Q3 2020 orders received. Metso Outotec's scope of delivery covers the engineering and design of the indurating system, engineering of the process gas fan system, supply of proprietary equipment, instrumentation and control systems, as well as supervisory services and technical training. The core of the plant is Metso Outotec’s traveling grate pellet indurating furnace, which has a grate area of 432 square meters.

Pellet production at the Zhong Tian plant is estimated to start by the end of 2021. Metso Outotec’s traveling grate technology produces uniform pellets and ensures high performance and quality with low investment and operating costs, as well as decreased energy consumption and emissions.

SCHADE to Supply 8 Semi Portal Reclaimers for Zhongtian Steel Works in China

Local sales activities for SCHADE are supported in China by AUMUND Machinery Technology (Beijing) Ltd, which is supplying eight SCHADE Semi-Portal Reclaimers, each with a capacity of 1,800 tph of iron ore, to the new Zhongtian Steel Works in Nantong, via general contractor CISDI. The eight SCHADE Semi-Portal Reclaimers specially designed for this project are to be supplied by the end of February 2021.

Nantong is a town with a population of approximately 2 million, about 100 km north of Shanghai, and is where Zhongtian Steel is currently constructing a greenfield steel plant which is due to commence operations at the end of 2021.

Zhongtian Steel belongs to the Zhongtian Group which was incorporated in 2001 and is one of the most successful private companies in China, with activities in metallurgy, ports, power plants, logistics and hotel construction. The Zhongtian Group is one of the top 500 earning companies in China.

SCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH, based in Gelsenkirchen in Germany, is a member of the AUMUND Group and an international specialist in the sales, engineering and supply of Stackers and Reclaimers for bulk materials stockyards and blending beds.

Xingcheng Special Steel Orders Jumbo Continuous Caster from SMS Concast

Jiangyin Xingcheng Special Steel Works Co Ltd based in Jiangyin in Jiangsu Province of China has placed an order with SMS Concast, a company of SMS group, for a three-strand jumbo bloom caster able to continuously cast 1,200-milli­meter round blooms. This will be a new record in steel production technology, as it will be the first caster in the world to produce 1,200-millimeter blooms in a curved continuous casting process.

This record-breaking new bloom caster with a nominal radius of 18 meters will be designed to produce a wide range of rounds from 600 up to 1,200 millimeters in diameter, in highly demanding steel grades ranging from bearing through to stainless steels. These grades are demanded by the forging and large-bearing industries for the production of bearings and shafts for green technologies, such as wind power mills, for example.

The jumbo caster will be equipped with advanced SMS Concast technologies such as INVEX molds, CONFLOW stopper mechanisms, CONSTIR electromagnetic stirrers as well as dynamic mechanical soft reduction and dynamic spray cooling – the latter two will be controlled by the COOL solidification simulation software. All of these technologies aim at a stable process and improved internal product quality. In addition, surface heaters will assure that no cracks are generated during unbending of the giant round blooms. Beyond that, the most advanced software solidification models will support a simplified and reliable decision-making process to ensure process stability.

Commissioning of this record-breaking jumbo continuous casting machine is scheduled to take place at the end of May 2021.

EVRAZ Q3 2020 Trading Update

EVRAZ plc has released its trading update for the third quarter of 2020. In Q3 2020, EVRAZ consolidated crude steel output fell by 4.4% QoQ, mainly due to the planned shutdown of blast furnace no 5 and the launch of blast furnace no 6 after the completion of a major overhaul at EVRAZ NTMK. Total sale of steel products decreased by 9.5% QoQ. Sales of semi-finished products fell by 24.1% QoQ following the increase of sales of finished goods to the Russian market. Sales of fini hed products increased by 5.7% QoQ amid better market conditions in Russia and an improved product mix.

Total raw coking coal production went up by 14.6% QoQ, driven by the completion of longwall moves at the Alardinskaya and Esaulskaya mines in Q2 2020. While production at the Razrez Raspadsky open pit remained suspended during the reporting period due to unfavourable market conditions, operations were resumed in October 2020 amid dwindling stockpiles and rising prices for coal products. External sales volumes of coking coal products climbed by 23.6% QoQ following an improvement in market conditions.

