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Nieuwe upcycle in de halfgeleider industrie?

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uitvreter schreef:

Micron Tech vanavond op 13% in de plus, wat is daar aan de hand.?
Dit bericht misschien?
(Maar dat geldt evenzo voor ASML)

Micron Positions Itself for Profit
By Jerry A. DiColo

Memory-chip maker Micron Technology Inc. is setting up for a big run -- once chip prices recover, that is.

Micron is in the middle of an industrywide downturn. With an oversupply of memory chips flooding the market, chip prices are down, Micron and most of its competitors are posting losses, and the Boise, Idaho, company's stock price is at historic lows. But the company has gotten into position to gain market share when chip prices turn and, based on its current valuation, the stock looks poised to go on an extended run.

"They're the healthiest they've ever been," said Caris ...
Zou kunnen Novital,

Kan ook zijn dat een overname van Qimonda niet doorgaat. Was een gerucht dat MU Qimonda zou overnemen.
Pacific Crest verwacht dat het herstel in de halfgeleider sector pas laat in 2009 zal inzetten; een jaar na nu dus.
Naar mijn bescheiden mening is dit drie tot zes maanden te pessimistisch.

September 11, 2008, 1:53 pm
Semi Equip Recovery Delayed, Says Pacific Crest
Posted by Eric Savitz

Pacific Crest’s Weston Twigg this morning trimmed his EPS estimates for a number of semiconductor equipment companies, asserting that a recovery in demand is likely to take longer than previously expected.

“Given the lingering imbalance between memory chip supply and demand, we expect new fab projects to continue to be delayed or to tamp slower than originally planned in 2009,” he wrote in a research note. “We believe spending will be relatively flat over the next three quarters, and we do not expect meaningful growth in spending until late 2009 or early 2010.”

Twigg notes that due to “meaningful oversupply,” prices for both NAND and DRAM chips continue to deteriorate. He says the December quarter could show sequential improvement in orders from the September quarter, but that “sustained growth is unlikely.”

In Twigg’s view, consensus estimates for 2009 for the equipment stocks have to come down.

Here’s a rundown on Twigg’s estimate cuts:

* ASML (ASML): 2008 EPS remains 0.98 Euros; ‘09 now 1.24, down from 1.53. He cut his target on the stock to 24 Euros, from 26.
Het pessimisme begint grotere vormen aan te nemen.

Advies omschrijving:
( New York - Op 12-9-2008 herhalen de analisten van J.P. Morgan hun houdadvies voor de Nederlandse producent van machines voor de chipindustrie ASML (ISIN: NL0006034001 / Mnemo: ASML).

Het 12-maands koersdoel voor het aandeel ASML is vastgesteld op 12.00 euro. In 2007 bedroeg de koerswinstverhouding (berekend met de ultimo slotkoers van het aandeel in 2007) 15.01.

De presentatie van de resultaten over het derde kwartaal wordt op 15 oktober 2008 gehouden.

novital schreef:

... Op 12-9-2008 herhalen de analisten van J.P. Morgan hun houdadvies. ... Het 12-maands koersdoel voor het aandeel ASML is vastgesteld op 12.00 euro.
Merkwaardig advies. Een koersdaling verwachten van 25%, en toch de aandelen aanhouden?

J.P. Morgan is de grootste pessimist onder de grote handelsbanken. Citigroup bijvoorbeeld handhaaft nog steeds een koersverwachting van €25, en Goldman Sachs zegt ´houden´ zonder een koersdoel.

De analisten zijn het spoor overduidelijk geheel bijster.
Ik geloof dat ik ook maar ns een gerucht de markt in gooi. Bij Tnt trappen ze er steeds weer in.

Mogan Stanley; zelf bakken ze er niks van, terwijl ze een topbedrijf een belachelijk advies geven.
Bijna tijd zou ik zeggen wat puts te gaan schrijven, of niet Willem.
Of heb je al geschreven?


Nieuwe optieseries 15-09-2008
12-09-2008 16:19:00
AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Euronext.Liffe heeft besloten om per 15-09-2008 de volgende nieuwe optieseries te introduceren op de Amsterdamse markt.

Contract Expiry Date Strike
ASL 17-Oct-08 13.50
ASL 21-Nov-08 12.00
ASL 21-Nov-08 13.50
MOO 21-Nov-08 3.40
MOO 21-Nov-08 3.90

- Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715200;
NXP schopt zijn fabriekjes leeg met werknemers..chips zijn niet zo gewild meer blijkbaar, en hoe het ook geen moer met ASML te maken heeft... wie chips denkt, denkt ASML dus dat zal wel niet deugen dan... dus die ook gelijk maar down...