External sales of iron ore products grew by 9.0% QoQ amid higher shipments to export markets in Q3 2020.

Sales of vanadium products rose by 13.4% QoQ, mainly due to increased steel utilisation rates and a slight recovery of the automotive industry. The regional sales and product mix was also changed to serve the more active Chinese oxide market.

Primetals Technologies Revamped Long Rolling Mill Starts at Stahlwerk Annahutte in Germany

Primetals Technologies finished a revamping project of the long rolling mill at Stahlwerk Annahutte Max Aicher GmbH & Co KG in Ainring-Hammerau in Bavaria in Germany. The project encompassed the modernization of the intermediate rolling train by replacing two existing Red Ring Series 1 stands with the latest design, Red Ring Series 5 stands. These stands allow for shorter change times and offer a prolonged lifetime of wear components. Mill operation and maintenance activities are benefited.

For the modernization project, Primetals Technologies provided the engineering of process technology, as well as design services. Two Red Ring Series 5 stands RR545 in H/V configuration were installed at the intermediate train. Other equipment supplied included two stand-by stands, the retrofit of the stand lubrication system to allow quick connection/disconnection during stand change operations, encoder systems for gap adjustment, workshop systems for stand preparation and roll change, compatible with both Red Ring Series 1 and 5, as well as with other existing stands. In addition, the new equipment was adapted to the existing mill, in order to minimize installation time. Engineering services for other equipment, advisory services to erection and commissioning, and training services rounded off the scope.

The long rolling mill at Stahlwerk Annahutte has a design production capacity of 240,000 metric tons per year. It processes square billets with dimensions of 160x160 and 178x178 millimeters. Steel grades include carbon, quality, alloyed and non-alloyed steels. Finished products are thread and plain round bars with diameters ranging from 12 to 75 millimeters. The original rolling mill had been installed by former Pomini SpA, now Primetals Technologies, in 1973. The Red Ring stands Series 1 were still perfectly working, its replacement with Series 5 is intended to improve the flexibility of operation, by reducing the change times and extending the lifespan of main wear components.

Ural Steel’s Innovators Propose 12 Energy Saving Projects

Metalloinvest’s Ural Steel announced the winners of the qualifying stage of Metalloinvest's corporate competition for the best innovative energy saving and energy efficiency proposal. 12 projects have entered the final stage of the contest, with a total expected positive economic impact from their implementation of more than 90 million roubles annually. The industrial efficiency of the proposed ideas was evaluated by specialists from the enterprise’s technical and financial departments. They noted that this year both the number of participants and the number of projects entering the final stage was the highest in 10 years.

The proposal with the highest economic effect, in the amount of 51 million roubles, was put forward by the design team of the oxygen-compressor facility to improve energy efficiency of compressors in the air supply system of the enterprise’s divisions.

The largest number of proposals was presented by innovators from the thermal power plant. The cost-neutral projects by teams from the coke production facility, the metal manufacturing equipment repair workshop and Rolling Mill #1 were well received.

Other proposals included reducing consumption of electricity in the electric steelmaking shop and of steam for water deaeration in the heat and gas supply shop, reducing natural gas consumption for sludge drying and saving electricity on dust collection equipment in the sintering shop.

Other Metalloinvest enterprises are also completing the selection of innovative proposals. The winners will be determined by the end of November. Along with the other finalists, the Novotroitsk-based innovators will be competing for bonus payments in the amounts of 150, 100 and 50 thousand roubles. In addition, 15 months after the implementation of the winning proposals, the authors will be entitled to a one-time reward in the amount of 10% of the economic effect received during the year.

The competition for energy saving and energy efficiency proposals has been held at Metalloinvest since 2011. Its goal is to involve miners and steelworkers in the development and implementation of energy saving technologies.

Alacero to Hold Virtual Event on November 10

Latin American Steel Association Alacero reported that it will hold its event in virtual format to understand the present, future and opportunities of the Latin American industry in the post-pandemic context, through the vision of the most influential experts of the world and Latin America. The event will be in virtual format on November 10 with a duration of 4 hours.There will be panelists of the stature of Dani Rodrik, one of the 100 most influential economists in the world, Andrés Malamud, specialist in democratic institutions, foreign policy and regional integration processes and Andrés Oppenheimmer , one of the most influential intellectuals in Latin America, moderate by Paolo Rocca, CEO of the Techint Group.

On behalf of the governments will be Dr. Graciela Marquez Colín , Secretary of the Economy of Mexico and Dr Paulo Guedes , Minister of Economy of Brazil.

As a closing we will have a panel made up of the main CEOs of the Latin American steel industry, who will discuss the future of the industry, the role in reindustrialization.

Beursblik: lagere EBITDA Aperam voorzien

23,16 0,08 0,35 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Aperam heeft in het derde kwartaal van dit jaar een lagere EBITDA geboekt dan een jaar eerder, maar op kwartaalbasis was er vermoedelijk sprake van een licht herstel. Dit verwachten analisten die bijdroegen aan de consensus.

Voor het derde kwartaal verwachten de dertien analisten die bijdroegen aan de consensus gemiddeld een EBITDA van 53 miljoen euro. De schattingen lopen daarbij uiteen tussen 47 miljoen en 57 miljoen euro. Een jaar eerder was dit resultaat nog 79 miljoen euro. Op kwartaalbasis zou er sprake zijn van een licht herstel, gezien Aperam in het tweede kwartaal nog een EBITDA-resultaat boekte van 49 miljoen euro.

Bij publicatie van de cijfers over het tweede kwartaal in juli, sprak Aperam de verwachting uit in het derde kwartaal een EBITDA te realiseren vergelijkbaar met het resultaat in het tweede kwartaal. Wel waarschuwde de fabrikant van roestvast staal dat de schulden zullen pieken in het derde kwartaal, mede vanwege seizoensgebonden effecten.

Voor heel 2020 mikken analisten inmiddels op een EBITDA van 234 miljoen euro. Dat is lager dan de 243 miljoen euro waarop nog werd gerekend voor de cijfers over het eerste kwartaal, maar vergelijkbaar met de verwachtingen voorafgaand aan de cijfers over het tweede kwartaal.

JPMorgan Cazenove uitte zich eerder nog positief over de betere prestaties bij Stainless & Electrical, waar de kosten beter onder controle werden gehouden en Aperam hogere prijzen wist te vragen. Beleggers zullen in de cijfers over het derde kwartaal vermoedelijk kijken of deze ontwikkelingen zich hebben doorgezet.

JPMorgan Cazenove heeft een Overwogen advies op Aperam. Woensdag voorbeurs komt de fabrikant van roestvast staal met cijfers. Maandagmiddag koerste het aandeel 0,9 procent hoger op 23,29 euro..

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Government Drops Disinvestment of SAIL DSP

Financial Express reported that Indian government has put on hold its plan to divest of Steel Authority of India Limited’s Durgapur based loss making unit Alloy Steel Plant. FE report said that as per a steel ministry note, “Meeting of the inter-ministerial group under the chairmanship of secretary Dipam, regarding disinvestment of two units of SAIL’s Salem based Salem Steel Plant and Bhadrawati based Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Plant was held on October 9, where issues involved in finalisation of transaction documents for strategic disinvestment of these SAIL units were considered. But the ministry note is silent on ASP.”

The Cabinet gave it’s in principle approval in October 2016 for strategic disinvestment of all the three units. On February 1, 2018, SAIL issued notice seeking expression of interest for disinvestment, but EoIs received did not meet the specified eligibility criteria. Fresh process was initiated and revised EoIs for ASP, VISP and SSP were issued in 2019, but nothing concrete came out of the process since then. These three units reported a combined pre-tax loss of INR 500 crore last fiscal. ASP contributed around INR 100 crore into the loss pile.