Zojuist weer opnieuw gedaan uitvreter.
De LT verkochte calls heb ik vorige week al teruggekocht zit nu vol in de KT geschreven puts.Niet zonder risico overigens want vaak zakt het aandeel voor de cijfers in.Zat namelijk al in de puts maar die heb ik even deskundig kunnen doorrollen naar oktober -:)

groeten willem


uitvreter schreef:

Bijna tijd zou ik zeggen wat puts te gaan schrijven, of niet Willem.
Of heb je al geschreven?


Nieuwe optieseries 15-09-2008
12-09-2008 16:19:00
AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Euronext.Liffe heeft besloten om per 15-09-2008 de volgende nieuwe optieseries te introduceren op de Amsterdamse markt.

Contract Expiry Date Strike
ASL 17-Oct-08 13.50
ASL 21-Nov-08 12.00
ASL 21-Nov-08 13.50
MOO 21-Nov-08 3.40
MOO 21-Nov-08 3.90

- Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715200;

Home> Biz/Tech Updated Sep.12,2008 10:45 KST

Samsung to Boost production of OneDRAM

Samsung Electronics plans to expand manufacture of next-generation memory semiconductor OneDRAM, a fusion of two types of semiconductor -- mobile DRAM and dual-port RAM -- in one DRAM that reduces power consumption and enhances data processing speed.
The company predicted the market size would increase by 300 percent every year until 2011. Samsung has completed development of 1 gigabyte OneDRAM and said it will distribute samples to major customers this month and start mass production in March next year. In a mobile phone, OneDRAm would show 10 times better performance than regular DRAM, the company said.

“After the introduction of 3G phones, mobile phone makers’ demand for high-performance memory chips is growing,” a Samsung spokesman said. “We will develop various types of OneDRAm and expand its use for more diverse mobile devices.”

( )

MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) sensoren worden steeds kleiner, goedkoper en energie-zuiniger en worden onmisbaar en in een rap tempo in steeds meer apparaten ingebouwd.
Én ze worden gemaakt met behulp van de lithografie technieken van ASML.
Kijk daar maar eens naar en over de dip heen die nu de beurzen en de economie tijdelijk in zijn greep heeft.

Smaller Sensors Making a Big Impact – Frost & Sullivan

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Consumer electronic products are becoming smaller, sleeker and more powerful. From MP3 players to PDAs to ultra-small laptops to cell phones to gaming consoles, today's consumers increasingly define themselves by the kind of portable electronic devices they use.

Manufacturers of these devices are constantly looking for ways to reduce their size, cost, and power consumption, while incorporating larger displays and additional features that attract consumers. The power and space consumed by the sensor on the circuit board are therefore at a premium.

“To address this requirement, semiconductor sensors are becoming smaller in size and are consuming less space and power,” says Frost & Sullivan Industry Analyst V. Sankaranarayanan. “At the same time, they are also becoming more powerful and indispensable.”

Lees verder:

novital schreef:

MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) sensoren worden steeds kleiner, goedkoper en energie-zuiniger en worden onmisbaar en in een rap tempo in steeds meer apparaten ingebouwd.
Én ze worden gemaakt met behulp van de lithografie technieken van ASML.
Lees in dit kader ook dit bericht over magnetische sensors die het in zich hebben om nieuwe killer apps voort te brengen.

Magnetic Sensors Bring Next Generation Tech In Sight
Technology IV, Electronic Games II

--(BUSINESS WIRE)--One of the governing marvels of the world, magnetism is a phenomenon by which certain materials exert attractive or repulsive forces upon other materials. While everyone is familiar with the magnetic properties of certain metals, all materials are influenced by magnetics. And, just as every snowflake, fingerprint, or DNA strand is distinct, everything in our world has a unique magnetic signature.

“For a number of years, researchers and scientists have been attempting to develop Magnetic Random Access Memory, or MRAM technology, as a highly probable candidate for ‘universal memory,’” says Joseph Fuda, CEO of Micromem Technologies Inc., a development-stage company at the forefront of MRAM and magnetic sensor technology.

Micromem discovered that their storage medium, when fitted to a sensor, illustrates dramatic advantages over other sensors. The company recently announced that its foundry tests have demonstrated a number of valuable benefits for a magnetic-based sensor and memory device including high sensitivity, thermal stability, and low cost manufacturing.