ThyssenKrupp Keeping Options Open on Steel Divisions

Reuters reported that ThyssenKrupp management board in a letter to staff said that it is keeping its options open regarding the prospective sale of its steel and plant divisions, but outcome of talks is unclear. The letter, calling on the German industrial conglomerate’s workforce to be patient, said “We are a long way from our goal and will have to go further through the red zone. We are in the middle of a process that contains multiple options. From our point of view, it is right to keep our options open for a long time.”

Essen-based ThyssenKrupp is considering a non-binding offer for its loss making steel unit from Liberty Steel. It is also exploring sale options for its Multi-Track plant unit.

RINL VSP Employees Oppose POSCO Entry

Express News Service reported that last week meeting of POSCO officials with Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Mr YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has triggered widespread resentment among Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd’s Vizag steel plant employees and unions, who are vehemently opposing the entry of the company since the proposal was made almost a year ago. They demanded that the state government make its stand clear whether it is opposing or supporting POSCO. Steel plant employees unions and other trade unions have decided to go on a one day strike on November 26.

Steel plant employees recognised union president Mr J Ayodhya Ram told that “Vizag Steel is pride of AP and it was realised after protracted struggle by the people of the State. We will not let the plant slip into private hands. The plant, since its inception, has paid over INR 42,000 crore as taxes to both the State and Centre. If POSCO was allowed to set up the plant, further expansion of the Vizag steel plant will be affected. We have technology and resources and a full-fledged infrastructure and if the South Korean company is allowed to enter, it will take over the entire plant. We will fight till the end for protecting the Vizag steel plant.”

AITUC State secretary Mr D Adinarayana said the expansion plan of RINL to produce 20 million tonnes will hit a roadblock if the POSCO is allowed to set up its unit here. He told “The move will hit hard employees and people of the region and the navratna company will lose its identity and integrity. Even captive mines were not given to the RINL, and the plant managed to come out of the BIFR and later achieved a turnaround. It is not a wise step to privatise the steel plant now.”

The South Korean company, after shelving its plan to set up a plant at Jagatsinghpur in Odisha, has stepped up efforts to set up a high end steel plant in a joint venture with the RINL. MoU was signed in July 2020 and a joint working group was formed. The POSCO also sought 1,170 acres of Vizag Steel’s surplus land for setting up the plant. Representatives of POSCO have called on Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Mr YS Jagan Mohan Reddy last week and expressed their willingness to invest in the State. POSCO India group Chairman Managing Director Mr Sung-Lae Chun, Chief Financing Officer Mr Goo Young An, Senior General Manager Mr Jung Le Park and other officers were part of the delegation.

Odisha Congress Opposes Disinvestment of NINL

Express News Service reported that opposing the proposed disinvestment of the Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited, the Odisha Pradesh Congress Committee has demanded that the management of the steel plant should be handed over to the Steel Authority of India Limited. Senior Congress leader Mr Panchanan Kanungo said that the Centre and the State Government should clarify why the NINL, which was running well, was selected for disinvestment. He said “Steps should have been taken to run the steel plant with captive mines and developed infrastructure under the SAIL.”

He added that the Odisha government could also have purchased the 49.78 per cent share of the Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation in the plant.

The 1.1 million tonne integrated iron and steel plant, managed by MMTC, has substantially increased its annual production. But the production has not come down after the Centre decided to disinvest from the plant.

US Steel CEO Comments Put Investment in Mon Valley Works in Question

Pittsburgh Post Gazette reported that US Steel CEO Mr David Burritt delivered some surprising comments about the plans to spend some USD 1.5 billion upgrading its Mon Valley Works with a combined casting and rolling mill that the company could decide to cancel the project here and invest the money elsewhere. Mr Burritt told analysts "The key word in all of this is really the optionality. We can decide to put it in Mon Valley. We can decide to put it somewhere else. We have a lot of flexibility to decide where this goes."

The Mon Valley project was announced with great fanfare in May 2019. At the time, it was touted as ensuring the future of the steelmaker’s iconic Mon Valley operations, which include the Edgar Thomson Works in Braddock, Irvin Plant in West Mifflin and Clairton Coke Works that together employ about 3,000 people, by making it a central source of material for high-strength, lightweight, flexible steel that feeds the automotive sector. US Steel originally planned to break ground on the project this September, with start-up in the fourth quarter of 2022. The ground-breaking was delayed indefinitely earlier this year, in part because of lags in permitting caused by COVID-19.

Pittsburgh Post Gazette

Bangladesh Steel Sector Needs Policy Support - BSRM

The Daily Star reported that Bangladesh's leading steel manufacturer Chattogram based BSRM Managing Director Mr Aameir Alihussain said that "Growth in the steel industry has been set back by about one year and it will take at least two years for the sector to return to normal because of the on-going pandemic. The supply chain was significantly affected as shipments were delayed, raw material imports from India though land ports were halted and all logistics were frozen. Bangladesh's steel sector needs business friendly policy support from the government in order to overcome the COVID-19 fallouts.”

Soon after the coronavirus outbreak began in March, Bangladesh government declared a 14-day general holiday, beginning on March 26. But as the number of infected patients across the country continued to rise, the nationwide lockdown was repeatedly extended until it finally came to an end on May 30. During this two-month period, public transport, markets and almost all other economic activities were completely shut down in an effort to curb the spread of Covid-19. As a result, the entire supply chain was disrupted.

JSPL Reports Results for July-September Quarter

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd announced results for July to September quarter of 2020

JSPL Standalone 2QFY21 Performance
Gross Revenue: INR 8,667 Crore
Net Revenue: INR 7,859 Crore
EBITDA: INR 2,435 Crore

JISPL Consolidated (Ex- Oman) 2QFY21 Performance
Gross Revenue: INR 9,804 Crore
Net Revenue: INR 8,990 Crore
EBITDA: INR 2,702 Crore

During 2QFY21, JSPL Standalone reported highest ever steel production volumes, including pig iron, at 1.84 million tonnes up 16% YoY and sales of 1.93 million tonnes up 30% YoY. As domestic demand returned, the company increased its sales within India, reflected in declining export trend in the reported quarter, declining to 38% vs 58% in 1QFY21. Exports stood at 0.74 million tonnes. During 2QFY21, production of pellets was 2.01 million tonnes. The company recorded external pellet sales of 0.73 million tonne during 2QFY21.

CVD on Stainless Steel Imports from Indonesia to Help Indian Manufacturers

India Ratings and Research believes the imposition of a countervailing duty of 21%-23% on the stainless steel flat products imported from Indonesia effective from August 2020 should improve the domestic sales realisation and profitability of sector companies. India’s flat SS producers were adversely affected during FY19-FY20 by margin pressures due to a supply glut caused by the imports from Indonesia. SS margins have been affected by a continuous increase in SS supply from Indonesia to India over FY19-FY20 at subsidised prices offsetting the reduction in cheap imports from China and South post imposition of anti-dumping duty measures in FY16. In FY20, SS imports from Indonesia rose to 280,600MT (FY19: 76,100MT; FY18: below 10,000MT), resulting in India’s total SS imports increasing to 742,000MT (484,500MT, 452,700MT). Indonesia’s SS imports to India in FY20 contributed nearly 38% to India’s total SS imports in volume terms (FY17: below 1%). Indian SS Producers have been trying to boost their exports mix of sales so as to offset domestic price declines.

India’s SS producers in flat rolled products such as Jindal Stainless Limited and Jindal Stainless (Hisar) Limited and Rimjhim Ispat Limited are likely to witness an increase in their EBITDA margins on back of an improvement in domestic sales realisation. Ind-Ra estimates SS industry margins should sustainably increase by 150-200bp starting from 2HFY21, led by the suitable price protection of flat SS products.

Ind-Ra expects SS players engaged in the manufacturing of long and flat ‘patta’ products to also witness some margin benefit, as they would gain on volumes while the above-mentioned SS players would focus more on flat rolled products and reduce their volumes in long products.