While many are familiar with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a medical visualization technique commonly used in radiology, Micromem’s research suggests the possibility of ubiquitous applications for “nano-MRI,” sensors that are incredibly small and infinitely sensitive. “The revolution in “seeing” that magnetic sensors will usher in promises to be profound; analogous to Galileo’s telescope vs. Hubble’s lens,” says Fuda. “The hypothetical implications of MRAM technology encompass limitless unmet needs in any number of sectors.”

Some of the company’s partnership and commercialization efforts include R&D for “killer apps” in the realms of:

-Biometrics-sub-surface sensors that can see beyond fingerprinting to detect unique internal magnetically defined structures (e.g. a mini-MRI)

-Medical devices-imagine a wristwatch-sized device that could non-invasively and continuously monitor patient glucose levels offering relief for the millions of diabetics that no longer would need to draw blood to measure blood sugar levels.

-Defense and Security-everything from explosive device detection and force protection applications to enemy detection and next generation “metal detectors.”

-Natural Resource Exploration-being able to “see” what is in the sample at remote sites vs. sending it back to a laboratory for analysis, whether for exploratory drilling, mining, or production scenarios.

“Using magnetic properties to ‘see,’ store, and process information is the future of technology,” says Fuda. “It’s an idea with lots of pull.”

For more information:
Er wordt werk gemaakt van het versneld inkrimpen van de productie van DRAM en NAND flash geheugen.
Hynix sluit meerdere verouderde 200mm lijnen.
Dit zal al snel een bijdrage leveren aan het verminderen van de overproductie en het herstel van de prijzen.

Hynix to accelerate retirement of 200mm fabs, to reduce capacity by 30% by early 2009

Press release, September 18; Michael McManus, DIGITIMES [Thursday 18 September 2008]

Hynix Semiconductor said that the company will retire its 200mm wafer fabrication plants, which are less efficient than 300mm fabs earlier than planned in order to improve its financial stability and focus on profitability. Hynix has total five 200mm fabs, including M7 in Icheon, M8 and M9 in Cheongju, E1 in Eugene, United States and HC1 in Wuxi, China.

In order to accelerate the retirement of 200mm fabs, Hynix previously announced stopping operations at HC1, E1 and M9 fabs. In addition to the retirement of those 200mm fabs, M7 Fab, which has exclusively produced DRAM will be closed by the end of this month. M8 Fab, the last 200mm fab after retirement of other fabs, will be producing smaller volume than its original production plan of 130,000 wafers per month, focusing on specialty products.

In this regard, the total production output from 200mm fabs will be significantly reduced to less than 10% of total capacity in the beginning of year 2009 compared to 50% at the end of year 2007. By closing 200mm fabs, the total production capacity will decrease 30% by the beginning of next year from that of the second quarter of this year. This feature also indicates reducing DRAM output by 20% and NAND flash output by 40%.

In accordance with accelerating retirement of 200mm fabs, Hynix will convert most of its production of DRAM and NAND flash from 200mm fabs to 300mm fabs. With this move, the company will keep strengthening its stance as a leading player in the industry through technology advancement and cost competitiveness while improving cash flow and profitability.

Het roundtable panel van de The Wall Street Transcript presenteert een analyse van de halfgeleider industrie aan grote beleggers en CEO´s.
(Bedankt Mirabel voor het toezenden van het lijvige rapport)

ASML wordt er vernoemd als de duidelijke winnaar op het immersie lithografie vlak. Als in de nabije toekomst de kapitaalsbestedingen van de chipsproducenten weer toenemen, zal ASML daar bovenmatig van profiteren. ASML kan daardoor bogen op bijzonder goede groeivooruitzichten.

Voor een verkorte presentatie van dit rapport:
Credit Suisse is van mening dat de halfgeleider industrie al in het tweede kwartaal van 2009 gaat herstellen. Dat is over circa zes maanden.
Omdat beleggers daar zes tot negen maanden op vooruit lopen ...

Global semiconductor industry to remain weak in 1Q09, says Credit Suisse

Nancy Cheng, Taipei; Steve Shen, DIGITIMES [Friday 19 September 2008]

Affected by the global financial crisis and high inventory levels at clients, the global semiconductor industry will remain weak in the first quarter of 2009 before seeing a rebound in the second quarter, according to Credit Suisse speaking at an investors forum held recently in Taipei.
Due to the low visibility of market demand, semiconductor makers are expected to continue to cut capital expenditure (capex) in 2009 following a reduction of 20-30% in 2008 as compared to the levels seen in 2007, said the investment bank.
Wafer foundries and DRAM makers are expected to post a negative growth on their capex in 2009, whereas IC packaging and testing companies will see their capex stay flat in the coming year, the bank noted.
Most upstream companies in Taiwan's IT industry who attended the forum generally look down on prospects for the fourth quarter, while downstream makers are a bit more optimistic, even though their fourth-quarter growth rates are expected to be lower than those recorded last year.
En waar komen de lithografie machines vandaan die het volgende moeten realiseren?

SANYO Semiconductor Expands Foundry Business in North America

SADDLE BROOK, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SANYO Semiconductor (U.S.A.) announces its intent to expand its foundry business in North America.
Heeft deze reporter een klap "van de hoef" van de ezel gehad?
´Climbed the most because of a reiteration of its guidance for the third quarter´

ASML herhaalde slechts een oude verwachting dat voor heel 2008 de omzet 20% lager kan zijn dan in 2007. ASML zegt niets specifieks over Q3. En de grote koersstijging heeft daarmee niets te maken, maar alles met short covering tgv het Amerikaans reddingsplan en wellicht ook met het shorting verbod in financials in de VS en GB.

ASML Gains Most in 5 Months After Repeating Forecast (Update1)

By Marcel van de Hoef

Sept. 19 (Bloomberg) -- ASML Holding NV, Europe's largest maker of semiconductor equipment, rose the most in five months in Amsterdam trading after the company reiterated its guidance for machine bookings in the third quarter.

ASML shares climbed 1.41 euros, or 10 percent, to 14.86 euros ($21.43), the most since April 16. ASML reiterated its forecast for third-quarter bookings, the Veldhoven, Netherlands- based company said in slides posted on its Web site today.

To contact the reporter on this story: Marcel van de Hoef in Amsterdam at
In de CMOS techniek waarvan ASML gebruik maakt zit nog heel veel rek en heeft nog 20 jaar te gaan volgens de schrijfster van dit artikel.
Tegen die tijd is het technisch mogelijk om chips te produceren met 100 miljard transistoren tegen een prijs van $1 per stuk. De gebruiksmogelijkheden die dit oproept tart voorlopig mijn verbeeldingskracht.

No nanoelectronics technology can replace CMOS until 2030, says TI exec

Anne-Francoise Pele
EE Times Europe (10/02/2008 7:44 AM EDT)

SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS — Fifty years ago, Jack St. Clair Kilby, working for Texas Instruments Inc. (Dallas, Texas), invented the integrated circuit. At the SAME Forum, in the Science Technological Park of Sophia Antipolis, South of France, Dennis Buss, chief scientist at TI, gave a retrospective look and a prospective analysis of the semiconductor industry as Moore's law is expected to stagnate toward the end of the next decade.

Looking back on 38 years of history, and more precisely 38 years of semiconductor scaling, Buss highlighted that, at every generation, feature size shrinks by 70 percent, transistor density doubles, wafer cost increases by 20 percent, and chip cost comes down by 40 percent. Generations, he continued, occur regularly, on average, every 2.9 years over the past 35 years. Recently, it has occurred every 2 years.

Continuing his comparisons between the year 1970 and today, Buss underlined a 10,000x increase in clock frequency, a 1000x increase in power dissipation, a 100x increase in fab cost and, on another level, a 400x increase in worldwide IC revenue, from $700 million to $270 billion, and a 25x increase in worldwide electronics revenue, from $70 billion to $1.6 trillion.

"We are definitely heading for a change," asserted Buss in his keynote speech. There are three reasons for that. Firstly, the gate insulator is a few atomic layers thick, and cannot be scaled much further. Secondly, transistor parameter variation from device to device is increasing.

Thirdly, the cost of designing a new product in state-of-the art technology is escalating. "When I started at TI, I could design a chip from the beginning to the end. Today, we have teams of hundreds of people," Buss commented.

He added: "My view is that the end of the roadmap is not hitting a wall, as some people say, but a swamp. We need to push CMOS as far as we can to the end of the roadmap and invent new generation electronics. I think there is no end to the industry. Medical electronics, energy scavenging, energy storage or generation [], they do not need to be at 10-nm."

Expressing himself on R&D strategies with regard to core CMOS, Buss said the high cost of developing new technologies is leading to R&D partnerships to share development costs. Besides, the high cost of designing products in the most advanced technology is slowing the adoption of these technologies.

Except for very high volume products, he continued, being first with a new technology does not provide the cost advantage that it once did. And, being a technology leader in core CMOS technology is becoming less of a competitive advantage.

In the end, Buss noted that R&D efforts that were formerly spent on developing core CMOS technology are now being used for differentiated technologies such as analog, radiofrequency and MEMS, and for product design and development.