Celsa to Switch to Hydrogen Steel in Norway
ASA subsidiary Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser AS and Statkraft AS have signed a letter of intent for the delivery of 40-50 MW of alkaline electrolysers to support green steel production by Celsa Armeringsstal AS at Mo Industripark in Norway. The green hydrogen produced by the plant will be used in a production process of steel reinforcing products as an alternative to fossil fuels, and hence lower the carbon footprint of the process.

Statkraft is together with Celsa and Mo Industry park planning to establish a complete value chain for green hydrogen for industrial use in a high temperature process where the end-product is reinforced steel. Today, this process leads to annual CO2-emissions of approximately 100,000 tons/year, and through introducing green hydrogen in the process, emissions can potentially be reduced by 60%. The project is targeted for operation by end of 2023. The parties have also identified a number of other industrial opportunities for green hydrogen in the Industry park, and have the intention to increase the electrolyser capacity in a number of steps towards 2030.

Nova Steel USA to Set Up Steel Tube Mill at Bowling Green in Kentucky

Canadian owned Nova Steel USA Inc plans to locate a USD 70 million tube manufacturing facility in Bowling Green in Kentucky in USA. The new facility will produce a variety of automotive parts used in the production of pickup trucks and SUVs. The new location will represent an initial investment of over USD 20 million, creating 50 jobs. That portion is planned to open in summer 2021. Two additional expansions planned within the next three to five years would grow the operation to 325,000 square feet, bringing the total investment to USD 70 million and total jobs to 110. Company bought a 108,000 square feet building in the Kentucky Transpark for their plant’s new home. The project includes purchase and installation of equipment for precision roll forming, laser cutting, tube bending and fabrication, along with robotics and other technology.

The Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority preliminarily approved a 10 year incentive agreement with the company under the Kentucky Business Investment program. The performance-based agreement can provide up to USD 2 million in tax incentives based on the company’s investment of USD 70 million and annual targets of
Creation and maintenance of 110 Kentucky-resident, full-time jobs across 10 years
Paying an average hourly wage of $31 including benefits across those jobs

Additionally, KEDFA approved Nova for up to USD 550,000 in tax incentives through the Kentucky Enterprise Initiative Act. KEIA allows approved companies to recoup Kentucky sales and use tax on construction costs, building fixtures, equipment used in research and development and electronic processing.

Founded in Montreal in Canada in 1979, Nova Steel has grown to include 20 locations throughout North America, including one facility in Michigan and four general line service centres in the North-eastern US operating as American Steel & Aluminium. The company manufactures products for automotive, construction, mining, agriculture, transportation and other related industries.

Tata Steel Introduces Agile Working Models

Tata Steel is moving towards a trust and outcome based working culture and to give more flexibility to its employees, the Company has launched the Agile Working Models Policy with effect from this month. Under the new working models that is effective from November 1, 2020, even the officers who are required to be based out of a particular location can now work from home for unlimited days in a year. Once the pandemic situation normalises, the Agile Working Models policy will enable officers to move to a location of choice, giving the employee the flexibility to operate out of any location in the country. This policy is yet another step for Tata Steel to become more agile, future ready and to strengthen its Employee Value Proposition. It will be piloted for a year and based on adaptability and feedback, the policy will be reviewed after one year.

The policy will ensure better work-life balance, will give more flexibility to choose where one lives as the daily work commute shifts out of consideration, provides working opportunities to new parents at their convenience, and ensures continuity of work for Persons with Disabilities in their respective work enabled environment.

Severstal Supplies Large Diameter Pipes to USA

Severstal has supplied 2.35 thousand tonnes of large diameter pipes to the United States. LDP was produced at the Izhora Pipe Plant (according to ASTM A252, Gr. 3 and have a diameter of 800.1 mm, the wall thickness is 19.05 mm. Large-diameter pipes were supplied from the port of St Petersburg to Houston.

For the production of pipes, Severstal uses its own rolled metal products, which are produced by the company's 5000 sheet-rolling mill, located on the same industrial site with the ITZ in the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg. Having its own raw material base, steel-making and rolling production facilities allows Severstal to control product quality at each processing stage and provides flexibility in interaction with consumers.

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