"Since CMOS scaling will stagnate within the next ten to fifteen years, researchers are seeking a replacement for CMOS," Buss declared. "By the time CMOS scaling ends, we will have the capability of producing chips with 100 billion transistors for $1.00."

Still looking ahead, Buss gave his predictions regarding nanoelectronics. He said he believed that there is no nanoelectronics technology that has a chance to replace CMOS until 2030 at the earliest. Nanotechnology, however, may be used to augment CMOS (i.e. embedded memory, micro and nanosystems).

"The device that will replace CMOS has not yet been invented," stated Buss. "MOS-like switches will never replace CMOS. The critical problem to be solved is a switch that switches five orders of magnitude of current in 100mV or less. Candidates include tunneling devices and cooperative devices."

Moore's law, Buss concluded, is predicted to stagnate toward the end of the next decade but continued IC cost reduction and growth in capability will result from integrated microsystems and specialized nanoelectronics technologies on CMOS. "There is hope for continuous growth in our industry," he ended.
Nog een bericht dat uitgaat van een (aanstaande) cyclusbodem in de halfgeleiderindustrie.

Chips: Citi Turns Bullish; Upgrades NVDA, STM, IDTI, FCS, NSM; Also Upbeat On Semi Equipment; Ups ATMI, LRCX
Posted by Eric Savitz

Citigroup’s Glen Yeung this morning turned positive on the chip sector, asserting that the sector has reach the right point in the cycle to jump in for the next upturn.

Yeung uses the 1990-91 downturn as a model for the current period, and concludes that “the risk/reward has now become favorable” for select names int he group. “It is optimal to invest ahead of the report of [the] first quarter of year-over-year GDP growth,” he writes, adding that current valuations are near 1990 troughs.” In a research note this morning, Yeung also contends that “estimate capitulation has occurred.” His bottom line: now is the right time to invest in semi names.

In connection with the call, he upgrades Integrated Device Technology (IDTI), Nvidia (NVDA) and STMicro (STM) to Buy from Hold. Yeung’s colleague Craig Ellis, who covers specialty semis, raised Fairchild (FCS) to Hold from Sell, and National Semi (NSM) to Buy from Hold.

Meanwhile, Citigroup semiconductor equipment analyst Timothy Arcuri has turned positive on his group, as well. He says capital intensity in the chip sector has reached the lowest level ever, far below even the 1991 levels. In short, his view is that capital spending on chips has come down so dramatically that the industry is not far from the point where it will have to increase orders. Arcuri today upped his ratings on both Lam Research (LRCX) and ATMI (ATMI) to Buy from Hold.

lees verder:
Een niet door iedereen verwachte stijging van de book-to-bill in Noord-Amerika; 30% hoger in okt in vergelijking met sept.

SEMI book-to-bill up amid downturn

Mark LaPedus EE Times (11/18/2008 7:36 PM EST)

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Amid a fab-tool downturn, North America-based manufacturers of semiconductor equipment posted a book-to-bill ratio of 0.93 in October, up from 0.70 in September, according to SEMI.

A book-to-bill of 0.93 means that $93 worth of orders were received for every $100 of product billed for the month. The SEMI book-to-bill is a ratio of three-month moving averages of worldwide bookings and billings for North American-based semiconductor equipment manufacturers.

''While three month average bookings improved in October, overall bookings and billings for North American equipment manufacturers are at levels comparable to 2003,'' said Stanley T. Myers, president and CEO of San Jose-based SEMI, in a statement. ''Our industry will have to look to the early part of 2009 for clearer signals of market direction."

At present, times are bad in the sector, which faces another downturn. Capital spending has grinded to a halt. And Axcelis, Cognex, Entegris, FSI, Lam, Mattson, Micronic, SemiTool, Tegal and other fab-tool makers have recently announced layoffs.

Applied Materials Inc. said last week it would slash its workforce by about 12 percent, or roughly 1,800 jobs. Chip manufacturing equipment provider KLA-Tencor Corp. will reduce its global workforce by about 900 people as one of several cost-reduction actions in an effort to lower its quarterly run rate by $165 million to $170 million, the company said Tuesday (Nov. 18). In total, the three-month average of worldwide bookings in October 2008 was $843 million.

The bookings figure is about 30 percent greater than the final September 2008 level of $650 million, and about 28 percent less than the $1.18 billion in orders posted in October 2007. The three-month average of worldwide billings in October 2008 was $908 million. The billings figure is two percent less than the final September 2008 level of $927 million, and about 39 percent less than the October 2007 billings level of $1.48 billion.
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